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Polyaxon + Kubeflow を利用した効率的な継続的モデルインテグレーション / Continuous ML Model Integration with Polyaxon and Kubefolow Pipelines

Polyaxon + Kubeflow を利用した効率的な継続的モデルインテグレーション / Continuous ML Model Integration with Polyaxon and Kubefolow Pipelines

第9回 MLOps 勉強会 Tokyo (Online): https://mlops.connpass.com/event/215133/ でトークした際の資料です

Shotaro Kohama

July 13, 2021

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  7. Confidential & Proprietary 2021 Model Exploration with Polyaxon [NOTE] Poyaxon

    v0.6.1 の UI. Polyaxon v1.x では UI は異なる.
  8. Confidential & Proprietary 2021 Model Exploration with Polyaxon --- version:

    1 kind: group hptuning: concurrency: 100 matrix: learning_rate: linspace: 0.001:0.1:5 dropout: values: [0.25, 0.3] activation: values: [relu, sigmoid] declarations: batch_size: 128 num_steps: 500 num_epochs: 1 build: image: tensorflow/tensorflow:2.4.2-py3 build_steps: - pip3 install --no-cache-dir -U polyaxon-helper run: cmd: python3 model.py --batch_size={{ batch_size }} \ --num_steps={{ num_steps }} \ --learning_rate={{ learning_rate }} \ --dropout={{ dropout }} \ --num_epochs={{ num_epochs }} \ --activation={{ activation }} $ polyaxon run -u -f polyaxon_gridsearch.yml ... Creating an experiment group with the following definition: ---------------- ----------------- Search algorithm grid Concurrency 5 concurrent runs Early stopping deactivated ---------------- ----------------- Experiment group 1 was created [NOTE] Poyaxon v0.6.1 の Specification. Polyaxon v1.x では Specification は異なる.
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  14. Confidential & Proprietary 2021 What we built to accelerate Iterations

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    mercari-us-kubeflow-pipelines mercari-us-kubeflow-pipelines ├── components # directory for KFP components ├── docs # directory for documents ├── package │ └── merkfp # python package for lightweight KFP components ├── pipelines # directory for each project pipelines │ └── mercari-us-ml-price-suggestion │ └── train_model.py ├── projects # directory for “project” manifests │ └── mercari-us-ml-price-suggestion.yml └── scripts # directory for scripts on continuous integration KFP + Continuous Integration • KFP Lightweight component や Secret 名などの定数を定義する python package を用意 • branch_name + commit_hash で pipeline version を管理 • 修正された pipeline のみを CI で compile して upload する
  16. Confidential & Proprietary 2021 “Project” Manifest for KFP and Polyaxon

    CI creates resources like Infrastructure as code • Yaml で KFP の Experiments や Polyaxon の Project を定義可能に • Dev と Prod の一貫性を保つために Yaml を元に CI から作成 • GitHub Codeowners も生成 --- kind: Project name: mercari-us-ml-price-suggestion experiments: - name: “Default” - name: “Sneakers” - name: “Trading Cards” owners: - github: "@kouzoh/mercari-price-suggest-us-prod" mercari-ml-price-suggestion-us.yml
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    3 4 5 Init container で secret を使って private repo を clone Main container で secret を使って Polyaxon に login Training job を Polyaxon API を使って submit Log を tail しながら Job が終わるのを待つ Project, Job ID, Status などを次のステップに output
  18. Confidential & Proprietary 2021 Takeaways Polyaxon helps us to achieve

    a scalable and reproducible model exploration Monorepo + CI for KFP works to keep consistency and to spread best practices A custom KFP component for Polyaxon enables us to move forward seamlessly 1 2 3