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State of GeoNode 4.0 (FOSS4G 2022 Edition)

State of GeoNode 4.0 (FOSS4G 2022 Edition)

GeoNode is a Web Spatial Content Management System based entirely on Open Source tools whose purpose is to promote the sharing of data and their management in a simple environment where even non-expert users of GIS technologies can view, edit, manage, and share spatial data, maps, prints and documents attached.

GeoNode is an open source project initiated in 2010 by the World Bank Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery group (GFDRR), but from 2011 is entirely run by the developer community that the project has been able to attract. It claims some large organizations among its contributors such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the European Commission as well as many NGOs and private companies. Supported by a vast, diverse and global open source community, GeoNode is an official project of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo).

Using an open source stack based on mature and robust frameworks and software like Django, MapStore, PostGIS, GeoServer and pycsw, an organization can build on top of GeoNode its own SDI or geospatial portal. GeoNode provides a large number of user-friendly capabilities, broad interoperability using Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards, and a powerful authentication/authorization mechanism.

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the attendees to those which are the GeoNode current capabilities and to some practical use cases of particular interest in order to also highlight the possibility of customization and integration. Finally, we will provide a summary of new features added to GeoNode in the last release up to the latest releases of GeoNode together with a glimpse of what we have planned for next year and beyond, straight from the core developers.

Simone Giannecchini

August 31, 2022

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  1. GeoSolutions Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions

    GeoNode • Offices in Italy & US, Global Clients/Team • 40+ collaborators, 30+ Engineers • Our products • Our Offer
  2. Affiliations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our

    core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT
  3. GeoNode at a Glance GeoNode is a platform for the

    management and publication of geospatial data. It brings together mature open-source software projects under an easy to use interface. With GeoNode, non-specialized users can share data and create interactive maps.
  4. Capabilities • Import geospatial datasets, documents and media • Create

    thematic maps , dashboards and geostories • Manage granular security, permissions and sharing for users and groups • User with appropriate permissions can edit layer metadata, which are exposed by OGC CSW and REST, to provide search/discovery capability • Users with appropriate permissions can edit layer styles and data (for vector layers) • GeoNode exposes a number of standards for each layer: OGC (WMS, WMS-C, WFS, WFS-T, WCS, CSW) and mass market search standards (OAI-PMH, SRU, OpenSearch) • Full control through a RESTful API
  5. Capabilities DATASETS DOCUMENTS LOCAL FILES Upload from local filesystem REMOTE

    SERVICES OGC WMS GeoNode ArcGIS Server Custom harvesters REMOTE FILES (wip) Links (URLs) to remote files
  6. GeoNode at a Glance • It’s also a web framework

    based on Python and Django to allow people to implement SDIs and bespoke Geospatial applications.
  7. The Community • GeoNode code is made of several components,

    hosted on GitHub under the GeoNode organization • The GeoNode Project Steering Committee (PSC) governs the GeoNode project. • Users and developers mailing list, and a Gitter chat are the main communication channels for the community. https://github.com/GeoNode
  8. Releases History • August 2022, GeoNode 4.0.0 • June 2022,

    GeoNode 3.3.2/4.0RC1 • February 2022, GeoNode 3.2.3/3.3.1/4.0RC0 • November 2021, GeoNode 3.2.2/3.3.0 • July 2021, GeoNode 3.2.1 • April 2021, GeoNode 3.2.0 (Django 2.2.16, GeoServer 2.18.2) / GeoNode 3.1.1 (last 3.1 release) • May 2020, GeoNode 3.0 (Django 2.2.13, GeoServer 2.16.2) / GeoNode 2.10.4 (last 2.10 release) • February 2020, GeoNode 2.10.2 (Django 1.11.29, GeoServer 2.15.4, pycsw 2.4.2) • June 2019, GeoNode 2.10 (Django 1.11.20, GeoServer 2.14, pycsw 2.2.0) • April 2018, GeoNode 2.8 (Django 1.8.19, GeoServer 2.12.2, pycsw 2.0.2, group moderation and resources publication workflow, SLD upload, metadata wizard) • May 2017, GeoNode 2.6 (Django 1.8.7, GeoServer 2.9, pycsw 2.0.2, React client, QGIS server backend, ansible and docker setup, Ubuntu 16.04 support) • November 2015, GeoNode 2.4 (Django 1.6.11, GeoServer 2.7, pycsw 1.10.5, django-guardian, groups, remote services, responsive template, Ubuntu 14.04 support) • April 2014, GeoNode 2.0 (Django 1.5.5, GeoServer 2.5, pycsw 1.8.6, django-polymorphic, bootstrap, Ubuntu 12.04 support) • October 2012, GeoNode 1.2 (Django 1.4, GeoServer 2.3, South migrations, django-taggit, social features, comments and ratings, find/add layers widget) • May 2012, GeoNode 1.1.1 (Ubuntu 10.04 and 11.04 installer) • December 2010, GeoNode 1.0, with major contributions from OpenGeo, the World Bank, GFDRR, UNISDR, and GEM • August 2010, GeoNode 1.0-beta
  9. Demo instances • You can play with the online demo

    instances • master https://master.demo.geonode.org • 4.0.x https://development.demo.geonode.org • 3.3.2 https://stable.demo.geonode.org
  10. What’s new for users? • A brand new User Interface

    and several UX enhancements • Simplified interaction with tools and functionality. Less page transitions and steps to search, navigate, preview and perform daily operations on resources (one-click- away actions) • Decluttering of the UI and removal of duplicated tools and UX flows • New Web Mobile version
  11. What’s new for users? • Edit and publish stylings for

    geospatial dataset styling with live preview, thanks to the advanced MapStore styler
  12. What’s new for users? • Integrated viewers and editors •

    Wizard and full metadata metadata editing (Dublin Core, ISO 19115) • Support for additional and custom metadata schemes (e.g. RNDT, DataCite, etc.)
  13. What’s new for users? • Thesauri • Handle multiple thesauri

    • Re-implemented thesaurus import/export using rdflib to support a wider range of RDF formats • Improved i18n in thesauri titles • Improved cardinality handling
  14. What’s new for users? • Simplified upload for datasets and

    media • Asynchronous upload: for heavy datasets you can return back later to see the progress • Optional upload size limits and per user rate limiting (dimension and number of parallel uploads) • Improvements to performance and stability also for big datasets • GeoPackage vector layers batch import (WIP)
  15. What’s new for users? • Permissions and Sharing options •

    Security: Fine-grained permissions per user, group / organization and role • ACL enforced in front of any exposed endpoint: UI, REST API and OGC services • Geofencing: restrict access to specific areas of spatial datasets
  16. What’s new for users? • QGIS GeoNode Plugin • Search,

    preview and load GeoNode resources in QGIS • Upload datasets • Edit style and data Credits: Pacific Resilience Community (SPC), World Bank, Kartoza and Geosolutions
  17. What’s new for users? • GeoNode 4.0 also introduces Harvesters

    • Publish and manage remote resources (WMS, GeoNode instances, ArcGIS MapServer) • Create custom harvesters for your own APIs, e.g. PostgREST, with scheduled jobs • Either publish the remote service or import data and publish as local resource
  18. What’s new for system integrators? • GeoNode 4.0 offers extended

    options to simplify it’s integration into external systems. • A fully revised CRUD REST API • Resource Catalogue search and management • Users / Groups search and management • Upload • Permissions management • GeoNode management commands over HTTP(S) • Async operations tracking and management • Security managed by GeoNode’s share / permissions system • Session, Oauth2 and Basic Auth authentication (with pluggable extensions) • Improved Docker based deployments, which makes installing and running a basic GeoNode / GeoNode Project instance quick and easy
  19. What’s new for developers? • GeoNode 4.0 provides several ways

    to extend and customize both the backend and the frontend • Backend • GeoNode relies on the modular system offered by Django and Django Rest Framework, where new functionality can be easily integrated by developing new Python modules and apps • The concept of “GeoApps” also enables the integration of new resource-based applications within the catalogue services • The Resource “blob” field and the metadata model permits to extend resources with additional custom fields • New apps can extend and leverage the REST API service and the asynchronous engine that drives GeoNode backend services.
  20. What’s new for developers? • GeoNode 4.0 offers several options

    to extend and customize both the backend and the frontend • Frontend • GeoNode fronted is a hybrid application, where client side code (mainly React and MapStore) is mixed with server side page rendering • Branding and new custom pages can be developed with the Django templating functionality, on top of the layout and theming system provided by GeoNode • Custom client side plugins (even integrated with the MapStore framework) can be developed without having to bundle them within the client app code
  21. Upgrade • Are you using an older version? Upgrade! •

    User/Developer lists and Gitter typically covers only supported versions. Today it means only 3.3.2 and 4.0 • Security fixes and installation support on new OSs being added to supported versions only! • Moving data from old versions will be much harder if not impossible • Web interfaces and GIS clients will be much different. No one will be able to backport fixes or improvements to the old ones. • Please upgrade your GeoNode installations!!!