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Tensor Networks and their applications in Physi...

Siva Swaminathan
December 12, 2019

Tensor Networks and their applications in Physics and Machine Learning

Tensor networks originated as a very useful tool to model states of quantum systems with many degrees of freedom (effectively equivalent to high-dimensional probability distributions). By exploiting the naturally sparse entanglement structure, well-designed networks provide variational ansatzes conducive to efficiently modelling such states. Of particular importance are 'MERA' networks, in which information is organized hierarchically, in a manner comparable to feed-forward neural networks. In this talk, I briefly explain the motivation behind and usage of tensor networks, and summarize some applications of tensor networks, both in the physics context, and recent usage in the context of machine learning.

Siva Swaminathan

December 12, 2019


  1. Tensor Networks and their applications in Physics and Machine Learning

    Sivaramakrishnan Swaminathan Vicarious AI http://sivark.me 12 December 2019 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
  2. Before we begin. . . Please feel free to interrupt

    and ask questions! Comments are my own, and do not represent Vicarious AI
  3. History of tensor networks Graphical notation (Roger Penrose in the

    1970s) Representing and formally manipulating computations Index gymnastics on multilinear operators i.e. “tensors” Einstein summation convention
  4. Quantum states ∼ probability distributions States are vectors in a

    Hilbert space, with ψ|ψ = 1 Alternately, density matrices ρ ≡ |ψ ψ| with Tr ρ = 1 Compute expectation values of operators O ≡ Tr [ρO] = ψ|O|ψ Entanglement ∼ Mutual Information Bell’s inequality
  5. Many-body states are high-dimensional Joint distribution on N random variables

    =⇒ dim. ∼ exp (N) Would be nice to handle infinite systems This is why QM is hard, even though it’s linear
  6. Aside: Curse or blessing of dimensionality? Exponentially many dimensions Every

    direction corresponds to a (soft) partitioning! (high “shattering” capacity)
  7. Basic problem setup Local DOFs on a lattice (eg: Ising

    model) Hamiltonian describing how the states are coupled Implicitly defines a distribution, and a “ground state” Compute observables to explain behavior correlation functions ~ statistical moments Why bother? Condensed matter goodies!
  8. Strategy Seek representation amenable to Efficient storage Efficient computations Lossy

    representations that allow controlled approximations Start with the simplest cases (most symmetry) and slowly generalize
  9. Exploit physical principles?! Model typical states eg: Lowest energy state;

    use “power method” Most states in Hilbert space are crazy unphysical! Typical states form a vanishing fraction of Hilbert space Locality =⇒ “area scaling” of entanglement Additional symmetries (translation, scale invariance)
  10. Tensor networks1 Approximate joint distributions (states) by some variational ansatz;

    allows efficient representation and computation Can condition/marginalize over variables efficiently. (Number of variational parameters scale favorably) Often massively over-parametrized 1See Orus 2019 for a recent review
  11. Matrix Product States2 (markov models, tensor train, etc.) Modern perspective

    on DMRG Exponentially decaying correlations Could passably fake power-laws through interesting dynamics, or suitable sum of exponentials! (rich statistics literature) x−r = 1 Γ(r) ∞ 0 tr−1e−xtdt 2See Schollwock 2011 for a review
  12. MERA: Constraints = u† u i j k l i

    j k l = w† w i j i j
  13. Computing the variational parameters in MERA Non-trivial optimization problem, given

    unitarity constraints For each layer Reduce problem to optimizing Tr t A t† B Approximate by optimizing Tr [t C] =⇒ use SVD! Alternating minimization to optimize tensors (t ∈ {u, v}) (More recent developments demonstrate better learning techniques)
  14. Aside: MERA and Wavelets Multi-resolution “shape” of MERA reminiscent of

    wavelets Connection established4 more rigorously Used to design new wavelets from quantum circuits! 4Evenbly+White 2016, 2018
  15. A hard problem Holy grail of fundamental physics for the

    past half-century If we naively combine gravity and quantum mechanics “Infinities” from marginalizing over infinitely many DOFs (dependence on prior; loss of predictivity) Physicists care about answers being finite and unique, so they may be compared with experiment.
  16. Holographic quantum gravity Quantum Mechanics on "boundary" = Quantum Gravity

    in "bulk" (justifications from string theory) {Figure from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:AdS3_(new).png}
  17. MERA ??? ←→ Holography How does “space” emerge from correlated

    DOFs? (deep question in AI/cognition) MERA models entanglement structure in quantum states Holographic spacetime maps entanglement structure Bulk geodesic length ∼ = boundary entanglement (Ryu-Takayanagi formula) Emergent direction encodes scale-dependence of entanglement (renormalization group flow)
  18. Searching for a more direct relationship Lots of discussion over

    the last several years. . . I’ll summarize recent understanding, without detailing justifications MERA discretizes the integral transform of bulk geometry5 5Czech+Lamprou+McCandlish+Sully 2015, 2016
  19. Simplest example: hyperbolic space H2 Full conformal symmetry Start with

    H2 and obtain dS1+1 MERA discretizes dS1+1 Causal structure and scaling of correlations (I’m happy to sketch the calculation if desired)
  20. Minimal Updates Proposal (MUP) Modeling scale invariant systems with a

    local defect Originally6 motivated by computational convenience 6Evenbly+Vidal 2015
  21. Our generalization: defect geometries Reduced symmetry: more nuanced duality; harder

    computations Proposed7 a novel generalization of the MUP: Rayed MERA principled justification based on symmetry arguments (Boundary OPE) 7Czech+Nguyen+Swaminathan 2017
  22. Summary: Quantum mechanics ↔ Spacetime geometry TNs organize many-body systems

    by structure of correlations Sparsity in entanglement ↔ spatial structure
  23. TNs for discriminative models (Reminiscent of quantum circuit interpretation of

    tensor network) Linear classifier on a suitable encoding of the input y = W · Φ(x) Represent classifier (W) by a tensor network Tensor bond dimensions regularize model capacity; can be chosen adaptively
  24. MPS for MNIST9 Generalize one-hot encoding at each pixel; tensor

    product over locations Reshape image to 1d (ugh!), and represent linear classifier functional as MPS Regularization from approximation L2 cost function; network structure gives efficient gradients Choose internal bond dimension adaptively while optimizing (SVD step) 9Stoudenmire+Schwab 2016
  25. TNs for generative models11 (Reminiscent of wavefunction interpretation of tensor

    network) Efficient contraction schemes provide inference supporting variety of “queries” a la graphical models. Direct sampling schemes10 MCMC 10Ferris+Vidal 2012 11Han+Wang+Fan+Wang+Zhang 2018
  26. TN ↔ more familiar ML models MPS and RBMs Tree

    tensor networks and Conv. Arithmetic Circuits Coarse graining structure of language models etc, etc, etc. This slide is just meant to be indicative. See Orus 2019 for a more comprehensive listing and references
  27. TensorNetwork12 API on top of TensorFlow (2019) Previously had to

    write efficient bespoke code Recently released by Google X, one of the highlights at NeurIPS 2019 Convenient Python interface GPU backend =⇒ massive speedup! 12Roberts et. al. 2019
  28. Themes to explore Engineering Develop better ansatzes (esp. for higher

    dimensional space) Make sense of these classes Better techniques (differential programming13) Exploit them for ML! ML on quantum computers!? Physics Quantum many-body systems (condensed matter physics) Why do these variational models work so well!? MERA and renormalization group flow Quantum gravity (holography) 13Liao+Liu+Wang+Xiang 2019