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What is quantum field theory?

Siva Swaminathan
November 23, 2015

What is quantum field theory?

Invited talk at the gathering of the Society of Physics Students (at UT Austin). Intended as an introduction, for physics undergraduate students with varying levels of familiarity with classical and quantum mechanics, but no prior knowledge of field theory.

Siva Swaminathan

November 23, 2015

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  2. Quantum eld theory is a framework to describe systems which

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  12. How to do physics Specify an initial quantum state Find

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  16. Classical Mechanics Quantum Mechanics Classical Field theory Quantum Field theory

    h → 0 reducing DOFs (c → ∞) h → 0 reducing DOFs (c → ∞)
  17. Quantum eld theory is a framework to describe systems which

    evolve quantum mechanically (unitarity) have many degrees of freedom (excitations) which respect locality (causality) That's basically it.
  18. Thank you "The rst principle is that you must not

    fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool." -- Richard Feynman