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Kepler/K2 Science Conference V

Kepler/K2 Science Conference V


March 07, 2019

More Decks by skgrunblatt

Other Decks in Research


  1. Planetary Archaeology: Exploring Planets Transiting Evolved Stars Samuel Grunblatt, Daniel

    Huber, Eric Gaidos, Eric Lopez Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii— Manoa, Honolulu, HI [email protected]
  2. To solve long-standing planet inflation mysteries Can planets be inflated

    at late times? (Burrows+ 2000, Bodenheimer+ 2001, Lopez+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2017) Why should you care about planets orbiting giant stars? [email protected] @skgrunblatt
  3. The Mechanism of Planet Inflation e.g., Bodenheimer+ (2001), Showman &

    Guillot (2002),
 Batygin & Stevenson (2010), Ginzburg & Sari (2016) Class I: planet interior inflated directly by increased stellar irradiation Class II: cooling delayed after planet formation e.g., Burrows+ (2000), Chabrier & Baraffe (2007), Leconte & Chabrier (2012), Wu & Lithwick (2013) [email protected] @skgrunblatt
  4. How to distinguish between Classes I and II? Class I:

    re-inflation Class II: no re-inflation [email protected] @skgrunblatt
  5. delayed cooling ] re-inflation Grunblatt+ (2017) Is K2-97b re-inflated? Probably.

    Data implies significant post-MS planet heating. But how? K2-97b: [email protected] @skgrunblatt
  6. delayed cooling ] re-inflation Grunblatt+ (2017) Is K2-97b re-inflated? Probably.

    Kepler-422b: 1.15 Msun 0.43 MJ 7.89 days Data implies significant post-MS planet heating. But how? K2-97b: [email protected] @skgrunblatt
  7. delayed cooling ] re-inflation Grunblatt+ (2017) Is K2-97b re-inflated? Probably.

    Kepler-422b: 1.15 Msun 0.43 MJ 7.89 days Data implies significant post-MS planet heating. But how? K2-97b: [email protected] @skgrunblatt Berger+ (2018)
  8. To solve long-standing planet inflation mysteries Can planets be inflated

    at late times? (Burrows+ 2000, Bodenheimer+ 2001, Lopez+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2017) @skgrunblatt [email protected] Why should you care about planets orbiting giant stars?
  9. To solve long-standing planet inflation mysteries Can planets be inflated

    at late times? (Burrows+ 2000, Bodenheimer+ 2001, Lopez+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2017) To study planet evolution: as star evolves, planets must react inspiral, circularization, engulfment timescales still unknown (Villaver+ 2014, Fuller 2017, MacLeod+ 2018, Grunblatt+ 2018) @skgrunblatt [email protected] Why should you care about planets orbiting giant stars?
  10. Do close-in giant planets orbiting evolved stars prefer eccentric orbits?

    e = 0.06 +0.02-0.01 e = 0.15 +0.08-0.04 Grunblatt+ (2018) @skgrunblatt [email protected]
  11. To solve long-standing planet inflation mysteries Can planets be inflated

    at late times? (Burrows+ 2000, Bodenheimer+ 2001, Lopez+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2017) To study planet evolution: as star evolves, planets must react inspiral, circularization, engulfment timescales still unknown (Villaver+ 2014, Fuller 2017, MacLeod+ 2018, Grunblatt+ 2018) @skgrunblatt [email protected] Why should you care about planets orbiting giant stars?
  12. To solve long-standing planet inflation mysteries Can planets be inflated

    at late times? (Burrows+ 2000, Bodenheimer+ 2001, Lopez+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2016, Grunblatt+ 2017) To study planet evolution: as star evolves, planets must react inspiral, circularization, engulfment timescales still unknown (Villaver+ 2014, Fuller 2017, MacLeod+ 2018, Grunblatt+ 2018) To understand stellar variability: key to getting better star/planet parameters & finding currently undetectable planets with future missions motivates new models to characterize stellar variability (Grunblatt+ 2015, Grunblatt+ 2017, Jones+ 2018, RVxK2, RVxTESS) @skgrunblatt [email protected] Why should you care about planets orbiting giant stars?
  13. Traces stellar granulation & oscillation signals Grunblatt+ (2017) SHO GP

    light curve model teaches us about stellar variability
  14. Giant Planet Occurrence Within 0.2 AU of Low Luminosity Red

    Giant Branch Stars Grunblatt+ (in prep.)
  15. A Search for Giants Orbiting Giants with K2 ➤ >10,000

    Low Luminosity Red Giant Branch (LLRGB) targets ➤ Transit detection limit: ~9 Rsun ➤ K2 limit for asteroseismology: 283 μHz (~3 Rsun) ➤ Temperature limits: 4500—5500 K 
 (avoids horizontal branch stars) Huber+ (2016) @skgrunblatt [email protected]
  16. LLRGB Planet Occurrence Grunblatt+ (in prep.) @skgrunblatt [email protected] planet occurrence

    decreases with radius around MS stars… …but seems to increase with radius around evolved stars!
  17. Test migration dependencies on star, planet properties with >10x planets!

    @skgrunblatt [email protected] Campante+ (2016), Barclay+ (2018), Grunblatt (2018)
  18. Summary: we should all care about planets orbiting giant stars!

    To solve planet inflation mysteries Can planets be inflated at late times? (Burrows+2000, Bodenheimer+2001, Lopez+2016, Grunblatt+2016, Grunblatt+2017) To study planet migration: as star evolves, planets must react inspiral, circularization, engulfment timescales still unknown (Villaver+2014, Fuller 2017, MacLeod+2018, Grunblatt+2018) To understand stellar variability: key to measuring better star/planet parameters and finding currently undetectable planets with future missions motivates new models to characterize stellar variability (Grunblatt+2015, Grunblatt+2017, Jones+2018, RVxK2, RVxTESS) [email protected] @skgrunblatt ifa.hawaii.edu/~skg
  19. Stellar activity: 10-30 m/s Planetary signal: 1.5 m/s HARPS-N HIRES

    Gaussian process RV analysis Grunblatt+ (2015)
  20. Comparing different light curve models: Used squared exponential and simple

    harmonic oscillator GP kernel functions to account for astrophysical noise detrended light curve: no additional noise model
  21. Used squared exponential and simple harmonic oscillator GP kernel functions

    to account for astrophysical noise Squared Exponential Gaussian Process Comparing different light curve models:
  22. Simple Harmonic Oscillator GP ] correlated granulation
 & osc. signal

    minimized Used squared exponential and simple harmonic oscillator GP kernel functions to account for astrophysical noise Comparing different light curve models:
  23. Combined transit + GP models Simple Harmonic Oscillator GP Squared

    Exponential GP Used squared exponential and simple harmonic oscillator GP kernel functions to account for granulation & oscillation noise Grunblatt+ (2017)
  24. Appendix. Why are K2-97b, K2-132b, K2-161b so similar? 0.01 0.10

    1.00 10.00 planet mass (Jupiters) 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 survey bias factor Short answer: probably survey bias * intrinsic planet occurrence
  25. Appendix. Why is planet transit depth poorly constrained? Different lightcurves

    treat systematics differently. Somewhat accounted for with GP model Grunblatt+ (2016)
  26. Asteroseismic stellar parameters: are they accurate? Calibrated asteroseismic relations with

    interferometry (~5% agreement), eclipsing binaries (5-10% agreements). Soon, calculating bolometric fluxes and radii from spectra, and Gaia parallaxes. ~500 bolometric fluxes in hand now. Grunblatt+ (in prep.)