available for integrating vSphere into OpenStack: •ESX driver (compute_driver=vmwareapi.VMwareESXDriver) •VC driver (compute_driver=vmwareapi.VMwareVCDriver) •ESX driver is unable to take advantage of advanced capabilities (no vMotion, no DRS, no HA) •VC driver enables the use of vMotion, DRS, HA within OpenStack deployments
nova-compute instance per ESXi host •This nova-compute instance typically runs as a VM on the ESXi host it is “managing” •Not really being developed/enhanced over time (effort is going into VC Driver)
first introduced with Grizzly •Abstracts an entire cluster as a single nova-compute instance •Details of ESXi clusters are hidden from OpenStack •This enables HA, DRS, vMotion, etc. •Original Grizzly version was single-cluster driver •To scale to multiple clusters, you’d need multiple nova- compute instances •These nova-compute instances could run as separate VMs or as processes on the same VM
will introduce “multi-cluster” operation •Allows for a single nova-compute instance to represent multiple clusters •Uses multiple cluster_name parameters in nova.conf, one for each cluster •Still have the option of using multiple nova-compute instances to represent multiple clusters
to help VMware administrators “kick the tires” with vSphere and OpenStack •An all-in-one deployment of OpenStack packaged up as a vApp •Leverages vApp properties to automatically configure OpenStack and VCDriver •Get it here: https://communities.vmware.com/docs/DOC-24626 •Provide feedback! OpenStack Community available at https:// communities.vmware.com/community/vmtn/openstack