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How to make your GitHub repo popular

How to make your GitHub repo popular

Tips & tricks that will help launching your products on GitHub with real world examples from https://github.com/epicmaxco/vuestic-admin and https://github.com/epicmaxco/epic-spinners

Andrei Hrabouski

May 19, 2018

Other Decks in Programming


  1. How to Make Your GitHub Repo Popular With real cases

    of Vuestic and Epic Spinners
 Andrei Hrabouski
  2. About Me • Co-founder at Epicmax and DreamSupport
 • Frontend

    developer • Gathered 24k+ GitHub stars
 • Built Epicmax as a service company around it’s open source products
  3. Why Do We Create Open Source Software? • Altruism —

    empowering the community with nice and useful libs • Egoism — getting benefits (better CV, marketing, portfolio) • Egoistic altruism — doing good deeds with a reason ;)
  4. What Does GitHub Popularity Give You? • People are using

    your lib • Nice traffic • People’s feedback • Contributors’ help • Community
  5. The Cycle Want people use your repo? Get developers to

    trust it Want developers to trust it? Get some start to show people use it Want stars? Get people to use your repo
  6. Framing: Readme & Graphics • Title & description • Graphics

    and screenshots • Link to demo • Requirements • Installation guides • Usage examples
  7. Launch: GitHub Trending • Prepare the promotion channels 

    Choose the day
 • Choose time X
 • Ask friends
 • Feedback loop
  8. Launch: Planning Teammates +10 11 AM Friends +70 12 PM

    Local Channels +10 2 PM Reddit +50 3:30 PM Twitter, FB, Slack +30 5 pm Trending 180
  9. Launch: Channels • Reddit (reddit.com, reddit.com/r/javascript) • Producthunt (producthunt.com) •

    Hackernews (news.ycombinator.com) • Twitter • Facebook groups • Made with websites (madewithvuejs.com, madewithangular.com, madewithreact.com) • Slack channels (standuply.com/slack-groups) • Telegram channels (tgram.io/topic/2/it/dev) • Newsletters (javascriptweekly.com, vuejsfeed.com, phpweekly.com)
  10. Launch: Next • Continue using the channels • Add yourself

    to awesome lists (github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) • Keep rocking