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Third Smart City Seminar "Smart Campus Social E...

Smart Campus
February 28, 2013

Third Smart City Seminar "Smart Campus Social Engine: sharing and following interests"

Ronald Chenu-Abente, post-doc researcher at the University of Trento is presenting Smart Campus Social Engine, a system that uses a semantics-enhanced approach to capture flows of information and to introduce a novelty feature called "Interest Following" that allows receiving notifications not only from other users but also from places, institutions or even defined topics.

Smart Campus

February 28, 2013

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  1. Following and Sharing your interests Ronald Chenu-Abente, Ilya Zaihrayeu, Viktor

    Pravdin Department of Computer Science and Engineering SmartCampus’  Social  Engine  
  2. 5 March 2013 2/21 Social  Engine Three-year project Users are

    considered “prosumers” Android Platform (mobile) Has released 6 apps 100+ students “beta testing” Looking to reach a wider audience Developed for UNITN students Developed in Trento Aims to provide useful and accessible services
  3. 5 March 2013 3/21 Social  Engine Provide the means for

    sharing and communication between users of the SmartCampus platform •  Specific Objectives •  Define the user’s social Environment •  Share information and content •  Tag and Comment •  Follow •  Friends •  Interesting People •  Places …and more! THE SOCIAL ENGINE
  4. 5 March 2013 4/21 Social  Engine SOCIAL ENGINE ARCHITECTURE ACCESS

     CONTROL   But things change! So we need to notify the users KW Base User Entity Spaces ? Central Server
  5. 5 March 2013 5/21 Social  Engine •  What is the

    problem that we want to solve? Allow easy finding and sharing of interesting information •  How others solve this? •  Facebook: Posting, Friending, Liking •  Twitter: micro-posting, follow, hashtags •  Google+: all of the previous, Circles, Communities •  Our solution: the 3 questions approach •  WHO? •  WHAT? •  HOW? STEPPING BACK INTO A MORE PRACTICAL SCOPE
  6. 5 March 2013 6/21 Social  Engine My social environment is

    made of people that I interact with •  Users (for example Pietro, John) •  User Groups (for example Friends, Family) •  Known Users: sometime interacted with them •  Public: everyone WHO? DEFINING SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT
  7. 5 March 2013 7/21 Social  Engine EXAMPLE ‘WHO EXPRESSIONS’ Rose

    John Jade Dave Family University Friends Following Parent Teacher All Users Known Users Stephan Paul Alphonse George
  8. 5 March 2013 8/21 Social  Engine Refers subjects or purpose

    of what I find interesting •  Content (Entities): my homework, my profile photo, a love poem •  Annotations (Tags): comments of tags added to content •  Concept: adds a semantic concept to the entity •  Entity relation: relates the one entity with another •  Free Text: adds a given text tag to the entity WHAT? DEFINING INTEREST SUBJECTS
  9. 5 March 2013 9/21 Social  Engine HOW? DEFINING CONTENT TYPE

    How these interests are represented •  Types of Entities in SmartCampus •  Places •  Events •  Stories •  Journey •  CV •  Media: photos, videos
  10. 5 March 2013 10/21 Social  Engine •  The SC Social

    Engine allows the user to decide: •  WHO is sharing the content I am interested in? •  WHAT are the topics that I am interested in? •  HOW is this content represented? •  Each of these provides •  Source -> Social Environment •  Subject -> Concept, Relation or Name •  Type -> Entity Type •  Some examples: •  Pictures shared by my friends from their mountain hiking; •  Tell me when anyone posts a happy hour in bar AL Ponte; •  Notify me when a seminar on artificial intelligence is organized by my work colleagues and when its data is changed FOLLOWING INTERESTS
  11. 5 March 2013 16/21 Social  Engine •  Based on the

    interests followed news are created when: •  New matching content is added •  Content already reported is modified •  The generated news can be read, deleted, archived •  Aggregates into a concept/reference based news-feed •  Suggesting friends based on common interests NOTIFICATIONS AND MORE SERVICES
  12. 5 March 2013 17/21 Social  Engine •  Comparable approaches • 

    Twitter •  WHO: following/followers •  WHAT: hashtags •  Google+ •  WHO: circles •  WHAT: business users + communities •  Facebook: •  WHO: mutual friending •  WHAT: business users + liked pages news •  Facebook’s Graph Search FOLLOWING IN OTHER SOCIAL NETWORKS
  13. 5 March 2013 18/21 Social  Engine •  Access Control component

    based on the RelBAC theory •  RelBAC proposes a model and logic to deal with modern issues of AC •  Models Subjects and Objects as tree-like structures •  Exploits translation from classifications to lightweight ontologies ACCESS CONTROL , SHARING AND PRIVACY
  14. 5 March 2013 19/21 Social  Engine CURRENT IMPLEMENTATION AND RESULTS

    Users 112 Live  topics 166 User  groups 126 Live  topic  updates   9222 EnAAes 2530 Shared  enAAes 203 Community  enAAes 2256 Free  Text  annotaAons 257 User  enAAes 274 SemanAc  AnnotaAons 149
  15. 5 March 2013 20/21 Social  Engine •  The Social Core

    is: •  a back-end infrastructure for mobile Social Networks •  introduces semantic technologies to improve services •  Annotations •  Search •  Access control •  Future Work •  Extension of the Social Core •  Communities, multiple users for the same person, privacy options •  Integration with existing Social Networks •  SmartCampus Project •  Deeper user-based studies to obtain feedback •  Refine the presentation and functionalities offered CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK
  16. Via alla Cascata 56C Povo di Trento, 38123 Italy info@smartcampuslab.it

    www.smartcampuslab.it Follow Smart Campus Lab : Thank you!