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Day3-0930-LT-The inclusion of small OpenStreetMap communities

September 01, 2017

Day3-0930-LT-The inclusion of small OpenStreetMap communities

Tommy G D Charles
Sunday Lightning talk, Main hall



September 01, 2017

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  1. Frequent and advanced mapping trainings After receiving OpenStreetMap trainings, it

    would be nice if frequent and improved trainings like JOSM, Potlach, Mapilary, field mapping etc are given to participants. Mappers, especially students become curious and eager to get further trainings. Once they received these trainings, it will ensure improvement on their skills, knowledge and partake in mapping activities of different kinds. I'm quite sure this will stimulate their efforts to organize frequent Mapathon, field mapping on their own. On a higher level, it will be encouraging if OpenStreetMap is massively introduced and taught in Schools, and tertiary institutions as a subject or a module. This will facilitate the continued existence of OpenStreetMap experts and trainers in every community.
  2. The establishment mapping centres or national and regional meeting points

    for mappers At this point I'd like to express gratitude for the first ever State of the Map conference Africa, held in Uganda and also for this one. I known this has created an atmosphere for the exchange of thoughts and ideas among mapping enthusiasts. It would be nice if this initiative is also implemented on a national or regional scale. Meeting points for mappers should be established, thus it would be essential if mapping centres are created for the purpose of collective mapping activities and the creation of thought and knowledge sharing atmospheres like this. when small and young communities meet for a common goal it is obvious the goal will be achieved. This is uncertain if done alone with limited resources
  3. Thee inclusion and empowerment of women and girls in the

    field of mapping In most mapping communities I have been to, women and girls participation are on the low compared to men and boys. Against this backdrop it would be encouraging if focus is concentrated on the inclusion and empowerment of women and girls in mapping activities. Mapping is seen as a field for men, where I'm from, but with the frequent trainings and mapping activities there has been an increase in the number of female participation in the field of mapping. This has helped to ensure the steady growth of our Youth Mappers Chapter. Lets get this in mind that Women and girls shouldn't be left behind.
  4. The introduction of Openstreetmap in the operations of Different organizations

    As a humanitarian in heart, I plead with my fellow youth mappers to engage in humanitarian mapping activities such as the Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team Tasks. To ensure this happens it would be nice if Humanitarian or aid organizations include OpenStreetMap in their operations. This can be done by providing the technical assistance or conducive environment to mapping chapters. A typical example is the coordination of Youth Mappers by the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society. Wherein they've given all the necessary assistance to Youth Mappers and facilitate Mapathons.
  5. Introduction and Definition of small OSM Community Hello Everyone I'm

    Tommy Charles From Sierra Leone representing the Students Geographical Association- Youth Mappers, Fourah Bay College. I'll be giving a lightning talk on the inclusion of small and young openstreetmap communities .Please note, OpenStreetMap communities with less then 25 participants and those with very limited technology and technical capabilities are reffered to as Small and young communities. I hope and plead my points are taken into consideration.
  6. Conclusion As I conclude I'd like to state the key

    points or suggestions of this lighting talk, which are; Frequent and advanced mapping trainings, establishment of mapping centres or national and regional meeting points for mappers, the inclusion and empowerment of women and girls in the field of mapping and the introduction of Openstreetmap in the operations of Different organizations. I'm sure these suggestions will not only ensure the growth of the OpenStreetMap community worldwide but as a tool for the achievement of the Sustainable developmentgoals.