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Building threat intelligence is challenging, even under the most ideal circumstances. But what if you are even more limited in your resources? You are part of a small (but skilled) team, with high expectations, and people are relying on you to make business-critical decisions…all the time! What do you do in that situation? Turn a Toyota Tercel into a tank, of course.

The Interpres Security threat intelligence team found itself in that exact situation. Wanting to leverage the MITRE ATT&CK catalog in creating a comprehensive and timely threat intelligence repository, the Interpres team built a series of tools, processes, and paradigms that we call Intelligence Engineering. In this talk, we’ll examine how we combined ATT&CK, STIX2, the Vertex Project’s open-source intelligence platform, Synapse, and custom code to deliver meaningful, rapid, verifiable intelligence to our customers. We’ll share lessons learned on automation, how to run multiple ATT&CK libraries side-by-side and making programmatic intelligence delivery scalable and effective – just like building a tank out of an imported sedan.

Scott J. Roberts

May 09, 2024

More Decks by Scott J. Roberts

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  1. Scott J Roberts Head of Threat Research 2023-10-25 Leveraging Limited

    Resources to Build an Evolving Threat Repository Driving Intelligence with MITRE ATT&CK
  2. What Interpres Does Defense Readiness 01 Defense Surface Op1miza1on 02

    Prioritize Vulnerabilities 03 Stack & Product Ra1onaliza1on 04
  3. MITRE ATT&CK for Internal Customers Interpres is Intel driven from

    the core. Built originally on public threat intelligence data straight from mitre/cti. Needed custom threat data to keep up.
  4. Goals • Code First: git push or bust • Depth:

    Collection Requirements • Breadth: Collection Requirements • Speed: Automation • Accuracy: Automation & Manual Review • Compatibility: Output to STIX2
  5. STIX2 != ATT&CK && ATT&CK != STIX2 ATT&CK Tactics Techniques

    Groups Software Campaigns STIX2 Attack- Pattern Attack- Pattern Intrusion-Set Malware (Usually…) Campaigns ATT&CK to STIX2
  6. We want MITRE Intelligence & Interpres Intelligence… with as little

    duplication as possible! • Wherever possible we use MITRE ATT&CK Content  Exclusively using MITRE ATT&CK Techniques  Leverage MITRE ATT&CK Groups, Malware, Campaigns, & Relationships • Build custom Groups, Malware, Campaigns & Relationships  Based on internal research, RFIs, etc  More on that a bit later • Relationships are intelligently divided between MITRE/CTI & Intrepres/CTI • DANGER (But Available): All lookups prioritize Interpres/CTI
  7. Tooling is Limited • All content is code (STIX2) and

    created with code  Automated: Custom Automapper (Let computer do what computers are good at)  By Hand Creation & Curation: Jupyter Notebooks + STIX2 Library • Actively working on STIX2 Helper Library  Merging, Bulk Actions, etc  Testing Mapping Scenarios • Git is workflow management • Yes, we looked at Decider, TRAM, & ATT&CK Workbench
  8. The Future There are limitations of STIX2 Library & Jupyter

    Notebooks Synapse is code for Intelligence & Easier to Extend ConBnue leveraging STIX2 for CompaBbility & Tooling