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Unity遊戲程式設計(04) 2D移動與碰撞處理I

Wu, ShyiShiou
November 14, 2016

Unity遊戲程式設計(04) 2D移動與碰撞處理I


Wu, ShyiShiou

November 14, 2016

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    計 組 Unity遊戲程式設計(04) 2D移動與碰撞處理I 吳錫修 Nov 14, 2016
  2. shape the future  物理世界兩個物體撞在⼀起會發⽣碰撞,遊戲世界裡要透過碰撞器 來模擬現實世界的碰撞情形  碰撞器是在元件加入⼀層透明的偵測層,代表元件物理效應發⽣的 範圍 

    選單「Component/Physics 2D」內可找到所有碰撞器  Rigidbody 2D (剛體)  埸景中會移動的元件都應加上剛體  具備物理性質:摩擦力 (Mass)、線性阻力 ( Linear Drag)、旋轉阻力 (Angular Drag)、重力 (Gravity Scale)  IsKinematic屬性  設定為運動物件,本身不受物理性質影響,但會受其它物件影響 碰撞器 1/3 2 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  3. shape the future  Box Collider 2D (方框碰撞器)  適用於矩形物體

     Circle Collider 2D (圓形碰撞器)  適用於球形物體  Edge Collider 2D (邊緣碰撞器)  適用於邊界、地板或天花板  可編輯/調整線段節點  Polygon Collider 2D (多邊形碰撞器)  能較精準貼近不規則物體,但會耗用較多運算資源 碰撞器 2/3 3 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  4. shape the future  Is Trigger屬性  通常道具元件會勾選Is Trigger,具碰撞檢測功能並發送碰撞通知 

    主角可穿透被設定為Is Trigger之道具  剛體元件程式腳本使用下列函式處理碰撞 void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { //進入碰接撞時 } void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) { //結束碰接撞時 } 碰撞器 3/3 4 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  5. shape the future  在Update()中控制物件移動  更新座標方式 (要計算位移,物體移動比較⽣硬不自然) transform.Translate(Vector3.up *

    0.1f); transform.Translate(Vector3.down * 0.1f); transform.Translate(Vector3.right * 0.1f); transform.Translate(Vector3.left * 0.1f);  對剛體物件施力 _rigidbody2D = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>(); Vector2 force2D = Vector2.zero; force2D.y += forceValue; // force2D.x += forceValue; _rigidbody2D.AddForce(force2D); 物件移動控制 5 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  6. shape the future  將background拖曳到ufo場景  Position設定為 (x, y, z)

    = (0, 0, 0)  Main Camera元件  將Camera Background設定為黑色  將Camera Size設定為16.5 設定場景背景 7 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  7. shape the future  將ufo拖曳到ufo場景  Position設定為 (x, y, z)

    = (0, 0, 0) 加入UFO物件 8 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  8. shape the future  編輯UFOController程式如下: public float speed; void Update

    () { if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)){ this.transform.position += new Vector3 (0, speed*Time.deltaTime, 0); } if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.S)) { this.transform.position += new Vector3 (0, -speed*Time.deltaTime, 0); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { this.transform.position += new Vector3 (-speed*Time.deltaTime, 0, 0); } if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)){ this.transform.position += new Vector3 (speed*Time.deltaTime, 0, 0); } } 讓UFO動起來 2/3 10 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  9. shape the future  Inspector面板將ufo之speed設定為10,執行測試看看 讓UFO動起來 3/3 11 Wu, ShyiShiou

    Dept. of E.E., NKUT  可以用W、A、S、D鍵移動飛碟  飛碟移動起並不自然  飛碟可以飛出邊界
  10. shape the future  選取ufo元件  Component選單Physics 2D\Rigidbody 2D,加入剛體性質 

    執行測試發現ufo會自動往下掉;  把Gravity Scale改成0,模擬太空無重力 狀態 改用物理加速度方式移動 1/3 12 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  11. shape the future  修改UFOController程式如下: public float forceValue; private Rigidbody2D

    _rigidbody2D = null; void Start () { _rigidbody2D = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> (); } void Update () { Vector2 force2D = Vector2.zero; if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)){ force2D.y += forceValue; } if (Input.GetKey (KeyCode.S)) { force2D.y -= forceValue; } 改用物理加速度方式移動 2/3 13 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  12. shape the future if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A)) { force2D.x -= forceValue; }

    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.D)){ force2D.x += forceValue; } _rigidbody2D.AddForce(force2D); }  Force Value設定為3,執行測試看看  飛碟會以加速度移動了  飛碟還是會飛出邊界 改用物理加速度方式移動 3/3 14 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  13. shape the future  選取ufo元件  Component選單Physics 2D\Circle Collider 2D,加入圓形碰撞器

     把Radius調成2.12,讓Collider2D大小 與ufo圖片重合 設定UFO飛行邊界 1/2 15 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  14. shape the future  選取background元件  Component選單Physics 2D\Edge Collider 2D,加入邊緣碰撞器

     點擊「Edit Collider」按鈕  讓edit collider環繞背景內緣四週  執行測試,飛碟不會穿牆出去了 設定UFO飛行邊界 2/2 16 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  15. shape the future  在Hierarchy面板中,將 Main Camera拖到ufo元件底下  執行測試 

    遊戲鏡頭會以飛碟為中心  飛碟撞到邊界,飛碟會旋轉;由於Camera鏡頭是跟附在飛碟上,飛碟 時旋轉遊戲鏡頭也會跟著旋轉,背景圖就會旋轉 讓Camera鏡頭跟著飛碟移動 1/2 17 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  16. shape the future  為Main Camera元件加入CameraController程式腳本,關閉鏡頭旋 轉,程式如下 public class CameraController

    : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { this.transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.zero; } }  執行測試  飛碟可以在邊界內飛行,背景圖也不會旋轉了 讓Camera鏡頭跟著飛碟移動 2/2 18 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  17. shape the future  拖曳gold.png到場景  命名為pickup  Component選單Physics 2D\Rigidbody

    2D,加入剛體性質  勾選Is Kinematic 佈置金塊道具 1/5 19 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  18. shape the future  Component選單Physics 2D\Circle Collider 2D,加入圓形碰撞器  勾選Is

    Trigger 佈置金塊道具 2/5 20 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  19. shape the future  為pickup元件加入PickupController程式腳本,讓金塊自主旋轉 public class PickupController : MonoBehaviour

    { public float RotateSpeed; // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { this.transform.Rotate (new Vector3(0,0,RotateSpeed*Time.deltaTime)); } } 佈置金塊道具 3/5 21 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  20. shape the future  當飛碟碰到金塊,讓金塊消失  開啟UFOController.cs,加入以下程式碼 void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)

    { other.gameObject.SetActive (false); } void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other) { }  執行測試  飛碟碰到金塊時,金塊會自動消失了 讓UFO收集金塊 24 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  21. shape the future  GameObject->UI->Text命令加入⼀個Text元 件,命名為Score  Anchor設為左上角  Pos

    X設為40,Pos Y設為-25  Width設為200,Height設為48  Text設為Score: 0  Font Size設為32  Color設為白色 顯示分數 1/6 25 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  22. shape the future  Score元件加入ScoreManager程式腳本,程式如下 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using

    UnityEngine.UI; public class ScoreManager : MonoBehaviour { private Text _text; private float _currentScore = 0; const string ScorePrefix = "Score : "; // Use this for initialization void Start () { _text = this.GetComponent<Text> (); _text.text = ScorePrefix + _currentScore; } 顯示分數 3/6 27 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT 注意Text是定義在Unity.Engine.UI底下
  23. shape the future public void AddScore(int score) { _currentScore +=

    score; _text.text = ScorePrefix + _currentScore; } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } } 顯示分數 4/6 28 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT
  24. shape the future  修改UFOController.cs,當飛碟收集到金塊時增加分數 using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public

    class UFOController : MonoBehaviour { public float forceValue; private Rigidbody2D _rigidbody2D = null; public ScoreManager scoremanager; ... void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other) { other.gameObject.SetActive (false); scoremanager.AddScore (100); } } 顯示分數 5/6 29 Wu, ShyiShiou Dept. of E.E., NKUT 宣告ScoreManager 更新分數