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Getting the most out of jest-axe

Getting the most out of jest-axe

Jest-axe is a custom matcher (the bit that does the checking in your test) for testing accessibility. It’s a handy way to catch a11y errors in our components.

To get the most value from it, though, we need to be a little careful about how we use it.

We’ll go from ‘iHaveNoIdea’ to ‘toHaveNoViolations’ in 20 minutes.

Steve Barnett

November 10, 2021

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  1. Agenda 1. What is jest-axe? 2. How do we set

    it up? 3. What could we test? 4. What else could we do?
  2. Agenda ! 1. What is jest-axe? 2. How do we

    set it up? 3. What could we test? 4. What else could we do?
  3. What is jest? “Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework

    with a focus on simplicity.” — jestjs.io
  4. What is jest-axe? Custom Jest matcher for axe for testing

    accessibility expect(1 + 2).toBe(3);
  5. Agenda ✔ 1. What is jest-axe? ! 2. How do

    we set it up? 3. What could we test? 4. What else could we do?
  6. // ! Configuration. Option 1: per component // component.test.js import

    { axe, toHaveNoViolations } from 'jest-axe'; expect.extend(toHaveNoViolations);
  7. // ! Configuration. Option 2: with helpers // testutils.js import

    { configureAxe } from 'jest-axe'; const axe = configureAxe({ rules: { region: { enabled: false } } }); export default axe;
  8. // ! Configuration. Option 2: with helpers // testutils.js import

    { toHaveNoViolations } from 'jest-axe'; expect.extend(toHaveNoViolations);
  9. // ! Test! // component.test.js // imports and things it('should

    not have any a11y errors', async () => { // render or mount the component into const container expect(await axe(container)).toHaveNoViolations(); }) // what's in the expect depends on your // framework and testing setup
  10. Agenda ✔ 1. What is jest-axe? ✔ 2. How do

    we set it up? ! 3. What could we test? 4. What else could we do?
  11. What could we test? Test everything? Probably no. Test nothing?

    Definitely no. Take the middle way. (Hint: UI changed? jest-axe it!)
  12. // ! Add a jest-axe when we... // Have a

    mount or render? // " Probably yes. it('should be accessible', async () => { const component = mount(<Accordion isOpen />); // some other tests checking classes and text and things expect(await axe(component.html())).toHaveNoViolations(); });
  13. // ! Add a jest-axe when we... // Have lots

    of mounts or renders in one file? // " Probably yes, in a cheeky afterEach. let component; afterEach(async () => { if (!component) { return; } expect(await axe(component.html())).toHaveNoViolations(); } // ... lots of tests with mount
  14. Add a jest-axe... For every variant (colours, states)? Probably yes.

    For every Boolean prop? We probably have two tests, so probably yes twice. Could use the afterEach trick.
  15. Add a jest-axe? Changing an ARIA attribute? Very probably yes.

    Special shout-out: errors! aria-invalid, aria-describedby
  16. How much interaction could we test? Every (click, keyboard) interaction?

    Probably no. None of the interactions? Probably no. Take the middle way. (Hint: use ARIA attributes as selectors)
  17. Add a jest-axe? For the same stuff as we put

    in storybook (storybook.js.org)? Very probably yes! (Storybook does bits of UI in isolation)
  18. We have a design system, but it doesn't have jest-axe

    Chat to some peeps about getting it in
  19. We have a design system, and it has jest-axe Still

    worth adding jest-axe to our stuff! 1. We might pick up bugs the DS hasn’t spotted 2. We might pick up where we’re not implementing the DS quite right
  20. Agenda ✔ 1. What is jest-axe? ✔ 2. How do

    we set it up? ✔ 3. What could we test? ! 4. What else could we do?
  21. Recap ✔ 1. What is jest-axe? ✔ 2. How do

    we set it up? ✔ 3. What could we test? ✔ 4. What else could we do?