potentiation. Yet, a major question remains: how do synapses regulate potentiation despite perpetual turnover of their constituent parts? A number of theoretical models have been proposed to address this issue; to extend this work we developed a multilayer simulation environment that integrates several prior models into a unified framework. This multiplex model can simulate dendritic surface-receptor diffusion, postsynaptic scaffold protein clustering, and their dynamic interactions (with model parameters directly based on experimental data-points). We find that surface-receptors can enhance scaffold cluster stability through stochastic interactions, preventing cluster disintegration, and allowing clusters to persist for decades. Furthermore, transient changes in receptor-scaffold protein interaction properties can yield metastable cluster growth or shrinkage, leading to long- term potentiation or depression. Overall, the multiplex design of this model provides a novel framework for developing testable predictions about the nature of synaptic potentiation mechanics dynamics.