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Kotlin Multiplatform – Sharing is caring!

Kotlin Multiplatform – Sharing is caring!

Cross-platform frameworks are trending these days especially on mobile. Few of these try to support both Android and iOS platforms with a single framework, which comes with a lot of challenges due to lack of tooling support and flexibility. On the other hand, Kotlin Multiplatform allows us to share true common code across platforms and lets the platform SDKs to take care of platform specific concerns.

In this talk, I will walk through how Kotlin Multiplatform modules can be used to implement common code once and target different platforms like web, Android, iOS or a desktop app; what the current state of art is; And it’s limitations.

Sunitha Burri

July 14, 2019

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  1. Sharing code between platforms : JVM, Android, JavaScript, iOS, Linux,

    Windows, Mac and even embedded systems like STM32 Multiplatform
  2. Kotlin/Native target presets androidNativeArm32 and androidNativeArm64 for Android NDK iosArm32,

    iosArm64, iosX64 for iOS linuxArm32Hfp, linuxMips32, linuxMipsel32, linuxX64 for Linux macosX64 for MacOS mingwX64 for Windows wasm32 for WebAssembly
  3. Takeaways Kotlin Multi platform is still an experimental feature Painful

    to setup a project Ktor, kotlinx.serialization Use a sample instead Conference apps Best part - Incremental approach