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How to Get Started in UX Research

How to Get Started in UX Research

This material from Roisyatun Nadhifah | UX Researcher

Surabaya Developer

August 15, 2021

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  1. I am Roisyatun Nadhifah UX Researcher at IDN Media Email

    Roisyatun95@gmail.com Hai, LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/roisyatun-nadhifah
  2. “User research is how you will know your product or

    service will work in the real world, with real people. It’s where you will uncover or validate the user needs which should form the basis of what you are designing.” Chris Mears, UXr
  3. “UX research is the process of understanding user behaviors, needs,

    and attitudes using different observation and feedback collection methods.” Design Modo
  4. UX researcher know how to: Understand the problem Apply a

    variety of methods and approaches to finding out how their users tick in the context of this problem or challenge 1 2 1 2 3 4 Listen, observe, and ask the right kinds of questions to gather insights that can be turned into actionable ideas Synthesize their findings and communicate them to the rest of the team and to key stakeholders in clear, actionable, and even engaging ways
  5. When to do user research on the project? Do user

    research at whatever stage you’re in right now Do user research at all the stages 1 2 3 Do most user research early in the project (when it’ll have the most impact)
  6. Qualitative Quantitative Desk Research Explores the reasons or motivations behind

    these actions (answering questions about why or how) Gathers data that is measurable (answering questions about how many and how much) Review books, articles, or previous research findings to gain a broad understanding of the field
  7. Qualitative 1-on-1 interview to gain deeper understanding on a certain

    topic IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW Group discussion to generate ideas Test design using scenario Understand what's happening in natural setting of the users Repeatedly record user thoughts about a specific activity over a period of time FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION USABILITY TESTING ETHNOGRAPHY DIARY STUDY
  8. Desk Research Assesment of the strenghts and weakness of current

    and potential competitors COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Comperehensive summary of previous research on a topic Comprehensive summary of information from internet Comprehensive summary by analyzing existing cases whuch have gone through a similar problem LITERATURE RESEARCH ONLINE RESEARCH CASE STUDY RESEARCH
  9. In depth interview What Why When 1-on-1 discussion in depth

    about a topic To know what users think, so that we can gain deeper understanding towards a person’s thoughts, certain behavior, and motivation Before you have a design Learning about a topic of interest (e.g., use of a system, behaviors and habits) At the end of a usability test
  10. Focus Group Discussion What Why When Groups of 3–12 participants

    are lead through a discussion about a topics To discover what users want or think on a topic, not to assess interaction styles or design usability Discussing non-personal issues (ideation, product evaluation) When a company needs a lot of insight in a short amount of time
  11. Usability Testing What Why When a method of testing the

    functionality of a website, app, or other digital product by observing real users as they attempt to complete tasks on it. Identifying problems in the design of the product or service Uncovering opportunities to improve user experience performance and satisfaction Learning about the target user’s behavior and preferences Before starting the new design, test the old design Refine the design ideas that test best through multiple iterations.
  12. Survey What Why When A way to collect data from

    larger sample size to cover wider analysis instead of deeper analysis To understand the market demands, market size, user loyalty or satisfaction level At any stage
  13. Competitive Analysis What Why When A way to collect and

    compare data about what competitors do To find out our competition’s strengths and weakness and help us identify opportunities and threats Before you have a design
  14. UX RESEARCH PROCESS IN PRODUCT DESIGN Discuss with stakeholder Develop

    research plan Conduct the research Synthesize Data
  15. UX RESEARCH PROCESS IN PRODUCT DESIGN Gain an understanding of

    the research background, objective, expected findings, and timeline Discuss with stakeholder Detail what you want to cover during the research including methodology, topics to cover, and list of questions Develop research plan Time to actually do the research, dig deep and uncover meaningful insights Conduct the research Find patterns in behaviour and include actionable insights/suggestions in your report Synthesize Data
  16. UX RESEARCH PROCESS IN PRODUCT DESIGN Gain an understanding of

    the research background, objective/goals, expected findings, and timeline Discuss with stakeholder Detail what you want to cover during the research including methodology, topics to cover, and list of questions Develop research plan Time to actually do the research, dig deep and uncover meaningful insights Conduct the research Find patterns in behaviour and include actionable insights/suggestions in your report Synthesize Data
  17. Develop research plan (1/3) Title and team member Background briefly

    describe what led to this study Goals state what to be achieved in this study
  18. Develop research plan (2/3) Research question will help us to

    write the study script Methodology inform about what is going happen, for how long, and where
  19. Develop research plan (3/3) Primary characteristics of the people we

    will recruit to participate in the study Schedule Inform at least 3 important dates
  20. UX RESEARCH PROCESS IN PRODUCT DESIGN Gain an understanding of

    the research background, objective, expected findings, and timeline Discuss with stakeholder Detail what you want to cover during the research including methodology, topics to cover, and list of questions Develop research plan Time to actually do the research, dig deep and uncover meaningful insights Conduct the research Find patterns in behaviour and include actionable insights/suggestions in your report Synthesize Data
  21. In-depth interview Develop a interview script or discussion guide Schedule

    interviews 1 2 3 Run a pilot test with a sample participant (friend or colleague) to make sure that the test materials, script, etc make sense when someone unfamiliar with the project encounters them..
  22. Tips on making interview guideline 1 2 Use open-ended question

    whenever possible Avoid Leading Question 3 Be spesicific Open : "Ceritakan pengalaman anda menggunakan aplikasi memasak A selama 3 bulan terakhir" Closed : "Apakah kamu menggunakan fitur A?" Neutral : "Apa pertimbangan Anda memilih aplikasi memasak?" Leading : "Anda menyukai aplikasi memasak XXX karena resepnya banyak, kan?" Example : "Dalam kurun waktu 1 bulan, di mana saja Anda mencari resep?"
  23. UX RESEARCH PROCESS IN PRODUCT DESIGN Gain an understanding of

    the research background, objective, expected findings, and timeline Discuss with stakeholder Detail what you want to cover during the research including methodology, topics to cover, and list of questions Develop research plan Time to actually do the research, dig deep and uncover meaningful insights Conduct the research Find patterns in behaviour and include actionable insights/suggestions in your report Synthesize Data
  24. Fashion.com adalah salah satu platform jual beli pakaian online di

    Indonesia, dengan lebih dari 10 juta pengunjung setiap bulannya. Pengunjung bisa mencoba pakaian secara online atau virtual fitting. Tujuan dari Fashion.com adalah memudahkan pengunjung mencoba dan membeli pakaian tanpa harus ke toko offline. Kedengarannya sangat menyenangkan bukan? Namun dengan adanya pesaing baru seperti Collection.com yang jumlah penjualannya semakin meningkat di industri pakaian belanja online, Fashion.com harus tetap kompetitif. Jika kamu seorang UX Researcher, bagaimana research plan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut? Studi Kasus Fashion.com Note : Research plan (goals, research questions, methodology) Gift : Saldo OVO 2 orang @Rp 50.000