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Lessons from developer relations in Japan

Lessons from developer relations in Japan

It is a material for DevRel Con London 2016


December 07, 2016

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  1. Taiji HAGINO Software Engineer Mitsui Knowledge Industry Research & Development,

    Education, and DevRel (Mobile/Web/IoT) taipon.rock @taipon_rock taijihagino
  2. http://dist.tokyo/ Meetup for learning techs, sharing tips, and networking, over

    each jobs. Every engineers, designers, creators and more can join it. http://mkidev.connpass.com/ Held by our company MKI. Kind of free meetup as self study style for learning about mobile application development.
  3. https://ios.or.jp/ Non-profit Association for ”Increase of the iOS Devices market

    share in our Business Situation”. Now over 85 companies are members. I’m in charge of the leader of IoT&Connected Devices Working Group. It’s a tech learning community for Great tool as connecting Hardware Device/API and Online Services “Node-RED”. I’m one of the organizer. https://nodered.jp/
  4. https://devrel.connpass.com/ It’s a Developer Relations meetup event. I am a

    staff of it. Organizer is moongift which is one of DevRel Con Sponsor. https://www.meetup.com/DevRel-Meetup-in-Tokyo/
  5. ?

  6. • Polite • Punctual • Kind • Hard-working • Respectful

    • Shy • Intelligent • Grouping • Formal • Clean Reference: JAPANTODAY
  7. A systems integrator is a person or company that specializes

    in bringing together component subsystems into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems function together, a practice known as system integration. According to the Institute for Partner Education & Development, systems integrators traditionally realize approximately 50 percent of revenue from consulting services and 40 percent of revenue from IT services in design, implementation and post-transaction consulting. They are different from an IT Consultant in that they also take title to product. Reference: Wikipedia
  8. In Japan, System Integrator is called basically SIer. We often

    have LSTK Contract Project for all of ICT System works(Consulting, System Design, Development, Operation and Maintenance). Second Partner First Partner System Integrator Design & Development layer System design, Build environment, Coding Project management layer Prime contract, Consultation, Project management Coding & Test layer Only coding and test, Bug fix, and anymore
  9. We have any type of SIer in Japan. USERs SIer

    is spin-out company from the IT division of enterprise(e.g. General Trading Company, Financial Company, etc.), to change cost-center to profit-center. Basically it almost has group companies’ projects. USERs
  10. Name MITSUI KNOWLEDGE INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Established June 20, 1991

    President Masaki Saito Headquarters Atago Green Hills MORI Tower, 2-5-1 Atago, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6215 Japan Shareholder Mitsui & Co., Ltd. Group Employees 1,816 (as of March 31, 2016) Business Fields Provide comprehensive services from consultation, R&D, product sales, to operation & maintenance in the area of system & network integration as well as datacenter services and other related IT communication services.
  11. System Integration 1. System construction MKI develops, installs, operates and

    maintains core systems, such as ERP, as well as business- and industry-specific applications. We are also involved in related operations and domains. MKI has a strong track record in the construction and operation of large ERP systems and is also providing specialized finance-related solutions. 2. Other sevices Consulting, Bioinformatics solutions Platform Integration 1. Voice communiations networks MKI sells network equipment, constructs and provides maintenance for contact centers. MKI has constructed more than 500 contact center systems in Japan. 2. 2.Other sevices Consulting, Bioinformatics solutions Data Center & Cloud 1. Data centers Hosting services, Outsorcing services, and Vitual ICT platforms 2. Colud services MKI provides cloud-based services (such as SaaS and PaaS) and assists in the planning and promotion of new projects. MKI is strengthening its environment and energy- related business by energy management service as well as operation monitoring service solutions for a mega solar power plants.
  12. MKI has established bases in the United States, Europe and

    Asia so that we can provide our clients with advanced ICT solutions. We leverage the latest technical knowledge that we adopt from the U.S. and Europe, and develop it into ICT solutions. We then provide these solutions to our clients in Asia, including those in Japan. The MKI Global Network that opens the door for the delivery of advanced ICT solutions We support your management strategies and business foundations, by providing advanced ICT solutions that leverage our global network.
  13. Our Advanced Technology Center (ATC) is home to environments optimized

    for technical development and verification, meeting rooms, and presentation facilities. It can be used not only for meetings, but also for joint verification with customers, and the presentation of new technologies. You can see the leading edge of the OMOTENASHI systems MKI strives to develop.
  14. Almost Japanese enterprises don’t like to change their existing working

    operations, so in lots of cases they have customize packaged enterprise system as fitting their working operations. Packaged System Packaged System Existing Operations Gap Existing Operations Customize Not change operations Need to change operations ?
  15. Japanese enterprises often like to stay legacy. They know that

    new technologies give them lots of benefits but at the same time they think it brings them huge risks. So they need research and development for new one but they don’t have enough engineers as insider.
  16. Enterprise System Integrator Platformer Product maker Others Reference: Nikkei Computer

    2014.2.6 Engineers enterprise insider are 25% on all of engineers in Japan
  17. Appropriate Clothes for ICT Situation Casual Formal Standard Clothes Resolutions

    Grab a Bite Beer Bash Biz Talk Tech Conf Seminer Almost Coat-and-Tie Japanese SIer
  18. You can find lots of system engineers wearing coat-and-tie style

    in Japanese ICT event. They have to act not only as engineer, but also business-man. Need to talk with customer, as typical businessman (like manager, consultant), anytime
  19. We often meet at seminars, tech talks, work-shops, and more

    places. SIer are wearing suite (coat-and- tie) and business shoes, but others are casual style.
  20. DevRel (Developer Relations) is kind of activities for supporting connection/relation

    between your own services/products and external developers. Overseas, several company (e.g. Google, Facebook, Evernote, Dropbox, GitHub, Unity, and more) has been working it for expanding their business. Reference: MOONGIFT
  21. SIer like us should advertise whole values of our company.

    • Industry Knowledge • ICT Technics and Knowledge • Integrated Solutions • Influence growth ICT industry • Business Development We are just DEVELOPERS, so advertise as developers view
  22. Server-side Software Front-end Application iDC IaaS SaaS PaaS / BaaS

    Server / Network Hardware Software Defined Architecture Cloud Virtualiza tion Device (PC, Smart-phone, Tablet-PC, HHT, Kiosk Terminal, POS, etc… Internet Security Retail Financial Networks Real Estate Medical and Health Care Environmental and Energy Communications IT Infrastructure We can provide whole of technical solutions anytime.
  23. Taiji HAGINO Software Engineer Mitsui Knowledge Industry Research & Development,

    Education, and DevRel (Mobile/Web/IoT) Please contact us! https://www.mki.co.jp/mkijp-www/cgi-bin/contact/ask_english.cgi hagino-taiji@mki.co.jp taipon.rock @taipon_rock taijihagino