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June 17, 2023


Build Recap - 開発者向け
Tech Night Recap Sapporo - Build 2023


June 17, 2023

More Decks by iwasa


  1. 自己紹介 いわさ (@Tak1wa) • Microsoft MVP for Azure (2022.08-) •

    Microsoft MVP for .NET (2015.10-2019.06) • 現職(クラスメソッド株式会社) ◦ AWS
  2. 自己紹介 いわさ (@Tak1wa) • Microsoft MVP for Azure (2022.08-) •

    Microsoft MVP for .NET (2015.10-2019.06) • 現職(クラスメソッド株式会社) ◦ AWS • 前職 ◦ Azure / .NET
  3. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  4. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  5. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  6. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  7. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  8. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  9. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  10. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  11. アジェンダ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  12. 2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance

    developer experience and productivity https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/dev-box/overview-what-is-microsoft-dev-box
  13. 2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance

    developer experience and productivity https://learn.microsoft.com/ja-jp/azure/dev-box/overview-what-is-microsoft-dev-box • 現在はプレビュー • 7月に GA 予定
  14. 2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance

    developer experience and productivity https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-developer-community-blog/reimagining-developer-workstations-with-microsoft-dev-box/ba-p/3825055
  15. 2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance

    developer experience and productivity https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-developer-community-blog/reimagining-developer-workstations-with-microsoft-dev-box/ba-p/3825055
  16. 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in

    preview https://azure.microsoft.com/ja-jp/products/devops/github-advanced-security
  17. 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn

  18. 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally

    available https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/security-compliance-and-identity/public-preview-of-new-source-code-classifier-and-general/ba-p/3732696
  19. まとめ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  20. まとめ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  21. まとめ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers
  22. まとめ • 2.5.1. Azure Deployment Environments now generally available •

    2.5.2. Microsoft Dev Box introducing several new capabilities to enhance developer experience and productivity • 2.5.3. GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps is now in preview • 3.1.1. AI training and documentation now available on Microsoft Learn • 3.1.2. Microsoft launches AI Assist for Microsoft Q&A • 8.1.1. Machine learning and ready-to-use source code classifiers now generally available • 9.1.5. Windows creating a home for developers