and above Provides solid experience Guenther Beyer Revise everything Branding and Consistency Variation Polish FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
Provide feedback for interactions Give information - Spatial Relationship, Functionality Help user in perceiving the changes without heavy processing FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
no physical feedback To communicate hidden rules To let the user know the system is working on your request To provide seamless experience FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
but don’t just tell them why it doesn’t work, if it’s possible, give them the solution/possible action as well. Better yet, try not to allow them to execute the error. FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
background based on the request – but do give them options or inform them if it’s taking too long. Also try to mask the time-wasting loading into a delightful experience. Better yet, try to avoid loading by eg. Preload. FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
think Users require waypoint Users curious about the value Users need help to operate professional application Users always rely on default settings FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
animations Gestures should not be the only interaction for a certain task Gestures must not have conflicts Gestures must be discoverable FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY
usability! Example: Double swipe is currently at system level only, but it can be very well integrated in app interaction as well! Carbon for Twitter FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY