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Archer 801 (part 2) Storyboards

Archer 801 (part 2) Storyboards

Taylor Parrish

April 05, 2017

More Decks by Taylor Parrish

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  1. Dialog ARCHER (O.S.) I wanted to get mixed up with

    mobsters like Mother and Len Trexler about as much as I wanted a new hole in my head...
  2. Dialog ARCHER (O.S.) I wanted to get mixed up with

    mobsters like Mother and Len Trexler about as much as I wanted a new hole in my head...
  3. Dialog ARCHER (O.S.) I wanted to get mixed up with

    mobsters like Mother and Len Trexler about as much as I wanted a new hole in my head...
  4. Dialog ARCHER (O.S.) I wanted to get mixed up with

    mobsters like Mother and Len Trexler about as much as I wanted a new hole in my head...
  5. Dialog ARCHER But I meant it when I said I'd

    do anything to find Woodhouse's killer.
  6. Dialog ARCHER But I meant it when I said I'd

    do anything to find Woodhouse's killer.
  7. Dialog ARCHER But I meant it when I said I'd

    do anything to find Woodhouse's killer.
  8. Dialog ARCHER And so here I am, headed straight into

    the belly of the beast, nothing between me and death but my wits and the cold blue steel of my forty-five.
  9. Dialog ARCHER And so here I am, headed straight into

    the belly of the beast, nothing between me and death but my wits and the cold blue steel of my forty-five.
  10. Dialog ARCHER Or why I picked you up. I don't

    even know where you were going.
  11. Dialog ARCHER Or why I picked you up. I don't

    even know where you were going.