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  1. My first lesson in Customer Service . . . Do

    Not Deceive Your Customers!
  2. My first lesson in Customer Service . . . Be

    Straight With Your Customers It might seem like a good idea at the time, but it will come back to bite you.
  3. Late 2015 Survey If you answered “yes,” please answer the

    following question: What is your biggest pet peeve about the local newspaper to which you subscribe?
  4. Late 2015 Survey If you answered “yes,” please answer the

    following question: What is your biggest pet peeve about the local newspaper to which you subscribe?
  5. If you do not subscribe to a newspapers, what is

    your main reason for not subscribing?
  6. If you do not subscribe to a newspapers, what is

    your main reason for not subscribing?
  7. Customer Service Lesson # 2
 How we treat our

 has consequences. Customer Service Lesson # 3
 (I learned this from Blue Cross)
 Treat you’re customers well
 and they’ll stick with you.
  8. Customer Service Lesson # 4
 Find a Way to

    Help a Customer in Need
 They are your most important priority
  9. Customer Service Lesson # 5
 Don’t Think That Problems

    Will Go Away Because you Ignore Them 
 Take care of problems before they take care of you.
  10. My sixth lesson in Customer Service . . . Always

    be nice to your customers They can survive without you.
  11. My sixth lesson in Customer Service . . . Always

    be nice to your customers They can survive without you. You can’t survive without them.
  12. Customer Service Lesson # 7
 Don’t Think That Problems

    Will Go Away Because you Ignore Them 
 Take care of problems before they take care of you.
  13. Customer Service Lesson # 7
 Don’t Think That Problems

    Will Go Away Because you Ignore Them 
 Take care of problems before they take care of you. is the same as #5
  14. Customer Service Lesson # 7
 Don’t Think That Problems

    Will Go Away Because you Ignore Them 
 Take care of problems before they take care of you.
  15. 8 Tips For Outstanding Customer Service 5. Don’t Offer More

    Than You Can Deliver Never say you can do something unless you’re sure you can. 6. Keep an Eye on Social Media Check what people are saying on facebook about your company. 7. Never Talk Down to Your Customer Make them feel like you’re communicating WITH them, not TO them. 8. Use Words Your Customers Want to Hear “Yes,” “Of Course,” and Right Away should be at the tip of your tongue.
  16. • Offer an apology for the inconvenience • Offer a

    fair fix for the problem • Treat the customer as if you actually care about them
  17. • Offer an apology for the inconvenience • Offer a

    fair fix for the problem • Treat the customer as if you actually care about them • Offer some tangible atonement to make up for the inconvenience
  18. • Offer an apology for the inconvenience • Offer a

    fair fix for the problem • Treat the customer as if you actually care about them • Offer some tangible atonement to make up for the inconvenience • And you will have a customer for