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Rails Assets LRUG

Rails Assets LRUG

Talk about http://rails-assets.org that I gave on London Ruby User Group

Tymon Tobolski

December 09, 2013

More Decks by Tymon Tobolski

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What is the problem? • Managing assets in rails app

    is hard • Tons of incompatible javascript libraries • Unmaintainable legacy projects
  2. source 'https://rubygems.org' +source 'https://rails-assets.org' ! gem 'rails' ! group :assets

    do gem 'sass-rails' gem 'uglifier' gem 'coffee-rails' + gem 'rails-assets-bootstrap' + gem 'rails-assets-angular' + gem 'rails-assets-leaflet' end
  3. application.js ! ! ! //= require_self +//= require bootstrap +//=

    require angular +//= require leaflet //= require_tree . application.css ! ! /* *= require_self +*= require bootstrap +*= require leaflet *= require_tree . */
  4. Pros • No more vendor/assets • Proper versioning • Dependency

    resolution • No additional build step • Already used in few production apps with no big issues
  5. Gem name { "name": "bootstrap", "version": "3.0.3", "main": [ "./dist/js/bootstrap.js",

    "./dist/css/bootstrap.css" ], "dependencies": { "jquery": ">= 1.9.0" } }
  6. Manifest - sprockets # application.js //= require bootstrap Simple component

    vendor/assets/javascripts/ - bootstrap.js - bootstrap/bootstrap.js
  7. Manifest - sprockets # application.js //= require moment //= require

    moment/lang/pl More complex component vendor/assets/javascripts/ - moment.js - moment/moment.js - moment/lang/en.js - moment/lang/pl.js
  8. gemspec lib = File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib) require 'rails-assets-bootstrap/version'

    ! Gem::Specification.new do |spec| spec.name = "rails-assets-bootstrap" spec.version = RailsAssetsBootstrap::VERSION # ... spec.add_dependency "rails-assets-jquery", ">= 1.9.0" # ... end
  9. Rails Engine require "rails-assets-bootstrap/version" ! require "rails-assets-jquery" ! if defined?(Rails)

    module RailsAssetsBootstrap class Engine < ::Rails::Engine # Rails -> use vendor directory. end end end
  10. "## lib $ "## rails-assets-bootstrap $ $ &## version.rb $

    &## rails-assets-bootstrap.rb "## vendor $ &## assets $ "## images $ $ &## bootstrap $ $ &## assets $ $ &## ico $ $ "## apple-touch-icon-114-precomposed.png $ $ "## apple-touch-icon-144-precomposed.png $ $ "## apple-touch-icon-57-precomposed.png $ $ "## apple-touch-icon-72-precomposed.png $ $ &## favicon.png $ "## javascripts $ $ "## bootstrap $ $ $ &## bootstrap.js $ $ &## bootstrap.js $ &## stylesheets $ "## bootstrap $ $ "## bootstrap-theme.scss $ $ &## bootstrap.scss $ &## bootstrap.scss "## Gemfile "## README.md "## Rakefile &## rails-assets-bootstrap.gemspec
  11. bower is a mess • just git clone • duplicates,

    momentjs vs moment, swipe vs Swipe • separate repositories, e.g angular-bower • {bower, package, component}.json - unreliable • bower info missing ”main”
  12. bower is a mess • no common structure • lib.js

    at top level • src, dist, release, etc. directories • .{js,css}.min duplicates • not compiled packages • missing dependencies
  13. Other issues • version spec differences • bundler API -

    no versions in dependencies API request • web frontend is essential • rails-assets-jquery vs jquery-rails conflicts
  14. Technical issues • Gem::Indexer bug • global bower cache -

    custom bower fork • auto updates via bower api • index locking • background jobs, blocking • weak performance • do as much as possible in memory
  15. We need your help • Spread the word • Improve

    bower.json files • Bug discovering and fixing