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Microservices Docker @Bonn Agile

Microservices Docker @Bonn Agile

Timo Derstappen

October 17, 2014

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  1. Right tool for the job • Not bound to a

    single Technology • No one-size-fits-all approach
  2. Resilience • No monolith to fall over • Design to

    fail • Circuit Breakers to avoid cascading failures
  3. Scaling Only services that are constrained by performance need scaling.

    Elastic (on-demand) scaling of smaller services leads to better cost control
  4. Ease of Deployment Services can be deployed independently and faster.

    Changing a monolith could have more impact and risk so deployments are slower.
  5. “Organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs

    which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.” — Melvin Conway
  6. • Disposable components • Make your state explicit • Provision

    at build-time • Configure at run-time Immutable Infrastructure
  7. # What about running oneshot containers with the build tool

    inside. $ alias npm='docker run --rm -ti -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) teemow/npm' $ npm install Aliases
  8. web: build: . ports: - 8080:8080 volumes: - .:/app links:

    - redis redis: image: dockerfile/redis Fig
  9. Install docker on a host and start your container. Use

    fig to link your containers. Simple Container Hosting
  10. but there are lots of options here. • Mesosphere •

    Kubernetes • Consul • Project Atomic We ♥ CoreOS
  11. Docker Cologne - CoreOS Meetup 19:00, 14th October Startplatz Brandon

    Philips, CTO of CoreOS Luke Marsden, CTO of Flocker There is a Meetup in Cologne