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Pinon Hills - Volunteer Survey

July 29, 2013

Pinon Hills - Volunteer Survey


July 29, 2013


  1. The completion of this survey will help to identitfy the

    area of ministry which you are best suited. You can make a difference in the lives of others by sharing your gifts and talents. Whatever your interests are, there is a place for you to connect through serving at PHCC. Name_________________________________________________________Date___________________ Best Contact Phone number____________________________ Best time to call___________________ Please check all that apply: (Descriptions of each ministry are in the Working Together booklet) INTERESTS, GIFTS: p Administrative p Compassionate p Detailed-oriented p Fun in groups p Good sense of humor p Good with children p Hospitality p Leadership p Mercy p Public speaking p Recreation, sports p Teaching/training p Other (specify): ________________________ ________________________ SKILLS, TALENTS, ABILITIES: p Artistic p Carpentry p Clerical skills/Office assistance p Computer-can navigate p Microsoft Office p Cooking p Electricity p Event planning/Hosting p Fundraising SKILLS, TALENTS... con’t p Interviewing p Leading/Facilitating p Mechanical p Musical--instruments p Musical--vocally p Organizational p Painting p Plumbing PASSION - desire to reach: p Babies p Toddlers p Elementary-age children p Pre-teens p Teenagers p Adults, in general p College-age/Young adults p Young married couples p Women p Men p Single moms p Widows p Senior citizens p Other (specify): ________________________ ________________________ AVAILABILITY: p Once per month p Twice per month p Up to 2 hours per week p Up to 4 hours per week p More than 4 hours per week p Evenings p During the day p Whenever needed p Special project or event p Saturday service p Sunday - first service p Sunday - second service p Other (specify): ________________________ ________________________ Continued on reverse... Volunteer Survey For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10
  2. AREAS OF SERVICE: Administrative p Receptionist p Bulletin team p

    Offering counter p Mail team Adult Ministry p Community group leader p Community group host p IBS Instructor p Hospital visitation p Men’s ministry p Men’s study group facilitator p Women’s leadership team p Women’s team leader p Women’s event host p Women’s group leader/facilitator p Women’s project planning p Women’s ministry general involvement Children’s Ministry p Greeters & check-in services p Worship ministry p Team leader p Teachers p Assistant teachers p Junior classroom aide p Summer programs p Chaperones p Bus driver (must have CDL) p Van driver p Administrative support Creative Arts Audition required p Background vocalist p Worship leader p Band member p Worship administration p Director p Computer technician p Camera operator p Lighting p Sound p Media administration Facility Care p Building maintenance p Special projects p Custodial p Parking lot security p Sunday clean-up crew Guest Services p Greeter/Usher p Welcome center Hospitality p Café assistant p Café cashier p Kitchen assistant p Event set-up p Special events server p Bookstore assistant Marketing p Typesetting p Copywriter/proofreader p Production & finishing team p Photographer p Street team Missions p Short-term mission projects p Prayer warriors Serving Team p Recruitment p Interviewing/Placement p Calling p Administrative p Communion team p Benevolence team p Events team Youth Ministry p Greeters/Check-in p Guest services coordinator p Worship team coordinator p Band members Audtion required p Vocalists Audtion required p Sound/Light technician p Computer technician p Teacher p Bus driver (must have CDL) p Van driver p Event coordinator p Event facilitaor p Event set-up/Tear-down p SERVE project coordinator p S.A.L.T. coordinator p Student growth coordinator Thank you for your willingness to serve! Once your completed survey is received and reviewed, you will be contacted to set up an interview. If you are uncertain where you would like to serve, please call your Life Stage Community pastor at 505.325.4541 to discuss the various options available at PHCC! Keith Neil 20-somethings and students Keith Corley 30-somethings Tim Hargrove 40 plus