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The Spire

March 08, 2013

The Spire


March 08, 2013


  1. Spire Welcome, friends, This will be my last words in

    our Spire to you prior to my entering into a Sabbatical I have always dreamed of but have never had before. I am deeply grateful to the Pastor Nominating Committee that first called me, the Elders of Session who helped shape this time, and you as a Congregation in supporting this project from the beginning. I will leave on April 26 and return to the office on August 26. Few of the callings today are still 24/7 endeavors. The Christian Pastor who takes ministry seriously with any biblical perspective knows that you are prepared to respond to a need or crisis at a moment’s notice. Being “on” often means not necessarily that people do call, but that they might! And when they do it is a privilege and responsibility. But over the years, a deeper fatigue can be accumulative. Yet, I am so grateful to be your pastor, sharing in your lives, your families, your journeys, your stories, rejoicing and weeping with you. A Sabbatical comes from the biblical word “Sabbath,” meaning “to cease, to quit, to take a break” and smell the roses and laud the God who made them. I hope this model for me will become a paradigm for all future ordained installed PLCPC Pastors & Associate Pastors. I will use this time for rest, refreshment, reading, writing, research, and time to travel and think. You will hear more detail later, as the Session has asked how the Elders might help this happen, and you will be invited to share in the adventure. Especially, I will be reflecting on the 12 members of my family over four generations who have served Christ as pastors, professors and missionaries, and visiting the churches that we have served in Oregon, Washington and Idaho for over 100 years. In addition to Pastor Karla preaching while I’m away, she will welcome seven guest preachers, and Rev. Deb Mitchell will serve as pastoral back-up to our program staff during July vacations. We rely so gratefully upon our superb staff to ‘keep on keeping on’ by God’s Grace and to His Glory! In His Glad service, APR Vol. 22, No. 4 2013 Sunday Worship Services 8:30 and 10:15 am—Sanctuary 10:15 Café Service —Family Life Center APRIL CALENDAR APRIL CALENDAR 1—Church Office Closed 7—Youth Sunday 9—Women Connecting Dinner 13—Children & Youth Choir Festival Concert 14—Undie Sunday for PUM 16, 17—Preschool Art Show 21—Mission Awareness Day 24—Joint Deacon/Session Meeting 27-28—Men’s Retreat at Rancho Viva A Note from Dr. Powell Printed copies of the Spire are available in the church office, and on the information kiosk on Sundays. Please access the Spire online at www.pointlomachurch.org, (click on experience tab) Sermon Topics for April 7 Youth Sunday, Communion, Birthday Blessing Deleir Georges, preaching 14 “My Lord and My God” Resurrection Appearances John 21:1-19 21 “Like Sheep without a Shepherd” Matthew 9:35-38 Compassion International Sunday 28 “God’s Wild Plan,” Matthew 1 Rev. Karla Shaw preaching (Dr. Powell preaching, unless otherwise noted.) COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MAY CLASSES FOR NEW MEMBERS 6:00 TO 7:30 P.M. ON MAY 1, 8, 15 AND 22 FAMILY LIFE CENTER (FREE CHILDCARE)  PRESBYTERIAN DISTINCTIVES  OUR PLCPC MINISTRY AND MISSION  RESPONSIBILITIES OF MEMBERSHIP  DISCOVERING AND USING YOUR TOP 5 STRENGTHS  FINDING YOUR NICHE AT PLCPC  TELLING YOUR STORY  MAKING NEW FRIENDS CONTACT [email protected], OR CALL (619) 223-1633 TO REGISTER.
  2. Church Ministry Program and Support Staff (619) 223-1633 The Rev.

    Dr. John Paul Powell Senior Pastor—Ext. 202 The Rev. Karla Shaw, Associate Pastor Discipleship Ministries—Ext. 204 Donald L. Brenneman Minister of Music/Business Administrator—Ext. 211 Kris McCoy, Café Worship Leader and Communications Coordinator—Ext. 209 Nicole Hage, Preschool and TLC Director (619) 223-3327 Deleir Georges, Director of Youth Discipleship—Ext. 216 Brandon Aguillard, Youth Ministry Intern—Ext. 216 Cindy Davis, Director, Children’s Discipleship—Ext. 215 Joette Correia, Asst. Director, Toddler Learning Center—Ext. 213 Courtney Yates, Nursery Coordinator—Ext. 212 Zoe Feher, Children’s Ministry Coordinator—Ext. 212 Jill Curtiss, Route 56 Coordinator [email protected] Leslie Hanna, Director of Senior Adult Ministry—Ext. 210 Bryan Verhoye, Pianist/Music Associate [email protected] Alicia McMillan, Organist and Director of Children’s Choirs—[email protected] Evelyn Lambino, Financial Secretary—Ext. 206 Ann Simoneau, Assistant to Senior Pastor—Ext. 203 Front Desk Volunteer—Ext. 201 THE SESSION OF PLCPC *Denotes Chair Dr. John Powell, Moderator (619) 223-1633 x202 [email protected] Paul Diller, Clerk [email protected] 2 The Tree of Life gives church members and friends an opportunity to make a lasting statement. To order a leaf, please complete the appropriate form in the church office. Contact [email protected] if you have a question. Elder Class of 2013 Phone E-Mail Millie Gallaher Building & Grounds 858-292-7159 [email protected] Will Hage Children’s Discipleship* 619-417-2432 [email protected] Anne J. Hill Worship & Music* 619-222-7951 [email protected] Stuart Jewell Personnel 619-222-6985 [email protected] James Lester Building & Grounds 619-222-8242 [email protected] Suzy Lidstrom Nominating* 619-298-5663 [email protected] Cynthia Queen Youth Discipleship* 619-223-2538 [email protected] Kristin Stephany Annual Stewardship* 619-276-4515 [email protected] Elder Class of 2014 Phone E-Mail Ann Brooks Adult Discipleship* 619-224-9912 [email protected] Bob Faucett Evangelism & Church Growth* 619-222-2977 [email protected] Scody Hage Finance & Budget, Long Range Pl. 619-222-5425 [email protected] Gordy Lutes Adult Discipleship (Men’s Ministry) 619-222-3989 [email protected] Jim Nash Personnel* 858-560-1300 [email protected] John B. Spafford Building & Grounds;* Presbytery Rep. 619-985-8943 [email protected] Joe Thome Mission Beyond* 858-349-3460 [email protected] Lois S. Thompson Nominating 619-223-1359 [email protected] Elder Class of 2015 Phone E-Mail Fred Daugherty Evangelism & Church Growth 619-224-8955 [email protected] Matt Heidt Mission Beyond 619-358-0179 [email protected] Bill Irwin Finance & Budget 619-224-0802 [email protected] Charlie Mac Vean Personnel 619-226-0824 619-508-4401 [email protected] Amy Radonich Children’s Discipleship-Preschool 858-384-6450 [email protected] Beth Roach Youth Discipleship 619-300-0389 [email protected] Larry Smith Worship & Music 619-326-8894 [email protected] Byron Wear Annual Stewardship, Long Range Pl. 619-224-0560 619-840-1403 [email protected] SESSION HIGHLIGHTS March 27, 2013 Session approved the baptism of Soren Xavier Shaw, son of Rev. Karla and Marc Shaw, to take place on April 14, 2013 at 8:30. Sue Skala was elected a Presbytery Commissioner for 2013. Amy Radonich presented a report of repairs and improvements needed in the Preschool and TLC facilities. Some can be performed by the Men at Work group. Others will be contracted out. John Spafford distributed a preliminary draft of a policy for use of church facilities by outside groups. He will incorporate session comments into the draft for further session review. Diane Grafton reported for the Deacons that the Easter flower delivery list has been completed and the Deacons are looking forward to this annual ministry. Byron Wear reported for the Long Range Planning Committee on recommendations that came out of the January session retreat. They have been referred to cognizant session committees for comment and action plans, which will be presented to session at the May meeting. Pastor Karla reported that the new café service has been drawing between 65 and 80 adults, along with as many as 20 children, and is off to a good start. Several families new to the church are attending. Paul Diller, Clerk
  3. 3 2013 Men's Retreat at Rancho Viva Saturday, April 27

    - Sunday, April 28 - Rancho Viva "Spiritual Check Up" We are happy to announce our featured speaker for this year's Men's Retreat is Tom Cornwell, M.D. Dr. Cornwell is a devout Lutheran geriatrician in Chicago, who has made 30,000 house calls….more than any person alive! He has developed a second Mission in “Prayer with Patients” and has become a national expert, giving his talks over 100 times in recent years around the country. The American Medical Association selected him as “The Best Doctor in America” and that is doubly impressive, since being a Christian is usually limiting in the politically correct medical world. “I see miracles every day,” he says. “I live with such joy.” Building upon our "Spiritual Check Up" theme, we will be sending men on a "Christian Orienteering" adventure over Rancho Viva's forty acres. It promises to be a great weekend! For more information or to register, please contact Gordy Lutes (619) 222-3989, [email protected]; John Brand (619) 992.1835, [email protected]; or Byron Wear (619) 224-0560, [email protected]. You can CHANGE THE STORY Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church will participate in Compassion Sunday 2013, a national event to invite everyone to sponsor a child living in extreme poverty through Compassion International. We will celebrate Compassion Sunday on April 21, with a presentation during worship services and opportunities to learn about, pray for and sponsor a child of your own. We will have a table on the Plaza following worship services with sponsorship information. Compassion sponsorship releases children from poverty. Through the local church, Compassion offers resources and training that demonstrate to a child a life that can be achieved outside of poverty. Compassion partners with over 2,000 local churches in developing countries and their caring Christian staff to teach, train and mentor children to implement long-term child development. A child who sees the love of a sponsor and local church staff begins to doubt the lie of poverty. Children in Compassion International’s program grow to believe that they can be released from poverty, and many come to have a deep-rooted faith in Christ. The cornerstone of Compassion’s work is one-to-one child sponsorship. A sponsor is someone who has made the decision to personally invest in the life of a child in need. Sponsors can experience a deep sense of satisfaction and spiritual growth that comes with a commitment to pray, correspond and give, without any expectation of what the child is able to give back. When you become a sponsor, through your letters, prayers and support, you can give a child hope, and encouragement that builds up their confidence and faith in a loving God. Our own Clipper Club sponsored a child through Compassion International for years. (www.compassion.com) Won’t you join us on April 21 for Compassion Sunday and genuinely consider sponsoring a child? Joe Thome, Chair, Mission Beyond
  4. Saturday, June 1 8:30 am to Noon Followed by lunch

    at the church Adults and Families with Young Children (ages 0+) 1. Cookie Ministry E 4. Plants for Shut-ins E Bake, decorate & distribute cookies Plant and distribute flowers 2. Homeless Project E 5. Cards for Troops & Homeless E Make & distribute sack lunches Draw & write cards 3. Elmcroft of Point Loma E 6. Day of Service Choir E Singing, visiting & communion Sing at two venues Adults and Families with Children Ages 8 and up 7. Sunset Cliffs Park M 14. Dewey Elementary School M Restore & re-vegitate park Clean & paint in classrooms 8. Cabrillo National Monument M 15. Silvergate Elementary M Clean-up and replanting Fix Kindergarten play area 9. Autism Tree Foundation E 16. Cabrillo Elementary M Make banners and posters TBA 10. San Diego River Park M 17. PUM M Clean up river park Clean up facility 11. Famosa Slough M 18. P.L. Association M Clean-up of area Clean-up at Liberty Station 12. San Diego Food Bank M 19. Robb Field M Sort and bag food Clean-up and paint 13. Lou and Faith Vick’s Yard M 20. Point Loma Hostel M Pull weeds and refurbish lawn Yard work and minor repairs 21. Point Loma High School M E = Easy M = Medium S = Strenuous Paint walls in gym. 2013 DAY OF SERVICE PROJECTS 4
  5. Saturday, June 1 8:30 am to Noon Followed by lunch

    at the church Youth Groups (5th-12th grade) 22. Ocean Beach Elementary M 24. Military Outreach Ministries M Route 56- garden clean-up Sr. High – Sort food 23. P.L. YMCA M Jr. High – Paint benches Adult Projects (18+) 25. Pioneer School M 31. Graffiti Removal M Paint window sills Clean and stencil boxes in PL 26. Sewing E 32. Day of Service – Food Team M Making layettes for MOM Set-up and cook food for lunch 27. Knitting E 33. Donate Money E Blanket squares for Orphanage Help pay for materials 28. Peace Love Swap M 34. Prayer Team E Donate & swap children’s clothes Pray for our workers & community 29. Letters to Soldiers E 35. Genesis Medical Mission M Write to PLCPC soldiers & others Doctors, nurses & helpers needed 30. YMCA-Hillside Stabilization S Build retaining structure & move dirt E = Easy M = Medium S = Strenuous 2013 DAY OF SERVICE PROJECTS Sign Ups On the Plaza every Sunday More details on each project at pointlomachurch.org under Staying Current 5
  6. 6 Children & Youth Mothers of Preschoolers April 9 and

    23 Tuesdays, 9:30—11:30 am Information: www.meetup.com/playgroup-754. Zoe Feher, Coordinator [email protected] HANG TIME ACTIVITIES ON THURSDAYS 2ND-5TH GRADE: 4-4:45; 4 YRS-1ST GRADE: 4:45-5:30 April 4—No meeting April 11—Catapults April 18—Rockets April 25—Tile decorating Contact: [email protected] All 5th and 6th graders are welcome! Bring a Friend! Friday, April 12, 8, 6-8 pm. Healthy Relationships: Peer to Peers. Friday, April 26, 6-8 pm. Healthy Relationships with Our Teachers Friends are always welcome. Dinner, dessert, activities, fellowship and FUN! Contact Jill Curtiss, Route 56 Coordinator [email protected] VBS will be July 22-26 from 9-noon with op- tional extended day until 3:30 pm. Cost is $50 for 1 child, $90 for the second child and $100 maximum per family. Extended day is an addi- tional $1505 for the week per child. Registration will begin April 1. This is for children 4 years (by 1/31/13) through 6th grade. Our 4th-6th graders will go off site again for part of their day. The BRIDGE is a group designed for those ages 20- 40ish (married, single, with or without children) who want to grow deeper in their faith and get to know other young adults. We meet in the fall and spring. Book topics change every season so, please check us out in the future if the current study does not apply to your stage in life. Spring 2013 Topic: Sacred Parenting, by Gary Thomas “Parenting a child is an in-depth course on spiritual formation, expressly designed by God to shape your soul in ways you cannot imagine.” Friday, Apr 5: 6-7:30 pm—The Gold Behind the Guilt Sunday, Apr 21: 12:30-2 pm—The Sweet Side of Sacrifice Mark your calendars! The Bridge is going to the Padres game—Park at the Park—on Friday, May 3. More info to follow via email. The Bridge meets in the Parlor. Childcare is available for $5 per child by contacting Courtney Yates at [email protected]. For more information please contact Pastor Karla at [email protected]. Registration for our summer program begins on April 8 for the month of June. Registration for the fall is going on now and we still have some openings! Our Art show will be in the Pre- school courtyard on April 16 & 17 from 9:00-3:00. Do stop by and see the children’s artwork! Contact Nicole Hage at 223-3327 for information about the Preschool and to schedule a tour. HIGH SCHOOL RIVER TRIP May 3-5 $100 We will join up with Shadow Moun- tain Community Church for a com- bined youth event. The Colorado River on the border of Arizona and California is the site for an entire weekend of excitement. Days will begin and end with lessons and teachings straight from the Bible. In between we’ll have everything from wake boarding to volley ball. Contact Deleir for this incredible opportunity. [email protected]. Happy girl at the Petting Zoo on Palm Sunday.
  7. 7 Adult Discipleship Sunday Scripture Group — 10:00 am —

    Parlor The six-part Book by Book series on Ephesians will run from April 7 through May 12. Contact Bob Simoneau (619) 223-6248. Tues. Morning Women’s Bible Study — 9:00 am Pastor Karla is completing our series on Romans and beginning Philippians. Contact Clara Blenis at (619) 223-5950; or for free childcare, contact Courtney Yates at jandcyates@ gmail.com. Wednesday Men@Work — 8:30 am — Library Meet at 8:30 with Pastor John, then help work on “fix-it” projects around campus. Contact: Don Griffith at 225-0350. Wednesday Evening Men's Bible Study — 5:00 pm — Parlor On April 10 we will begin our study of Exodus. All men are wel- come. Contact: Jerry Heidt [email protected]. Wednesday RefresHER and HIM — 6:30-8:00 pm On the 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, the HERs meet in Mission Hills to study Charles Stanley’s 30 Life Principles. Contact is Carla at [email protected]. The HIMs meet in Point Loma to study Isaiah. Contact: Jim Grisolia at [email protected]. Senior Adult Ministry CHATSWORTH CHATTER 10 to 11 am: Fellowship 11 am: Program, followed by hot lunch. A APRIL PRIL 2013 2013 4/2 Phil Gates. Lunch: Beef stew, potatoes, salad, rolls & chocolate cake. 4/9 Emma’s Gut Bucket Band. Lunch: Fish & chips, coleslaw, rolls & brownies. 4/16 The Passionuts. Lunch: Turkey tetrazzini, roasted vegetables, Jell-O salad, rolls and mousse. 4/23 Rob Lohman. Lunch: Roasted chicken, stuffing, potatoes, salad, rolls and Congo bars. 4/30 Rear Window. Lunch: Pizza, salad, baked apples. $5.00 charge per person. Reservations are required by the previous Friday by calling Leslie Hanna at (619) 223-1633 x210. Special Events and Classes APR. 10: LUNCH & LEARN—HATTIE ELIZABETH TURNER 12 PM—FAMILY LIFE CENTER FREE, BUT PLEASE REGISTER BY APR. 5. APR. 17: TRIP TO ANNENBERG ESTATE $100. 8:30AM—6PM NON-REFUNDABLE PAYMENT DUE BY APR. 5 INCLUDES TRANSPORTATION, GRATUITY, TOUR, LUNCH, SNACKS. SENIOR FITNESS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY 9—10 AM, FAMILY LIFE CENTER. $2.00 PER CLASS. BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING 3rd Tuesday of the month - April 16 9:30-11 am, Family Life Center Endowment M ay is Endowment Month and it is right around the corner. This is a good time to give some thought to a donation to our church Endowment Fund. This past year we experienced gifts from many sources. There was a gift of stock that had been held for many years so by giving it to a charitable fund the capital gains tax was eliminated. We received a gift from an annuity through the Presbyterian Foundation. A gift from an Endowed Trust held by one of our members at the San Diego Foundation was received, as well as many memorials and special remembrances. Gifts ranged in value from $10,000 to $10. – any size gift is very welcomed and appreciated. All principle of the Fund is held by the Presbyterian Foun- dation and only the interest is used for special projects needed at our church. There are many projects waiting for help. Won’t you be a part of a tradition of giving each year, or start one in 2013, of helping with a gift that will continue giving forever? Janet Dort Endowment Fund Committee Rachel Circle O ur next Rachel Circle meeting will be held on April 15 at 9:30 am. Come and join us in the Family Life Center kitchen, as it will be SILVER POLISHING DAY! Please bring soft rags and silver polish. Contact Joanne Albrecht at 222-1585, if you have questions. Baptisms  Josephine Ruth Connor, daughter of Steve and Christy Connor, was baptized on March 10, 2013. Rev. Dr. John Powell officiated.  “Roman Antonio Munoz, son of Alex and Lisa Munoz, was baptized on March 10, 2013. Proud grandparents are Larry and Clara Blenis. Rev. Dr. John Powell officiated. Deaths  Shirley Eileen Ehresman Fish passed away on March 13, 2013. A memorial service is scheduled for April 4, 2013, at 2:00 pm in the Chapel, with Rev. Dr. John Powell officiating.  Cliff Hewitt passed away on March 25, 2013. A memorial service is scheduled for April 20, 2013 at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Life Events

    CA 92107 619.223.1633 POINTLOMACHURCH.ORG The Outreach Foundation GOD AND IRAN: A conversation with Rev Sasan Tavassoli “Even while the Word came to Israel, God was already working in Iran,” began Sasan Tavassoli, during a talk with PLCPC members on February 28. Your mission budget helps support Rev Tavassoli’s work with Iranian Christians through The Outreach Foundation (TOF). On Pentecost, the first listed hearers of the Gospel were Iranian: Parthians, Medes and Elamites (Acts 2:9). Further, Pastor Sasan quoted scholarship that the Three Wise Men were actually Iranian. Magus (plural Magi) derives from the Iranian word majus. “Iran is not so special,” he explained, “But God was already working outside of Israel, preparing fertile soil for the seed of the Word.” And in fact, Nestorians from Iran first brought Christianity along the Silk Road as far as China. In Xi’an, PLCPC members have seen a monument to the Nestorians during a TOF mission trip to China. Iranians blame their government for the current inter- national sanctions, which create increasingly severe poverty across the country. More and more people reject the rigid Shi’a theology of the mullahs, with young people fleeing into secularism, Zoroastrian- ism, Baha’i as well as Christianity. Conservatively, at least one million Iranians have accepted Christ. In response, the Iranian theocracy exerts increasing persecution of Christians and other non-Islamic practices. PLCPC members have met Iranian Christians who have since been jailed or economi- cally persecuted, as have countless others. Sasan highlighted two aspects of the theology of persecution: Persecution is part of God’s plan, and persecution can be the occasion of divine triumph. Relevant to the early church, these ideas are doubly relevant to Iran today. The meeting adjourned in prayer for Sasan’s ministry and our endangered brothers and sisters in Iran. Please keep them in your prayers Jim Grisolia AT PLCPC WE SEEK TO EXPERIENCE JESUS, STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH, JOURNEY INTO DEEPER FAITH, AND TRANSFORM OUR WORLD. Sunday, April 14 “Undie Sunday” is here again. One day only. Please bring new underwear and socks to the church Plaza on Sunday, April 14. Any and all sizes for men, women and children are needed. Presbyterian Urban Ministries is serving an ever growing group of homeless and unemployed. Your generous donations help PUM help those less fortunate in San Diego. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Ed Lynds at (619) 223-1472, or [email protected]. 8