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Supercharge your Android Apps with Gemini API

Supercharge your Android Apps with Gemini API

Sohel Shaikh

June 29, 2024

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  1. Supercharge your Android Apps Building with Gemini API Sohel Shaikh

    Lead Android Engineer Skylark Drones @thesohelshaikh
  2. - 4+ YOE with Android - Lead Android Engineer @

    Skylark Drones - I 💜 Kotlin! - @thesohelshaikh on Socials Hey, I am Sohel
  3. GDG Ahmedabad Ways of integration • Google AI Client SDK

    • Firebase Vertex SDK • Google AI Edge SDK for Gemini Nano
  4. GDG Ahmedabad Google AI Client SDK • Coroutines as First

    Class Citizen • Written in Kotlin • Easy to use • Available on GitHub
  5. GDG Ahmedabad val model = GenerativeModel( model = "gemini-1.5-flash-001" ,

    apiKey = BuildConfig.apikey, generationConfig = generationConfig { temperature = 0.15f topK = 32 topP = 1f maxOutputTokens = 4096 }, safetySettings = listOf( SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HARASSMENT, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HATE_SPEECH, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), ) )
  6. GDG Ahmedabad val model = GenerativeModel( model = "gemini-1.5-flash-001" ,

    apiKey = BuildConfig.apikey, generationConfig = generationConfig { temperature = 0.15f topK = 32 topP = 1f maxOutputTokens = 4096 }, safetySettings = listOf( SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HARASSMENT, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HATE_SPEECH, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), ) )
  7. GDG Ahmedabad val model = GenerativeModel( model = "gemini-1.5-flash-001" ,

    apiKey = BuildConfig.apikey, generationConfig = generationConfig { temperature = 0.15f topK = 32 topP = 1f maxOutputTokens = 4096 }, safetySettings = listOf( SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HARASSMENT, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HATE_SPEECH, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), ) )
  8. GDG Ahmedabad val model = GenerativeModel( model = "gemini-1.5-flash-001" ,

    apiKey = BuildConfig.apikey, generationConfig = generationConfig { temperature = 0.15f topK = 32 topP = 1f maxOutputTokens = 4096 }, safetySettings = listOf( SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HARASSMENT, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), SafetySetting(HarmCategory.HATE_SPEECH, BlockThreshold.MEDIUM_AND_ABOVE), ) )
  9. GDG Ahmedabad scope.launch { val response = model.generateContent( content {

    image(bitmap) text("What is the object in this picture?") } ) }
  10. GDG Ahmedabad Low Rank Adaption (LoRA) • Fine tuning technique

    • Faster to train • Smaller on device footprint • Unique sets for specialized applications
  11. Prompt Engineering • Be specific • Few shot prompting •

    Avoid negative prompting • Image first, text second
  12. GDG Ahmedabad Ways of integration** • Google AI Client SDK

    - Public Preview • Firebase Vertex SDK - Public Preview • Google AI Edge SDK for Gemini Nano - Private Preview