HTTP requests initiated from within scripts. For example, XMLHttpRequest and the Fetch API follow the same-origin policy. This means that a web application using those APIs can only request HTTP resources from the same origin the application was loaded from. – “
only request HTTP resources from the same origin the application was loaded from, unless the response from the other origin includes the right CORS headers. – “
give permission to a site (foo.example) to read (potentially private) data from a server (bar.other), using the visitor's browser and credentials. CSP CSP allows a site (foo.example) to prevent itself from loading (potentially malicious) content from unexpected sources (e.g. against XSS). GET /resources/public-data/ HTTP/1.1 Origin: http://foo.example HTTP/1.1 200 OK Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * Content-Security-Policy: base-uri 'none'; default-src 'self' 'unsafe- inline' data: https: wss:; object- src 'none'; script-src 'self'; upgrade-insecure-requests;
src="/public/mylib.js" /> <script> alert('Hello JavaScript!'); </script> setTimeout(); eval(); All of it None of it Space-separated (* | | https: | | data:)
is No pre-flight requests No need to modify HTTP headers Not convinced? Google uses it as well in its Google API JS SDK <iframe name="receiver" src="https://bar.other/my.js"> <script> let win = window.frames.receiver; win.postMessage("message", "https://bar.other"); </script> window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if (event.origin != 'https://foo.example') { // Unknown domain? Ignore! return; } alert( "Rcvd: " + ); });
malicious code has been inserted via XSS! Check-List Does the browser support postMessage? Is the message origin correct and known? Is the message data sanitized and validated? Are origins matched using strict equality (no indexOf("") > 0)? Are messages sent without using wildcards in the origin? <iframe name="receiver" src="https://bar.other/my.js"> <script> let win = window.frames.receiver; win.postMessage("message", "https://bar.other"); </script> window.addEventListener("message", function(event) { if (event.origin != 'https://foo.example') { // Unknown domain? Ignore! return; } alert( "Rcvd: " + ); });