never seen before. for example, on Google or YouTube you might have seen some JavaScript function() { doSomething(); uglyParentheses(); } CSS p { font-family:Helvetica; }
} do stuff with all p (paragraph) tags change the color to white set font to arial set font size to 12 color, font-family, and font-size are properties. white, arial, and 12px are values.
tags to the color black change all link (a) tags to the color blue change all link (a) tags to not be underlined give me the CSS. hint: look up the text-decoration property on google (w3schools is a good resource) and look at the possible “property values”.
in the specific elements you want to change internal: putting CSS in a separate tag external: putting CSS in a separate file we'll look at the three ways to change an image's border to the color blue and the size 2px
a border with CSS, we set the “style” property to equal our CSS code find the CSS properties for the border style, border width, and border color <img src=”myimage.jpg” style=”your css here” /> hint: returns (enters) do not matter in CSS