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Basic HTML & CSS

November 22, 2011

Basic HTML & CSS

A presentation aimed at high school students for review. Inspired by @holman's blog post at http://zachholman.com/posts/slide-design-for-developers.


November 22, 2011


  1. <img src=”photo.jpg”></img> where's the content? sometimes, the attributes are enough

    to describe tag – hence, no content. tags without content, can be written in a shortened way, like so: <img src=”photo.jpg” />
  2. checkout some popular website's HTML code. chrome & firefox right

    click anywhere on the page, and click “View Source” or “View Page Source”. internet explorer stop using it.
  3. whoa. you probably just saw a bunch of stuff you've

    never seen before. for example, on Google or YouTube you might have seen some JavaScript function() { doSomething(); uglyParentheses(); } CSS p { font-family:Helvetica; }
  4. CSS is just a way of separating style content font

    color image border alignment (left, center, right) text images videos links
  5. using CSS p { color: white; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px;

    } do stuff with all p (paragraph) tags change the color to white set font to arial set font size to 12 color, font-family, and font-size are properties. white, arial, and 12px are values.
  6. say I wanted to... change all heading level 1 (h1)

    tags to the color black change all link (a) tags to the color blue change all link (a) tags to not be underlined give me the CSS. hint: look up the text-decoration property on google (w3schools is a good resource) and look at the possible “property values”.
  7. putting CSS on your website 3 ways inline: putting CSS

    in the specific elements you want to change internal: putting CSS in a separate tag external: putting CSS in a separate file we'll look at the three ways to change an image's border to the color blue and the size 2px
  8. inline here's our image HTML: <img src=”myimage.jpg” /> to add

    a border with CSS, we set the “style” property to equal our CSS code find the CSS properties for the border style, border width, and border color <img src=”myimage.jpg” style=”your css here” /> hint: returns (enters) do not matter in CSS