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Unlocking the power of Modern Web APIs

Unlocking the power of Modern Web APIs

Explore how Modern Web APIs empower developers to build powerful, efficient, and interactive web applications by leveraging native browser capabilities.

Timilehin Micheal

December 17, 2024

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Outline of Our discussion 1. The Web 2. Evolution and

    pre-web Api 3. API (Application Programming Interface) 4. Core Web Apis and the Navigation Object 5. Harnessing the power of Web APis for innovation 6. The future of the Web
  2. An information space where documents and other resources are identified

    by URLs, interlinked by hypertext, and accessible via the Internet Tim Berners-Lee
  3. How APIs work ➢ Request-Response Model ➢ HTTP(s) ➢ Endpoints

    ➢ Methods - GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH ➢ The browser environment
  4. The Navigator Object The navigator object is a built-in JavaScript

    object that provides information about the user's browser and the environment in which the page is running. It’s part of the Window interface and is typically accessed through window.navigator ➢ navigator.userAgent ➢ navigator.onLine ➢ navigator.language ➢ navigator.permissions
  5. The Fetch Api ➢ Promised based ➢ Interact with Apis

    ➢ Cross origin resource sharing support ➢ Supports HTTP request methods ➢ Streamlined error handling
  6. Geolocation ➢ Access user’s geolocation ➢ Perfect for applications requiring

    location tracking, but mindful use is essential. ➢ Requires Https or localhost ➢ getCurrentPosition(), watchPosition(), clearWatch() ➢ Allows for geocoding
  7. Service Worker ➢ Runs in the background of a browser

    ➢ Intercept and Cache requests ➢ Offline availability - Cache resources and assets ➢ Supports push notifications ➢ Background syncing ➢ Works over HTTPS or localhost ➢ Can’t access the DOM, interact through postMessage()
  8. The Notification API ➢ Display native notifications to user ➢

    Real time communication ➢ Requires user’s permission ➢ Supported by most browsers ➢ Allow users to control notification preferences in your app.
  9. Other Web APIS ➢ WebRTC API ➢ Web Sockets ➢

    Web Storage ➢ Payment API ➢ Canvas API
  10. Harnessing the power of Web APIs ➢ Real time collaboration

    ➢ Cross-effective development ➢ Scalability ➢ Simplified Integrations ➢ Encouraging innovation