Explore how Modern Web APIs empower developers to build powerful, efficient, and interactive web applications by leveraging native browser capabilities.
pre-web Api 3. API (Application Programming Interface) 4. Core Web Apis and the Navigation Object 5. Harnessing the power of Web APis for innovation 6. The future of the Web
object that provides information about the user's browser and the environment in which the page is running. It’s part of the Window interface and is typically accessed through window.navigator ➢ navigator.userAgent ➢ navigator.onLine ➢ navigator.language ➢ navigator.permissions
location tracking, but mindful use is essential. ➢ Requires Https or localhost ➢ getCurrentPosition(), watchPosition(), clearWatch() ➢ Allows for geocoding
➢ Intercept and Cache requests ➢ Offline availability - Cache resources and assets ➢ Supports push notifications ➢ Background syncing ➢ Works over HTTPS or localhost ➢ Can’t access the DOM, interact through postMessage()