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Ruby Can Too Scale: Highly Performant Microservices in Ruby (OSCON 2016)

Ruby Can Too Scale: Highly Performant Microservices in Ruby (OSCON 2016)

Ruby developers have known for years that our beloved language is one of the most joyful to use. And yet, “Ruby Can’t Scale” seems to be a daily article on Hacker News. Tim Krajcar presents some tips and tricks that he’s learned at New Relic writing Ruby services that scale to hundreds of thousands of requests per minute.

Topics include:

* Building performance into your architecture from your first commit
* Where to invest precious development hours to realize the most performance value
* Which frameworks to use, and which to avoid, when working at scale
* Designing to avoid cascading failures when building highly interdependent services

Tim Krajcar

May 18, 2016

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  1. TimKrajcar This document and the information herein (including any information

    that may be incorporated by reference) is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer, commitment, promise or obligation on behalf of New Relic, Inc. (“New Relic”) to sell securities or deliver any product, material, code, functionality, or other feature. Any information provided hereby is proprietary to New Relic and may not be replicated or disclosed without New Relic’s express written permission. Such information may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of federal securities laws. Any statement that is not a historical fact or refers to expectations, projections, future plans, objectives, estimates, goals, or other characterizations of future events is a forward-looking statement. These forward-looking statements can often be identified as such because the context of the statement will include words such as “believes,” “anticipates,” “expects” or words of similar import. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof, and are subject to change at any time without notice. Existing and prospective investors, customers and other third parties transacting business with New Relic are cautioned not to place undue reliance on this forward-looking information. The achievement or success of the matters covered by such forward-looking statements are based on New Relic’s current assumptions, expectations, and beliefs and are subject to substantial risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and changes in circumstances that may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement. Further information on factors that could affect such forward-looking statements is included in the filings we make with the SEC from time to time. Copies of these documents may be obtained by visiting New Relic’s Investor Relations website at ir.newrelic.com or the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. New Relic assumes no obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. New Relic makes no warranties, expressed or implied, in this document or otherwise, with respect to the information provided.
  2. TimKrajcar expressive programming language = fun to write code =

    I want to write more of it productivity!!
  3. –Johnny Appleseed We should forget about small efficiencies, say about

    97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.
  4. –Johnny Appleseed Yet we should not pass up our opportunities

    in that critical 3%. A good programmer will not be lulled into complacency by such reasoning, [and] will be wise to look carefully at the critical code.
  5. > bundle exec minitest-perf Slowest individual tests 1210.00ms | NewRelic::Agent::AgentTest#test_after_fork_should_

    1190.78ms | LicenseTest#test_for_scary_license_terms 1034.58ms | NewRelic::Agent::Agent::ConnectTest#test_connect_g 1034.20ms | NewRelic::Agent::Agent::ConnectTest#test_logging_c 1032.60ms | NewRelic::Agent::Agent::ConnectTest#test_environme 1031.61ms | NewRelic::Agent::Agent::ConnectTest#test_connect_s 1030.49ms | NewRelic::Agent::Agent::ConnectTest#test_connect_s 730.88ms | OrphanedConfigTest#test_all_default_source_config_ 455.05ms | NewRelic::Agent::MetricStatsTest#test_record_scope 434.18ms | NewRelicServiceTest#test_json_marshaller_should_ha
  6. Slowest test suites 638.87ms | 2 | LicenseTest 293.86ms |

    3 | OrphanedConfigTest 193.41ms | 27 | NewRelic::Agent::Agent::ConnectTest 191.36ms | 1 | NewRelic::Agent::Threading::BacktraceServic 130.64ms | 14 | NewRelic::Agent::PipeChannelManagerTest 118.76ms | 14 | PipeServiceTest 111.14ms | 4 | DispatcherTest 32.82ms | 63 | NewRelic::Agent::AgentTest 25.50ms | 20 | NewRelic::Agent::MetricStatsTest 19.37ms | 12 | NewRelic::Agent::UtilizationDataTest
  7. TimKrajcar •Rails 4.2.6 straight outta rails new + Puma +

    nginx •JSON only, using scaffolded controller & model •testing #index (~25kb) and #show (<1 kb) •read-only •Dedicated EC2 c3.large instances (2 vCPUs) •Postgres on its own dedicated RDS instance •30 users as fast as possible (separate instance)
  8. TimKrajcar #index /articles.json #show /articles/1.json Stock Rails scaffolding 4,211 18,011

    No jbuilder templates 4,561 +8.3% 18,909 +4.9% oj gem 5,548 +21.6% 19,714 +9.4%
  9. TimKrajcar #index /articles.json #show /articles/1.json Stock Rails scaffolding 4,211 18,011

    No jbuilder templates 4,561 +8.3% 18,909 +4.9% oj gem 5,548 +21.6% 19,714 +9.4% Sequel instead of ActiveRecord 7,035 +26.8% 22,378 +13.5%
  10. TimKrajcar #index /articles.json #show /articles/1.json Stock Rails scaffolding 4,211 18,011

    No jbuilder templates 4,561 +8.3% 18,909 +4.9% oj gem 5,548 +21.6% 19,714 +9.4% Sequel instead of ActiveRecord 7,035 +26.8% 22,378 +13.5% Sinatra (with Sequel and oj) 13,245 85,017
  11. TimKrajcar #index /articles.json #show /articles/1.json Stock Rails scaffolding 4,211 18,011

    No jbuilder templates 4,561 +8.3% 18,909 +4.9% oj gem 5,548 +21.6% 19,714 +9.4% Sequel instead of ActiveRecord 7,035 +26.8% 22,378 +13.5% Sinatra (with Sequel and oj) 13,245 85,017
  12. > bundle exec derailed bundle:mem TOP: 46.5625 MiB activeadmin: 17.5156

    MiB active_admin: 17.5039 MiB meta_search: 6.2773 MiB meta_search/searches/active_record: 1.707 MiB meta_search/builder: 1.5938 MiB meta_search/where: 1.0977 MiB polyamorous: 0.4688 MiB active_admin/comments: 3.6055 MiB active_admin/comments/views: 1.375 MiB active_admin/views: 1.2305 MiB (Also required by: active_admin/comments/views/active_admin_comments) /Users/tkrajcar/.rbenv/versions/2.1.7/lib/ruby/gems/ 2.1.0/gems/activeadmin-0.6.3/lib/active_admin/views/components/ paginated_collection.rb: 0.3125 MiB bourbon: 3.3438 MiB
  13. > bundle exec derailed bundle:objects Measuring objects created by gems

    in groups [:default, "production"] Total allocated: 72414462 bytes (425465 objects) Total retained: 24736698 bytes (44790 objects) allocated memory by gem ----------------------------------- 27407703 activesupport- 9240545 erubis-2.7.0 5722758 actionpack- 3287857 activerecord- 3176375 haml-4.0.5 1728840 meta_search-1.1.3 1300638 devise-1.5.4 1216006 2.1.7/lib 1016914 formtastic-2.2.1 993225 activeadmin-0.6.3
  14. require 'cb2' breaker = CB2::Breaker.new( service: "cashwings", # identify each

    circuit breaker individually duration: 60, # in this amount of seconds... threshold: 5, # ...this % of errors will open the breaker reenable_after: 600, # once opened, how long until we try again redis: Redis.new) # uses Redis to keep track by service name
  15. require 'cb2' breaker = CB2::Breaker.new( service: "cashwings", # identify each

    circuit breaker individually duration: 60, # in this amount of seconds... threshold: 5, # ...this % of errors will open the breaker reenable_after: 600, # once opened, how long until we try again redis: Redis.new) # uses Redis to keep track by service name
  16. require 'typhoeus' request1 = Typhoeus::Request.new("http://example.com/1.json") request2 = Typhoeus::Request.new("http://example.com/2.json") hydra =

    Typhoeus::Hydra.new hydra.queue(request1) hydra.queue(request2) hydra.run # blocks here until queue finishes puts "Request 1 status #{request1.response.code}" puts "Request 2 status #{request2.response.code}"
  17. # app/workers/welcome_emailer.rb class WelcomeEmailer include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(email) send_email_to(email, "Welcome!")

    end end # app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb def welcome # blah blah create a @user WelcomeEmailer.perform_async(@user.email) end
  18. # app/workers/welcome_emailer.rb class WelcomeEmailer include Sidekiq::Worker def perform(email) send_email_to(email, "Welcome!")

    end end # app/controllers/welcome_controller.rb def welcome # blah blah create a @user WelcomeEmailer.perform_async(@user.email) end doesn't block
  19. TimKrajcar 1. use Ruby to write services, because it's fun!

    2. monitor both request queuing time and app server time 3. make informed framework decisions (use sinatra) 4. set real timeouts and use circuit breakers 5. parallelize everything 6. background everything 7. rate limit by client, even for internal clients 8. drive synthetic traffic to help catch problems right away