- 經營開源專案往往會需要開發者投入相當多的時間與心力,而如何從經營的過程中持續性的獲得正向回饋即是決定開發者能否長期投入的關鍵因素。在這次的分享中我將以 facebook-crawler 為例,從專案管理的角度與大家分享 facebook-crawler 的理念、策略與收穫。不論你想要為開源專案貢獻一份心力,或者已經是開源專案的貢獻者,相信你/妳都能從這次的分享中更深入的了解經營開源專案會遇到大大小小的事情。並且希望透過這次的幫助大家設計與打造正向的回饋機制!
- facebook-crawler 是一項開源的 Python 套件,可以協助使用者用簡潔的語法快速收集 Facebook 上的公開粉絲專頁、社團的貼文資料,開源至今已經累積超過 2 萬次的下載量,在學術、商業、風險偵測、教育等等方面都有許多應用。
- Maintaining an open-source project requires developers to take a lot of time and care, and how to continuously obtain positive feedback from the management process is the crucial factor that determines whether developers can invest in the long term.
In this sharing, I will use Facebook-crawler as an example to share this open-source project's concept, strategy, and harvest. Whether you want to contribute to open-source projects or are already contributors to open-source projects, I believe you can take away something from this sharing. And hope that this will help you design and create a positive feedback process!
- Facebook-crawler is an open-source Python project that can effectively help users collect information on public Fanpages and Groups posts on Facebook. It has accumulated more than 20,000 downloads from open source. There are many applications in business, risk detection, education, politic, etc.
Here's the project link about this project:
- Github: https://github.com/TLYu0419/facebook_crawler
- PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/facebook-crawler/