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A Modern Mindset for Workplace Learning Pros

Mike Taylor
June 22, 2022

A Modern Mindset for Workplace Learning Pros

Mike Taylor

June 22, 2022


  1. #SHIFTHR @tmiket How long does it take for the knowledge

    of an engineering degree to be disproved or replaced? 100 years ago 35 years 1960s 10 years Today 2.5-5 years https://fs.blog/2018/03/half-life/
  2. “We have come to a point where organizations can no

    longer leave learning to their HR or training departments. Being able to understand emerging situations, see patterns, and co-solve problems are essential business skills. Learning is the work.” Harold Jarche
  3. The more people who join together to learn faster, the

    more rapidly value gets created SCALABLE LEARNING THE GAME HAS CHANGED
  4. #SHIFTHR @tmiket “To really take advantage of the way the

    modern world is changing, we should shift our vision of the role of L&D from being the providers of course-led training to the supporters of learning, in whatever way suits the business and the individual best.” Donald H. Taylor @donaldhtaylor
  5. #SHIFTHR @tmiket Creation Knowledge Stocks How do these get refreshed?

    As the pace of change accelerates, the value of any stock of knowledge depreciates faster and faster.
  6. #SHIFTHR @tmiket “No matter how many smart people there are

    within your firm, remember that there are far more smart people outside your firm.” Bill Joy
  7. #SHIFTHR @tmiket CONVERSATION Creation CONSUMPTION Publish + external info +co-creation

    + Curation Information Flow we have to continually refresh our stocks of knowledge by participating in relevant flows of new knowledge.
  8. #SHIFTHR @tmiket 66 Ways To Support Learning In The Workplace

  9. #SHIFTHR @tmiket Behaviors L&D should enable PLAN: helping employees plan

    their development DISCOVER: Helping employees find the right types of development CONSUME: making necessary content easy to access EXPERIMENT: Helping employees experiment with new knowledge and skills on the job CONNECT: Making it possible for employees to learn from each other PEFORM: Helping employees learn on the job and improve their performance at the same time https://redthreadresearch.com/future-proofing-ld-developing-the-right-skills/
  10. #SHIFTHR @tmiket Organizations with strong learning cultures employ more learning

    methods… Source: RedThread Research 2022 21 10 High Learning Culture Everyone Else
  11. #SHIFTHR @tmiket Have L&D Pros Who Experiment With New Learning

    Methods Source: RedThread Research 2022 61% 35% High Learning Culture Everyone Else
  12. #SHIFTHR @tmiket Have you had success with any new learning

    methods in the past two years? (new to your organization)
  13. “Really smart companies are actually thinking about what they’re trying

    to do rather than the technology that they’re going to use to do it.” Dani Johnson RedThread Research
  14. #SHIFTHR @tmiket Tools & Technology Will Always Evolve User Experience

    Effectiveness Alignment https://redthreadresearch.com/learning-methods-report/
  15. #SHIFTHR @tmiket How do you choose? Considerations for choosing learning

    methods Business Need Culture Audience Available Resources
  16. @tmiket 1 2 Two Types Of L&D Pros Those that

    are driven and take the initiative to learn new skills and try new things Those that are content as they are or don’t think they have enough time
  17. #SHIFTHR @tmiket SCALABLE LEARNING Focus on learning agility Embed it

    with the work Solve a business problem Lead by example!
  18. @tmiket keep up to date with your industry and profession

    Ecosystem for Continuous Learning (JD Dillon) grow your professional network learn something new every day share what you learn https://www.td.org/insights/to-keep-pace-l-d-must-adopt-an-ecosystem-mindset
  19. Thank you! Drop your email here and I’ll send you

    everything. MIKE-TAYLOR.ORG http://gettalk.at/disrupthr