13 Nike run london The whole idea of brand ecosystems built around physical/wearable tech is a fascina7ng blurring of marke7ng and product and service provision but I wonder if anyone (apart from Nike) is set up to really capitalise on this.
out of nowhere at the time. but it was the next step in combining their product, the sports science, the training and motivation knowledge, and their explorations of using the digital space as a place to provide training and services. It included a number of new innovations, including the integration with the iPod, and the new website, and the packaging of it was incredible.
are ready, and then it is inevitable. henry ford Friday, 7 June 13 Henry Ford publicly admits if he had tried to achieve what he did achieve 5/10 years earlier he would have failed. we’ve been talking about this for 10 years
‘jetpack’ visions of ubicomp that pervade the discourse.] wearable computing' and the 'internet of things' remain academic visions, and the products that might be seen to have come to market are no more than curios mainly that are sold to niche markets.” from Matt Jones
a killer app Will touch disrupt the market with exciting experiences? Can Casio, Suunto and Polar shake their complex button legacies? How will Swatch react?
of Nike, Fitbit and Withings opening up to developers? Will platforms like Evernote create Evernote Life? Can open source platforms gain momentum in time? Will we see context-aware phones in the second half of 2013?
platforms of Nike, Fitbit and Withings opening up to developers? Will platforms like Evernote create Evernote Life? Can open source platforms gain momentum in time? Will we see context-aware phones in the second half of 2013?
most happy. Gauge activity levels during a day following a certain sleep pattern. Discover who you prefer to communicate with following meals, sleep, or exercise. Determine the people who have the most positive influence on your life. Hand- eye coordination, hand-foot coordination. Physical movement, fidgeting, and audio cues while using a computer (muscle movement in the fingers from typing) Friday, 7 June 13
uncanny valley is a term from robotics - robots that seem human but don't quite feel right - fight or flight. ads that shout your name are exactly the same.
email you asked for but don't really want - newsletters, offers, etc. If every company knows where you are, do you want your phone vibrating every 5 yards?
of the Japanese retailer “Muji” as short-hand. For accessible products that have a degree of simplicity and desirability to them. I’m also a big fan of Muji’s designs. They should be tasteful, simple, clear, clean, contemporary, affordable, in order to be invited into the home.” Matt Jones
” Malcolm X Friday, 7 June 13 if you are not already thinking about designing for these types of services, you may be too late. think how long the media industry found/is finding the move to a mobile/tablet world. what are you going to do when the devices we interact with may not have a screen.
” Malcolm X Friday, 7 June 13 if you are not already thinking about designing for these types of services, you may be too late. think how long the media industry found/is finding the move to a mobile/tablet world. what are you going to do when the devices we interact with may not have a screen.