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Minimum Viable Agile: Getting off the Agile Tr...

Troy Tuttle
February 26, 2019

Minimum Viable Agile: Getting off the Agile Treadmill

Is your team or organization on the Agile treadmill? Plan the iteration, commit, build, miss the commitment, plan for a better iteration?

In Lean product development, the minimum viable product or MVP, is often defined as the product that quickly garners the maximum amount of validated learning. It’s a strategy to avoid building products that customers don’t need or want by maximizing our learning.

If we were to apply Minimum Viable Product thinking to our approaches, how do we validate our learning in a transformation process? Are we trying to “do more Agile” than is minimally sufficient? Are we asking the people affected by the planned transformation if they are affected in a positive or negative way?

Session Learning Outcomes:
Cargo cult and tribal approaches to learning Agile are suboptimal.
We benefit from transformation models that enable validated learning and outcome-oriented change.
Many of the Agile industry’s popular practices (sacred cows) do not provide the value (learning) we think they do.

Troy Tuttle

February 26, 2019

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