UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI MILANO-BICOCCA in collaboration with: G. Ghisellini, G. Tagliaferri, F. Haardt, and the NuSTAR blazar scientific team ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015
for blazars at high redshift … What can we learn about formation of the first SMBHs? ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015 what is the population of jetted quasars at high z? what is the role of the jet in SMBH early formation?
JETTED SOURCES ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015 extremely massive blazars at z>4 efficiently trace their parent population project to systematically look for and classify new blazars! M > 109M
massive SMBHs hosted in jetted AGN constraints on SMBH formation models clues on jets role in SMBH formation M > 109M z > 4 ✓b = 1/ ✓v ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015
~340-450 jetted AGN not aligned efficiently provide clues on jet-accretion relation But: very few blazars known at z>4, all serendipitous ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015 WHY BLAZARS?
~340-450 jetted AGN not aligned efficiently provide clues on jet-accretion relation But: very few blazars known at z>4, all serendipitous SYSTEMATIC SEARCH! ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015 WHY BLAZARS?
November 2015 naked disc blazars found in optical quasar catalogs SDSS + FIRST quasar catalog z > 4 radio—detected >1mJy R > 100 105783 1248 53 31 R = F5GHz /FB
viewing angle smaller than beaming angle SUCCESSFUL CLASSIFICATIONS ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015 BUT: SDSS+FIRST covers ~1/4 of the sky = 13 ✓v = 3 } ✓v < 1/ 2 2 = 338 by classifying B2 1023+25 we can infer the presence of at least ~1540 analogous jetted quasars, randomly oriented
Ghisellini et al. 2014 UCMB / (1 + z)4 CMB energy density at z~3 becomes competitive with magnetic energy density of quasar lobes RADIO EMISSION IS QUENCHED! blazars: best tracer for jetted quasars!
massive BHs at high redshift two different formation epochs for highly massive BHs: jetted systems preferentially form at z ~ 4 non-jetted systems at z ~ 2-2.5 it’s hard to form such massive BHs in the early Universe the presence of a jet speeds up the process huge lack of misaligned AGN: CMB quenching? ASTRON/JIVE, 12 November 2015