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How to be a productive programmer on a new team

How to be a productive programmer on a new team

This is an evolved version of a talk that I have given at Madison Ruby in 2012 and Steel City Ruby in 2013. It seems ridiculous that I have spent time talking about the same thing over the past two years. However, until a solid on-boarding experience becomes a norm & not an exception, new developers coming into an organization with limited experience can hopefully utilize some or all the strategies that I outline in this talk and be able to create a individualized on-boarding experience. I also hope that more experience developers who are in the position to create a better on-boarding experience for new people joining their organizations can use some of the ideas presented here and soon a good on-boarding experience will be the norm.

This iteration of the talk was presented at Dev Bootcamp Chicago.

Ashish Dixit

January 16, 2014

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  1. Channel your inner 3 year old Who are our customers?

    What are the biggest problems our customers face regularly? What metrics do we care about? how are w e ensuring w e are delivering value? what are some of the biggest challenges ahead for our team? what is our primary focus in the nest three months? What is the long term goal of the project? Who ya gonna call?