= eval("\"#{string}\"") assert @output.include?(string), "expected to find \"#{string}\" in the output from #{@host}, but did not" end Then /^the (?:output|response) should not (?:include|contain) "([^"]*)"$/ do |string| string = eval("\"#{string}\"") assert
[email protected]?(string), "expected not to find \"#{string}\" in the output from #{@host}, but did" end Then /^the (?:output|response) should (?:include|contain) "([^"]*X[^"]*)", where X is less than (\d+)$/ do |string, value| string = eval("\"#{string}\"") regex = Regexp.new(string.sub('X', '(\d+)')) assert @output =~ regex x = $1.to_i assert x < value, "expected \"#{x}\" to be less than \"#{value}\" in the output from #{@host}" end