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August 05, 2014




August 05, 2014

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  1. Background - many researches on food and history of food

    already - History of Food - focus on food recipes in early stage History with Food ? - not only recipe
  2. ideas on Recipe - Ranking - represent change & evolution

    process - predict trends - verify the trends - ranking factor could be beyond time
  3. among recipes - trends - total amount of recipes of

    one typical food (keyword) - similar features
  4. among recipes - why someone survives but others not -

    trends appear year by year - what are the survivors’ common features - what will be the next
  5. within recipe - calculate typicality of recipes - text analysis

    - find most common ingredients - similarity
  6. within recipe - intuitive explaination of typicality Jing, Yushi, and

    Shumeet Baluja. ! "Visualrank: Applying pagerank to large- scale image search." ! Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on 30.11 (2008): 1877-1890.
  7. Visualrank - begins with local feature vectors being extracted from

    images - allow similarity to be considered between images with potential rotation, scale, and perspective transformations
  8. within recipe - Why typicality ʁ - prototype is the

    base - an object is more similar to the prototype of a concept, it has a higher typicality degree in the concept.
  9. within recipe - Why typicality ʁ - to find the

    prototype (base) - then we have a point to start or stand on
  10. ೑͡Ό͕ ಲ೑ δϟΨΠϞ χϯδϯେ ۄͶ͗େ ͩ͠ͷૉ ਫ৯ࡐ͕͔ͿΔ ࡾԹ౶ ে༉ ञ

    ຯᬫ αϥμ༉ ͡Ό͕͍΋ ۄͶ͗ ਓࢀ ڇ೑όϥബ੾Γ ਫ ͩ͠ͷૉ ࡾԹ౶(࠭౶) ञ ΈΓΜ ͠ΐ͏Ώ ϥʔυ ͍Μ͛Μ౾(τοϐϯά༻) δϟΨΠϞ ਓࢀ ಲࡉ੾Ε1 ͑ͷ͖ ͍Μ͛Μ ে༉ ञ ΈΓΜ ࠭౶ ͡Ό͕͍΋ ʹΜ͡Μ ͨ·Ͷ͗ ࡉ੾Ε೑ (ಲͰ΋ڇͰ΋) ਫ ͠ΐ͏Ώ ञ ΈΓΜ ࠭౶ ΄Μͩ͠ ಲόϥ೑(ബ੾Γ) ͡Ό͕͍΋(ϝʔΫΠϯ) ۄͶ͗ ਓࢀ খ݁͠Β͖ͨ αϥμ༉(ᖱΊ༻) ͖͢ম͖ͷͨΕʢࢢൢʣ ΊΜͭΏʢࢢൢʣ ਫ
  11. Future - data other than recipe ? - relationship between

    history and food - what is history and in which what to focus on - what is food
  12. Future - History of Food History of Food Culture ?

    History with Food Food Culture History ? ? -­‐  candidates  -­‐
  13. Fin

  14. ຯḩϥʔϝϯ നୌେ1ାʢ180gʣ ΏͰཛ1ݸ Θ͔Ί3g ਫ300cc ຯḩେ1ͱ1/2 ͝·༉খ1/4 ͕ܲΒͷૉখ2 ʹΜʹ͘খ1/4 ౾൘েখ1/4

    ञେ1/2 Ԙ͜͠ΐ͏গʑ ͓޷Έͷத՚໙̍ା ਫ500cc ञେ̎͞͡ ΢ΣΠύʔେ̍͞͡ Ԙίγϣ΢దྔ ຯͷૉదྔ Ͷ͗̎ʙ̏cm ΋΍͠1/2ା χϥ1/4ା ಲṢ೑30ʙ50g ̋ʹΜʹ͘νϡʔϒ1cm ̋͠ΐ͏͕νϡʔϒ1cm ̋౾൘েখ͞͡1/2 శ໙েେ̍͞͡ ຯḩେ̍͞͡ ͝·༉େ̎͞͡ ϥʔ༉దྔ ໙ΛᣐͰΔ͓౬దྔ ͝·༉େ͞͡1 ຯḩେ͞͡5 νϡʔϒ͠ΐ͏͕3cm νϡʔϒχϯχΫ4cm ౾൘েখ͞͡ࢁ੝Γ1 ࠭౶খ͞͡1 ΦΠελʔιʔεେ͞ ͡1ऑ ਫ100cc ΢ΣΠύʔখ͞͡ࢁ੝ Γ1 ੜத՚ΊΜ(ଠ໙)2ۄ ຯḩϥʔϝϯεʔϓ̎ ା େ൑伹ম̍ύοΫ നࡊ̏ɺ̐ຕ ۄͶ͗൒ۄ ΤϦϯΪ̎ຊ χϯχΫ͔͚̍ ΩϜν͓޷ΈͰ •ΰϚ༉େ͞͡1 •Ԙίγϣ΢গʑ •੺ຯḩখ͞͡2෼ͷ̍ ◇ಲͻ͖೑150g ◇௕Ͷ͗5cm ◇͠ΐ͏͕1/2͔͚ ◇౾൘েখ͞͡1/2 ◇͝·༉খ͞͡1/2 ◆΢ΣΠύʔ(·ͨ͸͕ܲΒ εʔϓͷૉ)େ͞͡1ɾ1/2 ◆ञ50cc ◆͠ΐ͏Ώେ͞͡1 ◆ਫ1600cc ◆Ԙগʑ ຯḩେ͞͡4 ˑΩϟϕπ·ͨ͸നࡊ2ຕ ෼ ˑ΋΍͠1ା ˑ௕Ͷ͗(͋Ε͹੨͍෦ ෼)10cm τοϐϯά(মಲɺന൅Ͷ͗ ͳͲ)దྔ த՚໙(ੜ)4ۄ
  15. ΧϨʔ ܲ΋΋೑180g ۄͶ͗1ʙ2ݸ τϚτͷ؈٧൒෼ ʹΜʹ͘(͢Γ͓Ζ͠)1ย ੜᇙ(͢Γ͓Ζ͠)1ย γφϞϯεςΟοΫগྔ ΧϧμϞϯ4ཻ ϩʔϦΤͷ༿1ຕ ౜ਏࢠ1๪

    Ϋϛϯγʔυখ͞͡1 Ϋϛϯύ΢μʔখ͞͡2 ίϦΞϯμʔύ΢μʔখ͞͡2 λʔϝϦοΫύ΢μʔখ͞͡1 νϦύ΢μʔখ͞͡1 αϥμΦΠϧେ͞͡1 Ϥʔάϧτେ͞͡3 ਫ100m ͳ̍͢ຊ τϚτத̎ݸ ͍Μ͛Μ̍̌ຊ ͡Ό͕͍΋ʢ͔΅ͪΌʣ த̎ݸ ۄͶ͗ ̎෼ͷ̍ݸ ߹ͼ͖೑ ̶̍̌̌̍̌ ̶̌ ▪ ʹΜʹ͘ ΨϥϜϚαϥେ̍͞͡ Ϥʔάϧτେ̍͞͡ ΧϨʔϧʔ̎ݸ ڇͻ͖೑΋͘͠͸߹Ṣ ͖೑150g ۄͶ͗1/2ݸ ՘ࢠ2~3ݸ ϐʔϚϯ2~3ݸ χϯχΫɺੜᇙ֤1/2 ͔͚ αϥμ༉େ͞͡1 ে༉େ͞͡1.5 ञେ͞͡1.5 ΢ελʔιʔεେ͞͡ 1.5 ένϟοϓେ͞͡1.5 ΧϨʔคখ͞͡1 ˒ۄͶ͗(1cm֯ʹ੾Δ)1ݸ 200g ˒՘ࢠ(1cm֯ʹ੾Δ)2ຊ ˒ύϓϦΧ੺(1cm֯ʹ੾Δ)1ݸ ˒ύϓϦΧԫ(1cm֯ʹ੾Δ)1ݸ ˒ΦΫϥ(1cm֯ʹ੾Δ)6ຊ Ԙ2ͭ·Έ ʹΜʹ͘(Έ͡Μ੾Γ)Ұย ߹͍Ṣ͖ϛϯν200g Ԙίγϣ΢దྔ ΧϨʔคେ͞͡3 ে༉େ͞͡2 ◼ਫ600cc ◼νΩϯίϯιϝ(ݻܗ)2ݸ ਫ༹͖ย܀คదྔ ཛ4ݸ ͝൧దྔ νΩϯखӋݩ8ຊ ۄͶ͗2ݸ ਓࢀ1ຊ ΧϨʔคେ4ఔ Ԙɺ͜͠ΐ͏ద౰ ίϯιϝ2ݸ ๘ຶେ2͓޷ΈͰ ΢ελʔιʔεখ2 ౜ਏࢠ2ຊ χϯχΫɺ͠ΐ͏͕ νϡʔϒখ2ͣͭ ΦϦʔϒ͔ɺαϥμ༉ େ1 ਫ300ccҐ τϚτδϡʔε200ccҐ
  16. ౜༲͛ ܲ΋΋೑3ʙ4ຕ നϫΠϯେ̎͞͡ ίϯιϝ(ԽֶௐຯྉແఴՃ)େ ̍͞͡ ΫϨΠδʔιϧτখ̎͞͡ δϣχʔζΨʔϦοΫখ̍͞͡ ΦʔϧεύΠεখ͞͡1/2 ย܀คେ̏͞͡ ্৽คେ̎͞͡

    ܲ΋΋೑2Ωϩ ে༉100cc ΈΓΜখ3 ञখ3 ʹΜʹ͘νϡʔϒ1cm ͠ΐ͏͕νϡʔϒ1cm ཛ1ݸ ย܀ค50cc ย܀คదྔ ༲͛༉গͳ͗͢ͳ͍ྔ ܲ΋΋೑2ຕ ˎ͓ਣখ͞͡2 ˎനͩ͠খ͞͡2 ˎԘখ͞͡1 ˎ͝·༉େ͞͡1ͱ1/2 ˎ͓Ζ͠χϯχΫͻͱ ͔͚ ˎૈṢ͖މᑦগʑ ย܀คେ͞͡3 খഴคେ͞͡3 ܲ΋΋೑580g •͠ΐ͏Ώେ2 •ञେ2 •͸ͪΈͭେ2 •͝·༉େ1 •ʹΜʹ͘νϡʔϒখ1 •͠ΐ͏͕νϡʔϒখ1 •࿨෩ͩ͠ͷૉখ1 •ίνϡδϟϯখ1/2 ˕ཛ1ݸ ˕ϚϤωʔζେ2 ˕ਫେ2 ˑখഴคେ3 ˑย܀คେ3 ܲڳ೑2ຕ ে༉߿·ͨ͸Ԙ߿ˎେ ͞͡1 ञˎখ͞͡1 ਣˎখ͞͡1 ΈΓΜˎʢ͋Ε͹ʣখ ͞͡1 Ԙίγϣ΢ˎগʑ ʹΜʹ͘νϡʔϒˎখ ͞͡1 ੜᇙνϡʔϒˎখ͞͡ 1 ย܀คదྔ