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Upendra Kumar Devisetty

October 20, 2016

More Decks by Upendra Kumar Devisetty

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  1. Transforming Science Through Data-driven Discovery Workshop on Bringing your favorite

    bioinforma<cs analysis tools to Discovery Environment using Docker Upendra Kumar DeviseAy Science Informa<cian [email protected] @Upendra_35
  2. Let’s get started 1. Install Docker on your local machine

    2. Figure out dependencies/binaries/source code 3. Create a Dockerfile, build and test the built image + 4. Submit the request for a “new tool” 6. Design UI for your app and use it •  CyVerse account (hAps://user.cyverse.org/register/) 5. Wait to hear from us
  3. Terminology •  Docker image: Ready snapshot of a configured so_ware

    applica<on. •  Dockerfile: Set of instruc<ons/commands that are used to build the Docker image. •  CyVerse tools vs. apps: In the DE, a tool is an executable or binary upon which an app (an interface of a tool) is used to run the analyses.
  4. 2. Planning Things to consider… •  What dependencies does your

    program have? •  Is the source code is already compiled? •  If not, how to compile your source code ? •  Best place to look is instruc<on manual •  hAp://www.bioinforma<cs.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/
  5. 3. Create a Dockerfile, build and test Docker image FROM

    ubuntu:14.04.3 MAINTAINER Upendra Kumar DeviseAy <[email protected]> LABEL Descrip<on="This image is used for crea<ng FastQC-0.11.5” RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get -y install wget unzip openjdk-7-jdk RUN wget hAp://www.bioinforma<cs.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/ fastqc_v0.11.5.zip \ && unzip fastqc_v0.11.5.zip \ && chmod +x FastQC/fastqc \ && cp -r FastQC/* /usr/bin ENTRYPOINT [ "fastqc" ]
  6. Your tool request for “fastqc“ has been completed. Before you

    can use your tool in the Discovery Environment, a user interface must be defined. You will find your tool listed in the Tool Editor under the name “fastqc“ and version “0.11.5“. 5. Wait to hear from us
  7. •  Containers are very powerful and has many bells and

    whistles •  Avoid storing data inside of containers •  Keep containers light and nimble, build on provided base images from trusted source •  Do not trust a app without Dockerfile
  8. Main Dockerfile commands •  FROM •  MAINTAINER •  LABEL •