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CyVerse overview - CSHL Hackathon

CyVerse overview - CSHL Hackathon

Upendra Kumar Devisetty

November 07, 2016

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  1. Overview of CyVerse CyVerse 2016 Transforming Science Through Data-Driven Discovery

    Vision: Transforming science through data-driven discovery Mission: Design, develop, deploy, and expand a naAonal cyberinfrastructure for life science research, and train scienAsts Funding: NaAonal Science FoundaAon. $100 Million in investment Usage: More than 30K users, PB of data, and hundreds of publicaAons, courses, and discoveries
  2. CyVerse product stack Ready to use Pla:orms Founda<onal Capabili<es Established

    CI Components Extensible Services Ease of Use Flexibility
  3. Discovery Environment Hundreds of bioinformaAcs apps in an easy-to-use interface

    ü  A plaPorm that can run almost any bioinformaAcs applicaAon ü  Seamlessly integrated with data and high performance compuAng ü  User extensible – add, edit and share your applicaAons
  4. •  Upload / Download files and folders •  Share files

    via URL (Public Links) •  Share files/folders with other users Data Manage data Discovery Environment
  5. Apps •  Run hundreds of bioinformaAcs Apps •  Build automated

    workflows •  Modify Apps or integrate new ones Customize ApplicaAons and launch jobs Discovery Environment
  6. Analyses •  Monitor job status and find results •  Cancel

    jobs or re-launch jobs •  Detailed job history View history, find results, reproduce analyses, opAmize parameters Discovery Environment
  7. Discovery Environment Get Science Done Reproducibility ProducAvity •  Use hundreds

    of bioinformaAcs Apps without the command line •  Add your own applicaAons – an extensible, scalable plaPorm •  Analysis history and provenance •  Create and publish Apps and workflows so anyone can use them •  High-performance compuAng – not dependent on your hardware •  Manage a secure data repository and share data easily Access your computaAonal science through a single portal
  8. The Reality + + •  R •  PERL •  Python

    •  ARCGIS •  Java •  Fortran C C# C++ •  etc. •  Amazon •  Azure •  Rackspace •  Campus HPC •  XSEDE •  Etc.
  9. •  Docker is a type of virtualizaAon for sogware distribuAon.

    •  “Docker is an open plaPorm for developing, shipping, and running applicaAons as a light weight containers” – From Docker website. •  Docker allow you to create and manage containers •  Container consists of: •  The base image (Ex: Ubuntu 14.04) •  Your applicaAon source code •  Dependencies/Libraries/Binaries
  10. Why use Docker? ü  Portable deployments ü  Fast applicaAon delivery

    ü  Scale and deploy with ease ü  Easy sogware versioning ü  Reproducibility
  11. Design app UI User Prepare Dockerfile User Build Docker image

    CyVerse Staff The process of Dockerizing tools in DE à à FROM r-base:latest MAINTAINER Upendra Devisemy <[email protected]> LABEL DescripAon "This Dockerfile is for IUTA-1.0” RUN apt-get update && apt-get install –y r-base-dev && libxml2 && libxml2-dev RUN wget hmp://www.niehs.nih.gov/resources/files/IUTA_1.0.tar.gz RUN tar zxvf IUTA_1.0.tar.gz ADD run_IUTA.R / RUN chmod +x /run_IUTA.R && cp /run_IUTA.R /usr/bin ENTRYPOINT ["run_IUTA.R”] à
  12. How to get started? •  Install Docker on your local

    machine •  Figure out dependencies/binaries/source code •  Submit the request for a “new tool” •  Design UI for your app and use it •  Create a Dockerfile, build and test the built image +