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Applications réactives avec Eclipse Vert.x

Julien Viet
December 13, 2017

Applications réactives avec Eclipse Vert.x

Julien Viet

December 13, 2017


  1. Julien Viet Open source developer for 15+ years Current @vertx_project

    lead Principal software engineer at Marseille Java User Group Leader https://www.julienviet.com/ http://github.com/vietj @julienviet  https://www.mixcloud.com/cooperdbi/
  2. Reactive systems Reactive streams Reactive programming Reactive “Responding to stimuli”

    Manifesto, Actor, Messages Resilience, Elasticity, Scalability, Asynchronous, non-blocking Data flow Back-pressure Non-blocking Data flow Events, Observable Spreadsheets Akka, Vert.x Akka Streams, Rx v2, Reactor, Vert.x Reactor, Reactive Spring, RxJava, Vert.x
  3. Eclipse Vert.x Open source project started in 2012 Eclipse /

    Apache licensing A toolkit for building reactive applications for the JVM 7K ⋆ on Built on top of https://vertx.io @vertx_project
  4. while (isRunning) { String line = bufferedReader.readLine(); switch (line.substring(0, 4))

    { case "ECHO": bufferedWriter.write(line); break !// !!... !// other cases (!!...) !// !!... default: bufferedWriter.write("Unknown command"); } }
  5. C1 “When you have a line of text, call C2”

    Something else with no blocking call either C2
  6. Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); // Create a Vert.x context associated

    with an event loop Context context = vertx.getOrCreateContext(); // Execute a task on the event loop context.runOnContext(v -> { // Create an HTTP server running on this context’s event loop HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { request.response().end("Hello World"); }).listen(8080); }); System.in.read(); // Close all resources vertx.close();
  7.  Verticles public class HttpVerticle extends AbstractVerticle { public static

    void main(String[] args) { Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); vertx.deployVerticle(Server.class.getName()); System.in.read(); vertx.close(); } @Override public void init(Vertx vertx, Context context) { // Associates this verticle with // its deployment context super.init(vertx, context); } @Override public void start() throws Exception { HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); server.requestHandler(request -> { request .response() .end("Hello World"); }).listen(8080); } }
  8. Simplified concurrency model public class ChatVerticle extends AbstractVerticle { private

    Set<ServerWebSocket> webSockets = new HashSet<>(); @Override public void start() throws Exception { HttpServer server = vertx.createHttpServer(); server.websocketHandler(webSocket -> { webSocket.textMessageHandler(msg -> { webSockets.forEach(other -> other.writeTextMessage(msg)); }); webSocket.closeHandler(v -> webSockets.remove(webSocket)); webSockets.add(webSocket); }).listen(8080); } }
  9. Deployment model Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx(); // Deploy 5 instances

    on 5 event loops vertx.deployVerticle(HttpVerticle.class.getName(), new DeploymentOptions() .setInstances(5)); // The database verticle uses // deploy 2 instances on 2 event loops vertx.deployVerticle(DatabaseVerticle.class.getName(), new DeploymentOptions() .setInstances(2));
  10. Pay the right price ✓ Tiny footprint ✓ Do one

    thing and do it well ✓ Does not solve other (non) problems such as classloading or IoC ✓ Modular set of extensions
  11. Non-blocking IO benefits ✓ Handle many connections with a few

    threads - focus on protocol concurrency - minimize system calls - more efficient for pipelined/multiplexed protocols
  12. Non-blocking IO benefits ✓ Get away from thread pools -

    removes unnecessary bottlenecks - easier capacity planning - focus on protocol concurrency
  13. Non-blocking IO benefits ✓ Gracefully handle slow connection - remain

    responsive - don’t impact other connections
  14. Networking/messaging with Vert.x ✓ Vert.x Core - TCP, HTTP/1, HTTP/2,

    WebSocket, UDP, DNS ✓ Vert.x Web - SockJS ✓ MQTT ✓ AMQP ✓ gRPC
  15. Typical HTTP server MongoClient client = MongoClient.createNonShared(vertx, getConfig());
 HttpServer server

    = vertx.createHttpServer(); 
 server.requestHandler(request -> {
 if (request.path().equals("/document")) {
 client.findOne("docs", QUERY, fieldsOf(request), ar -> {
 if (ar.succeeded()) {
 String json = ar.result().encode();
 } else {
 } else { /* … */ }
  16. Http server verticle Database client verticle  Event Bus “Details

    for user 1234?” Send to “user.db” ×3 ×10
  17. Http server verticle Database client verticle  Event Bus “Details

    for user 1234?” Send to “user.db” Consume from “user.db” ×3 ×10
  18. Distributed across Vert.x nodes Hazelcast, Ignite, Infinispan, … TCP bridge

    interface Go, Python, C, JavaScript, Swift, C#, … SockJS bridge Seamless frontend / backend messaging
  19. EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus(); eb.consumer("ping-address", message !-> { System.out.println("Received message:

    " + message.body()); message.reply("pong!"); }); EventBus eb = vertx.eventBus(); vertx.setPeriodic(1000, v !-> { eb.send("ping-address", "ping!", reply !-> { if (reply.succeeded()) { System.out.println("Received reply " + reply.result().body()); } else { System.out.println("No reply"); } }); });
  20. foo.a(1, res1 -> { if (res1.succeeded()) { bar.b("abc", 1, res2

    -> { if (res.succeeded()) { baz.c(res3 -> { dosomething(res1, res2, res3, res4 -> { // (...) }); }); } }); } }); “Callback hell”
  21. jdbc.rxGetConnection().flatMap(conn !-> { !// Now chain some statements using flatmap

    composition Single<ResultSet> resa = conn.rxUpdate("CREATE TABLE test(col VARCHAR(20))") .flatMap(result !-> conn.rxUpdate("INSERT INTO test (col) VALUES ('val1')")) .flatMap(result !-> conn.rxUpdate("INSERT INTO test (col) VALUES ('val2')")) .flatMap(result !-> conn.rxQuery("SELECT * FROM test")); return resa.doAfterTerminate(conn!::close); }).subscribe(resultSet !-> { !// Subscribe to the final result System.out.println("Results : " + resultSet.getRows()); }, err !-> { System.out.println("Database problem"); err.printStackTrace(); });
  22. try (SQLConnection conn = awaitResult(jdbc!::getConnection)) { !// Create a table

    Void v = awaitResult(h !-> conn.execute("CREATE TABLE test(col VARCHAR(20))", h)); !// Insert some stuff for (int i = 0; i < 10; i!++) { int ii = i; UpdateResult res = awaitResult(h !-> conn.update("INSERT INTO test (col) VALUES ('val" + ii + "')", h)); System.out.println("Rows updated: " + res.getUpdated()); } !// Select the results ResultSet res = awaitResult(h !-> conn.query("SELECT * FROM test", h)); System.out.println("Selected " + res.getNumRows() + " results"); res.getResults().forEach(System.out!::println); }
  23. val consumer = vertx.eventBus().localConsumer<String>("a.b.c") consumer.handler { message "-> println("Consumer received:

    ${message.body()}") message.reply("pong") } !// Wait until the consumer has properly registered asyncResult<Void> { h "-> consumer.completionHandler(h) } !// Send a message and wait for a reply val reply = asyncResult<Message<String!>> { h "-> vertx.eventBus().send("a.b.c", "ping", h) } println("Reply received: ${reply.body()}")
  24. RxJava Data and events flows Organising transformation of data and

    coordination of events Makes most sense with many sources of events
  25. RxJava 1 vs RxJava 2 Better raw performances Based on

    reactive-streams Null values forbidden More reactive types Observable / Flowable Single / Maybe / Completable
  26. Iterable / Observable try {
 for (String item : it)

    { ➊
 } ➌
 } catch (Throwable e) { ➋
 } observable.subscribe(item -> {
 ➊ // onNext
 }, error -> {
 ➋ // onError
 }, () -> {
 ➌ // onCompleted
  27. Rxified APIs Each API type (annotated with @VertxGen) has its

    prefix io.vertx replaced by io.vertx.rxjava io.vertx.core.Vertx io.vertx.rxjava.Vertx etc…
  28. Unified end-to-end reactive model + ecosystem (not just APIs…) For

    all kinds of distributed applications (even the small-scale ones) Flexible toolkit, not a framework (your needs, your call)
  29. https:!//youtu.be/ZkWsilpiSqw Applications réactives avec Eclipse Vert.x Building Reactive Microservices in

    Java https:!//goo.gl/ep6yB9 https:!//youtu.be/ApGNp4uHKdY Microservices réactifs avec Eclipse Vert.x et Kubernetes Guide to async programming with Vert.x for Java developers https:!//goo.gl/AcWW3A