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Truth View Input - A Framework for Game Design

Michael C. Neel
July 16, 2016

Truth View Input - A Framework for Game Design

Game design is the collision of art and technology. The methods, patterns, and practices we use in software development do not handle well the fuzzy edges of art yet the volumes of art critique fail to account for the technology of a video game. A a video game designer we should study both sides of the equation but ultimately know we have to forge our own path.

This session is the next step in my "Quest for Fun" - my long journey toward understanding game design. I will present a framework that is has both abstract and concrete components, that is to say both concept and code. It is not a complete step-by-step formula, but rather a set of tools than can be used in your own game design efforts. My hope is that this talk will be useful to any level of game design and development experience.

Michael C. Neel

July 16, 2016


  1. 5 Domains of Play (Game) The Big 5 (OCEAN) (Gamer)

    Openness to Experience Novelty Conscientiousness Challenge Extraversion Stimulation Agreeableness Harmony Neuroticism Threat
  2. Cooperation Conflict Context Mechanics Skilled Less Skilled Work Not Work

    Explore Build Fantasy Realism Novelty Thrill Calm Multiplayer Solo Stimulation Harmony Challenge
  3. Fantasy Realism Care a lot Care Meh Care Care a

    lot Investment Layers 5% 15% 60% 15% 5%
  4. Explores Builds Fantasy Realism (Care a lot) (Meh) (Care) 5%

    15% 60% 15% 5% 15% 15% 5% 5% (Care a lot) (Care)
  5. Cooperation Conflict Context Mechanics Skilled Less Skilled Work Not Work

    Explores Builds Fantasy Realism Thrill Calm Multiplayer Solo
  6. Input what movement is allowed Truth z = z2 +

    c where z does not diverge from z = 0 View number of integrations color of point based on divergence iteration
  7. Input starting cells stop / start change cells Truth n

    = living neighbors (8-way) n < 2 : dies n > 3 : dies n == 3 : lives / born View grid style dying animation color based on age color cells that were once alive
  8. The singleton pattern is a design pattern that restricts the

    instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system The Singleton
  9. • Singleton / Static Class (C#) • Truth Mechanics •

    Useable by all game objects • Only object allowed to change GameState • Singleton / Static class (C#) • Truth Data • Readable by all game objects • References to game objects Truth In Code GameState GameEngine
  10. • SetPlayerPosition(Vector3 position) • SpawnMonsters(Int32 number) • PlayerAttacked(Monster attacker) •

    MonsterAttacked(Player attacker) • Vector3 PlayerPosition • Monster[] ActiveMonsters • Int32 PlayerHealth • Int32 PlayerScore Truth In Code: Examples GameData GameState
  11. • The 5 Domains of Play Engines of Play by

    Jason VandenBerghe • Truth in Game Design by Jonathan Blow Thank you! @ViNull / vinull.com / [email protected] @the_darklorde @Jonathan_Blow Knoxville Game Design knoxgamedesign.org