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Spatial Rendering for Apple Vision Pro

Spatial Rendering for Apple Vision Pro

This talk was delivered to the joint Swift Language User Group and Cocoaheads meetup in San Francisco on December 12, 2024. It covers low-level topics in spatial rendering, including ARKit on visionOS, Metal, and Compositor Services.

Warren Moore

December 12, 2024

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  1. Warren Moore December 12, 2024 Spatial Rendering for Apple Vision

    Pro with ARKit, Metal, and Compositor Services Metal is a registered trademark of Apple Inc. Apple Vision Pro is a trademark of Apple Inc.
  2. About me Worked at Apple (2013–2014; 2016–2017) Wrote Metal by

    Example Last spoke at SLUG ten years ago (!) @warrenm @warrenm.bsky.social 3
  3. Sample code 4,000 lines of spatial goodness Physically based rendering

    engine in Metal Hand tracking and rendering Basic spatial interaction Scene reconstruction and occlusion …and more! 4 github.com/metal-by-example/ spatial-rendering
  4. 5

  5. ARKit for visionOS Topics Scene understanding Poses and transforms Data

    providers Running a session Handling updates 8
  6. Scene understanding Building a map of the real world with

    cameras and sensors Anchors • Have a pose relative to ARKit ’ s origin • Represent an image, a hand, a surface, etc. • Each anchor type is generated by a different data provider 9
  7. Poses 10 Pose = position and orientation ARKit origin pose

    • Determined by the system • At floor/ground height near user ’ s feet
  8. Poses Considered as coordinate spaces X Points expressed as (x,

    y, z) triplets Relative to origin Coordinate = distance along an axis (x, y, z)
  9. Poses Considered as matrices 11 Position → translation (T) Orientation

    → rotation (R) Scale → scaling (S) Combine into a TRS matrix (“transform”) ⃗ vworld = Mworld ⋅ ⃗ vmodel M = T ⋅ R ⋅ S
  10. Device anchor transform 13 Device pose relative to origin Render

    content anchored to the real world, or the headset
  11. Scene graphs Representing hierarchy 14 Parent-child entity relationships → spatial

    hierarchy Model transform = product of local and ancestors ’ transforms Anchoring an entity locks content in space
  12. Data providers Ten types as of visionOS 2.0 We ’

    ll focus on a few: • World tracking • Hand tracking • Plane tracking • Scene reconstruction 15
  13. Running a session Exclusive to visionOS: ARKitSession A simple example:

    let dataProvider = WorldTrackingProvider() let session = ARKitSession() try await session.run([dataProvider]) 16
  14. ARKit Permissions No permission required for world tracking Automatic prompts

    for permission based on your Info.plist NSWorldSensingUsageDescription Required for plane tracking, scene reconstruction, light estimation, etc. NSHandsTrackingUsageDescription Required for hand tracking 􀇿 17
  15. Anchor updates AnchorUpdateSequence Each data provider has an anchorUpdates property

    AnchorUpdateSequence<AnchorType> conforms to AsyncSequence Can be awaited on by a Task of suitable priority Task(priority: .low) { [weak self] in for await update in provider.anchorUpdates { // do something useful } } 18
  16. Anchor updates Polling Ask for anchors at a particular time:

    let anchor = worldTrackingProvider.queryDeviceAnchor(atTimestamp: timestamp) May cause ARKit to interpolate or extrapolate Can fail 19
  17. Concepts in 3D Rendering Topics Data on the GPU The

    render pipeline Coordinate spaces 21
  18. Data on the GPU Resources Buffer • Typeless allocation of

    memory • Conforms to the MTLBuffer protocol Texture • Formatted image data • Conforms to the MTLTexture protocol • Can be used as a render target 22
  19. Data on the GPU Loading a model 23 Toy drummer

    model - Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. Model file (USDZ, glTF, etc.) Model loader (Model I/O, etc.) 0.1 0.23 0.12 0.44 0.78 0.11 0.23 0.77 0.91 0.34 0.87 0.66 0.87 0.91 0.2 1.1 0.9 0.33 0 2 1 3 2 4 5 4 6 6 7 8 8 9 10 12 11 12 GPU Resources Buffers Textures
  20. Command submission Introduction Commands are batched into command buffers, via

    command encoders Command buffers are created by command queues Command submission follows a fire-and-forget pattern X
  21. Command submission Command buffer encoding X Command Buffer (Active) Command

    Buffer (Committed) Command Encoder Command Queue “Set some state” “Bind this resource” “Draw a mesh” 101011 010101 010110 101011 010101 010110
  22. The render pipeline Shaders Vertex function • Reads model-space position

    (and other attributes) • Produces a clip-space position (and other attributes) Fragment function • Receives interpolated vertex data • Determines the color of a sample 24
  23. The render pipeline Overview 25 Raster Ops Stencil test Depth

    test Blending Render targets Rasterizer Perspective divide Viewport transform Vertex Postprocessing Programmable stage Fixed-function stage Vertex Function Vertex data, transforms, etc. Fragment Function
  24. The render pipeline Render pipeline states X Render Pipeline Descriptor

    Shader functions Vertex descriptor Blend state Render target pixel formats Render Pipeline State …
  25. Coordinate spaces Vertex processing stage 29 Model Space World Space

    View Space Clip Space Model transform View transform Projection transform Implemented by the vertex function: ⃗ vclip = P ⋅ V ⋅ M ⋅ ⃗ vmodel
  26. X struct VertexAttributes { float3 position [[attribute(0)]]; float3 normal [[attribute(1)]];

    float2 texCoords [[attribute(2)]]; }; [[vertex]] VertexOut vertex_main(VertexAttributes in [[stage_in]], ...) { VertexOut out {}; out.position = modelViewProjectionMatrix * float4(in.position, 1.0f); // ... return out; }
  27. Coordinate spaces Vertex post-processing stage 30 Clip Space NDC Viewport

    Space Perspective divide Viewport transform Performed during vertex post-processing
  28. Concepts in 3D Rendering Recap Load model data into GPU-resident

    resources Write shaders to transform vertices and perform lighting & shading Stereo rendering = render the same thing from different viewpoints 34
  29. ImmersiveSpace 36 An ImmersiveSpace is a SwiftUI Scene Hosts spatial

    content (e.g., RealityView or LayerRenderer) Can be in one of three immersion styles • Full • Progressive • Mixed
  30. ImmersiveSpace Example 37 struct SpatialApp: App { @State var selectedImmersionStyle:

    (any ImmersionStyle) = .mixed var body: some Scene { ImmersiveSpace() { // content } .immersionStyle(selection: $selectedImmersionStyle, in: .mixed, .full) } }
  31. LayerRenderer 40 A LayerRender conforms to ImmersiveSpaceContent Connects your Metal

    content to Compositor Services Provides frame objects
  32. LayerRenderer Configuration example 43 func makeConfiguration(capabilities: LayerRenderer.Capabilities, configuration: inout LayerRenderer.Configuration)

    { if capabilities.supportsFoveation { configuration.isFoveationEnabled = true configuration.layout = .layered } else { configuration.layout = .dedicated } configuration.colorFormat = .rgba16Float configuration.depthFormat = .depth32Float }
  33. The render loop Preparation 44 Start ARKit session Load scene

    content Create render pipeline states and other long-lived Metal objects
  34. The render loop LayerRenderer states 45 func run(_ layerRenderer: LayerRenderer)

    async { while true { switch layerRenderer.state { case .paused: layerRenderer.waitUntilRunning() case .running: autoreleasepool { renderFrame() } case .invalidated: return } } }
  35. The render loop Frame timing 46 Query Frame and predict

    timing Update: frame.startUpdate() / frame.endUpdate() • Process input events, etc. Submit: frame.startSubmission() / frame.endSubmission() • Query Drawable • Encode rendering work • Present
  36. Stereo rendering Drawables 47 Views Color Textures Depth Textures Rasterization

    Rate Maps Projection Matrices Device Anchor Resources Data
  37. Stereo rendering Dedicated layout 50 Render one pass per eye

    Not very efficient • Render target changes • No shared work between eyes (twice the draw calls)
  38. Stereo rendering Render pass descriptor (Dedicated) 51 func makeRenderPassDescriptor(for drawable:

    LayerRenderer.Drawable, passIndex: Int) -> MTLRenderPassDescriptor { let passDescriptor = MTLRenderPassDescriptor() passDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].loadAction = .clear passDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].clearColor = MTLClearColor(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, alpha: 1) passDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture = drawable.colorTextures[passIndex] passDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].storeAction = .store passDescriptor.depthAttachment.loadAction = .clear passDescriptor.depthAttachment.clearDepth = 0.0 passDescriptor.depthAttachment.texture = drawable.depthTextures[passIndex] passDescriptor.depthAttachment.storeAction = .store return passDescriptor }
  39. Stereo rendering Frame encoding (Dedicated) 52 for passIndex in 0..<drawable.views.viewCount

    { let passDescriptor = makeRenderPassDescriptor(for: drawable, passIndex: passIndex) let commandEncoder = commandBuffer.makeRenderCommandEncoder(descriptor: passDescriptor) // draw calls, etc. commandEncoder.endEncoding() }
  40. Advanced rendering Vertex amplification 53 Invoke the vertex pipeline multiple

    times for each vertex Reduces draw count by half when combined with layered rendering Specify primitive topology and amplification count up-front: if device.supportsVertexAmplificationCount(2) { renderPipelineDescriptor.inputPrimitiveTopology = .triangle renderPipelineDescriptor.maxVertexAmplificationCount = 2 }
  41. Advanced rendering Layered rendering 54 Adapt shaders to be amplification-aware

    Target each vertex to a render target slice Combined with vertex amplification → render both eyes simultaneously
  42. Layered rendering Frame encoding differences 55 passDescriptor.renderTargetArrayLength = drawable.colorTextures[0].arrayLength //

    create render command encoder // bind pipeline // bind resources renderCommandEncoder.setVertexAmplificationCount(2, viewMappings: nil) // issue draw calls
  43. Layered rendering Shader differences (1/3) 56 struct PassConstants { float4x4

    viewMatrices[2]; float4x4 projectionMatrices[2]; float3 cameraPositions[2]; };
  44. Layered rendering Shader differences (2/3) 57 struct VertexOut { float4

    clipPosition [[position]]; float3 normal; float2 texCoords; uint renderTargetSlice [[render_target_array_index]]; }; slice 1 slice 0
  45. Layered renderer Shader differences (3/3) 58 vertex VertexOut vertex_main(VertexIn in

    [[stage_in]], constant PassConstants &frame, uint viewIndex [[amplification_id]]) { float4x4 viewMatrix = frame.viewMatrices[viewIndex]; float4x4 projectionMatrix = frame.projectionMatrices[viewIndex]; VertexOut out { ... }; out.renderTargetSlice = viewIndex; return out; }
  46. Passthrough rendering 59 Clear color target to alpha = 0

    Use premultiplied blending for correct compositing
  47. Compositor Services Recap Present immersive content with LayerRenderer Chose a

    layout that works with your engine—prefer layered Work with Compositor Services to time your frame submission Use Metal features like vertex amplification and rasterization rate maps 63
  48. Spatial gestures SpatialEventCollection No RealityKit SpatialTapGesture, etc.—no RealityKit entities! Subscribe

    via LayerRenderer.onSpatialEvent Hand pose and (static) gaze direction for indirect pinch gestures Pay attention to concurrency 66
  49. Hand tracking HandTrackingProvider Query HandAnchors at a given time (similar

    to DeviceAnchor): func handAnchors(at timestamp: TimeInterval) -> (left: HandAnchor?, right: HandAnchor?) Use ARKit extrapolation to get low-latency hand poses: let predictedTiming = frame.predictTiming() let timestamp = predictedTiming.trackableAnchorTime) 67
  50. Hand tracking Hand skeletons 26 estimated joint poses Wrist joint

    pose = hand anchor pose Render stylized hands in full immersion Attach colliders for direct interaction 68
  51. Hand tracking Hand rendering Vertex skinning on the GPU with

    transform feedback X float4 weights = vert.jointWeights; float4x4 skinningMatrix = weights[0] * jointTransforms[vert.jointIndices[0]] + weights[1] * jointTransforms[vert.jointIndices[1]] + weights[2] * jointTransforms[vert.jointIndices[2]] + weights[3] * jointTransforms[vert.jointIndices[3]]; float3 skinnedPosition = (skinningMatrix * float4(vert.position, 1.0f)).xyz;
  52. 70

  53. Scene reconstruction Occlusion material Render MeshAnchor geometry before the rest

    of the scene Disable writing to the render buffer by setting the color write mask: renderPipelineDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].writeMask = [] Still writes to the depth buffer, occluding virtual content 71
  54. Scene reconstruction Going further with shadows Mesh anchor geometry is

    a great “shadow catcher” Return black (or other shadow color) from fragment function alpha = shadow intensity X
  55. Physics Looking to the Horizon 72 All content, games titles,

    trade names, trademarks, artwork and associated imagery are trademarks and/or copyright material of their respective owners.
  56. Physics Getting a Jolt 73 Jolt Physics • MIT licensed

    • multi-core rigid body physics engine • written in C++ 😎 • for games and VR applications Jolt Physics ragdoll demo
  57. Physics Topics 74 Physics shapes and bodies Coupling the scene

    graph and simulation Interaction via hit-testing
  58. Physics Shapes 75 Simplified geometric representation of a mesh Can

    be idealized (sphere, box, capsule) Or a convex hull or general polyhedron
  59. Physics Bodies 76 Hold properties like mass, friction, restitution Static

    bodies • Not simulated, don ’ t collide, can be collided with Dynamic bodies • Simulated, subject to forces, collide with all other bodies Kinematic bodies • Driven by user input or animations • Don ’ t respond to collisions or forces
  60. Physics Coupling 77 During update phase Copy kinematic transforms to

    physics world Run physics simulation steps Copy transforms of moved objects back to scene graph
  61. 79

  62. Conclusion ARKit provides a rich set of data streams for

    scene understanding Metal and Compositor Services enable limitless spatial rendering capabilities Physics and interaction are D.I.Y. but aided by scene understanding 81
  63. Computer Graphics from Scratch is a terrific introduction to graphics

    programming topics: •3D mathematics •Ray tracing •Rasterization Read this if you want to really understand what your GPU is doing! Learning the fundamentals X