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Introduction to Elasticsearch

Introduction to Elasticsearch

Global introduction to elastisearch presented at BigData meetup.
Use cases, getting started, Rest CRUD API, Mapping, Search API, Query DSL with queries and filters, Analyzers, Analytics with facets and aggregations, Percolator, High Availability, Clients & Integrations, ...

Eric Rodriguez

May 27, 2014

More Decks by Eric Rodriguez

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  1. About Me Eric Rodriguez Founder of data.be ! • Web

    entrepreneur • Data addict • Multi-Language: PHP, Java/ Groovy/Grails, .Net, … be.linkedin.com/in/erodriguez ! github.com/wavyx ! @wavyx
  2. Elasticsearch - Company • Founded in 2012 => http://www.elasticsearch.com •

    Professional services • Training • Consultancy / Development support • Production support subscription (3 levels of SLAs)
  3. (M)ELK Stack • Elasticsearch - Search server based on Lucene

    • Logstash - Tool for managing events and logs • Kibana - Visualize logs and time-stamped data • Marvel - Monitor your cluster’s heartbeat You Know, for Search…
  4. Marvel • Monitor the health of your cluster
 cluster-wide metrics,

    overview of all nodes and indices and events (master election, new nodes)
  5. real time, search and analytics engine open-source Lucene JSON schema

    free document
 store RESTful API documentation scalability high availability distributed multi tenancy per-operation
  6. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  7. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  8. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  9. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  10. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  11. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  12. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  13. Elasticsearch core • Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text

    search engine library written entirely in Java • Elasticsearch added value: “Simple is best” • Simple API (with documentation) • JSON & RESTful • Sharding & Replication • Extensibility: plugins and scripts • Interoperability: clients and integrations
  14. Terms for DBAs • Index • Type • Document •

    Fields • Mapping Elasticsearch RDBMs • Database • Table • Row • Column • Schema
  15. REST • Check your cluster, node, and index health, status,

    and statistics • Administer your cluster, node, and index data and metadata • Perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) and search operations against your indexes • Execute advanced search operations such as paging, sorting, filtering, scripting, faceting, aggregations, and many others
  16. Mapping 1/2 • Define how a document should be mapped

    (similar to schema): searchable fields, tokenization, storage, .. • Explicit mapping is defined on an index/type level • A default mapping is automatically created
  17. Mapping 2/2 • Core types: string, integer/long, float/double, boolean, and

    null • Other types: Array, Object, Nested, IP, GeoPoint, GeoShape, Attachment • Example
  18. Search API 1/2 • Multi-index, Multi-type • Uri search -

    Google like
 Operators (AND/OR), fields, sort, paging, wildcards, …
  19. Search API 2/2 • Paging & Sort • Fields: selection,

    scripts • Post filter • Highlighting • Rescoring • Explain • …
  20. Query DSL • “SQL” for elasticsearch • Queries should be

    used • for full text search • where the result depends on a relevance score • Filters should be used • for binary yes/no searches • for queries on exact values
  21. Analysis 1/2 • Analysis is extracting “terms” from a given

    text • Processing natural language to make it computer searchable • Configurable registry of Analyzers that can be used • to break indexed (analyzed) fields when a document is indexed • to process query strings
  22. Analysis 2/2 • Analyzers are composed of • a single

    Tokenizer (may be preceded by one or more CharFilters) • zero or more TokenFilters • Default Analyzers
 standard, pattern, whitespace, language, snowball
  23. Copyright 2014 Elasticsearch Inc / Elasticsearch BV. All rights reserved.

    Content used with permission from Elasticsearch.
  24. Analytics • Aggregation of information: similar to “group by” •

    Facets • Aggregated data based on a search query • One-dimensional results • Ex: “term facets” return facetcounts for various values for a specific field 
 Think color, tag, category, … • Aggregations (ES 1.0+) • Nested Facets • Basic Stats: mean, min, max, std dev, term counts • Significant Terms, Percentiles, Cardinality estimations
  25. Facets • not yet deprecated, but use aggregations! • Various

 terms, range, histogram, date, statistical, geo distance, …
  26. Aggregations • A generic powerful framework that can be divided

    into 2 main families: • Bucketing
 Each bucket is associated with a key and a document criterion
 The aggregation process provides a list of buckets - each one with a set of documents that "belong" to it. • Metric
 Aggregations that keep track and compute metrics over a set of documents. • Aggregations can be nested !
  27. Bucket Aggregators • global • filter • missing • terms

    • range • date range • ip range • histogram • date histogram • geo distance • geohash grid • nested • reverse nested • top hits (version 1.3)
  28. Metrics Aggregators • count • stats • extended stats •

    cardinality • percentiles • min • max • sum • avg
  29. Search for end users • Suggesters - “Did you mean”

    Terms, Phrases, Completion, Context • “More like this”
 Find documents that are "like" provided text by running it against one or more fields
  30. Percolator • Classic ES 1. Add & Index documents 2.

    Search with queries 3. Retrieve matching documents • Percolator 1. Add & Index queries 2. Percolate documents 3. Retrieve matching queries
  31. Why Percolate ?! • Alerts: social media mentions, weather forecast,

    news alerts • Automatic Monitoring: price monitoring, stock alerts, logs • Ads: display targeted ads based on user’s search queries • Enrich: percolate new documents, then add query matches as document tags
  32. High Availability 1/2 • Sharding - Write Scalability • Split

    logical data over multiple machines & Control data flows • Each index has a fixed number of shards • Improve indexing performance • Replication - Read Scalability • Each shard can have 0-many replicas (dynamic setup) • Removing SPOF (Single Point Of Failure) • Improve search performance
  33. High Availability 2/2 • Zen Discovery • Automatic discovery of

    nodes within a cluster and electing a master node • Useful for failover and replication • Specific modules: Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Google Compute Engine • Snapshot & Restore module
  34. Cluster Management • Marvel - http://www.elasticsearch.org/overview/marvel/ • BigDesk - http://bigdesk.org/

    • Paramedic - https://github.com/karmi/elasticsearch- paramedic • KOPF - https://github.com/lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopf/ • Elastic HQ - http://www.elastichq.org/
  35. Clients & Integration • Ecosystem: Kibana, Logstash, Marvel, Hadoop integration

    • API Clients: Java, Javascript, Groovy, PHP, Perl, Python, .Net, Ruby, Scala, Clojure, Go, Erlang, … • Integrations: Grails, Django, Play!, Symfony2, Carrot2, Spring, Drupal, Wordpress, … • Rivers: CouchDB, JDBC, MongoDB, Neo4j, Redis, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, Amazon SQS, File System, Twitter, Wikipedia, RSS, …
  36. Fast & Furious Evolution Version 1.1
 March 25, 2014 •

    Cardinality Agg • Percentiles Agg • Significant Terms Agg • Search Templates • Cross fields search • Alias for indices & templates Version 1.2
 May 22, 2014 • Java 7 • Indexing & Merging performance • Aggregations performance • Context suggester • Deep scrolling • Field value factor Benchmark API coming in 1.3 Version 1.0
 Feb 12, 2014 • Aggregations • Snapshot & Restore • Distributed Percolator • Cat API • Federated search • Doc values • Circuit breaker
  37. Resources • http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/ • http://www.elasticsearch.org/videos/ • http://www.elasticsearchtutorial.com/ • http://exploringelasticsearch.com/ •

    http://joelabrahamsson.com/elasticsearch-101/ • http://belczyk.com/2014/01/elasticsearch-recomended-learning-materials/ • http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.x/modules- plugins.html