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Can Inland Waterways of Lombardy attract touris...

WCC Scotland
September 22, 2016

Can Inland Waterways of Lombardy attract tourism and new economic uses?

The aim is to illustrate the actual situation of the Lombard inland waterways in order to better understand the potentialities of the area with particular regard to the sites of revelant importance as a unifying element in the construction of a cultural and touristic inland network.

Lombardy is the Italian Region with the most developed system of inland navigable waterways (more than 1000 chilometres, more than 200 touristic ports and 5 canals). Despite of this, it happens that we often forget to consider the whole system of the lombard inland waterways in its entirety and completeness so we miss its touristic and economic potentialities. On the other hand, this system, which is traditionally based on solid historic foundations, could play a very important role in the enhancement of the “water civilization”. The whole system of the lombard inland waterways could contribute, in fact, to convey “attractiveness” (itineraries, cultural sites) and “added” values (events and memories).

WCC Scotland

September 22, 2016

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  1. Diagrams and maps visualized are from: Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e

    Mobilità. Struttura Navigazione e Intermodalità Inland Waterways International “Can Inland Waterways of Lombardy attract tourism and new economic uses?” Edo Bricchetti WORLD CANALS CONFERENCE 2016 INVERNESS
  2. 1.000 km of navigable inland coasts 5 major lakes 21

    minor lakes 5 main rivers 2 navigable canals 5 historical canals (navigli) Inland Waterways in Lombardy share their heritage with great and small cities, medieval burghs, natural surroundings, rural landscapes…offering good opportunities for leisure and hospitality Inland Waterways in Lombardy
  3. WATER HERITAGE CANALS, RIVERS, LAKES Attractiveness • Water Heritage is

    one of the main sustainable touristic attractor • The attractiveness of water sites results from the combination of touristic itineraries with cultural sites and sports events • A more systematic approach to Water Heritage implies new perspectives to be founded on events and memories played as “added values” • Navigation should be implemented and integrated with guided visits to monuments, villas, farming activities, local markets…
  4. CANALS, RIVERS, LAKES Weak points • Despite of the complex

    system of distributing waters in Lombardy, there are few signs of a systematic networking by the local authorities • All the inland waterways have no interconnections among each other • There are few cultural chances to explore the inner parts of the area and, above all, there are no proper links with the Water Heritage which is out of the usual tour visits • There’s no innovation in the hospitality industry such as accommodation and restoration • The operative landing sites are concentrated only in very few points which limit the approach • There are only short itineraries (maximum one/two hours of navigation)
  5. CANALS, RIVERS, LAKES What we need: more actions concerning sustainability,

    rules, security, restoration of waterways, multiannual programme such as: • renovation of the fleet and adaptation of the ports for public and private transport • restoration of the banks and rescue of works and locks • interventions to improve the cultural attractiveness of the inland waterways areas • revision of the rules of navigation according to the European rules and conditions of security • activation of cycle and path tracks in correspondence with the inland waterways routes • strategic initiatives for entertainment, activities on water, sports events, nautical schools, accommodation and restoration
  6. CANALS, RIVERS, LAKES Urgent need for: • Regional actions and

    programmes of investment for the development, improvements and promotion of infrastructures for soft mobility • Territorial plans and integrated projects for tourism in the inland waterways area • Restoration of the Lombard Canals (navigli) and their hydraulic works • New programmes for enhancing the cultural and landscape heritage • Program Agreements between the institutional authorities and the private companies in charge with the rivers, lakes and canals concerning economy, navigation, irrigation, waterpower, residential uses
  7. Naviglio Grande Naviglio Martesana Naviglio di Paderno Naviglio Pavese Naviglio

    of Bereguardo The Lombard Plain is crossed by a system of canals (about km 150) with their centre in Milano Naviglio Grande Municipalities 34 Population 315.132,00 Extension Kmq. 455,35 Cultural Heritage 836 Historic buildings 97 Naviglio Martesana Municipalities 14 Population 210.400,00 Extension Kmq 117,88 Cultural Heritage 232 Historic buildings 45,00 Naviglio Pavese Municipalities 11 Population 148.699,00 Extension Kmq. 169,09 Cultural Heritage 200 Historic buildings 28 Naviglio di Bereguardo (Naviglio Grande and Naviglio di Pavia) and Naviglio di Paderno is integrated in the lombard system of canals (River Adda/ Naviglio Martesana)
  8. Naviglio Martesana. Built in 1456 - 1463. Numerous locks. From

    River Adda to Milano Naviglio Grande, the oldest canal in Europe. Built in 1179. Still navigable. No locks. From River Ticino to Milano Naviglio of Paderno. Initially conceived by Leonardo da Vinci and Giuseppe Meda. Become operating in 1777. Numerous “Vinciane” locks. From Paderno to Cornate Naviglio of Bereguardo. Numerous locks (now abandoned). From Abbiategrasso to Bereguardo Naviglio Pavese. Opened to navigation in 1819. Numerous locks. From Milano to Pavia Canals (Navigli) of Lombardy
  9. River Ticino River Adda River Oglio River Mincio Everything moves

    southwards to River Po In the north: lakes In the middle: urban areas In the south: rural landscape RIVERS (navigable) River Po
  10. River Po Extension: Km 652
 River Ticino Extension: Km 248

    River Adda Extension: Km 313 
 River Oglio Extension: Km 280 
 River Mincio Extension: Km 75 
 Rivers (navigable)
  11. Lago Maggiore Lago of Como Lago of Lugano Lago d’Iseo

    Lago of Garda Lake Maggiore. Extension Kmq. 80. Full length of coast km. 74 Lake of Como/Lecco. Extension Kmq. 145. Full length of coast km. 177 Lake of Iseo. Extension Kmq. 61. Full length of coast km. 81 Lake of Lugano. Extension Kmq. 20. Full length of coast km. 36 Lakes (navigable) Lake of Pusiano
  12. the Vicolo dei Lavandai, one of the many wash-houses along

    the Naviglio Grande. Next we'll head for one of the most important groups of buildings along the first stretch of the canal: the one that includes the church, the bridge and the wash-house of San Cristoforo. Milano Naviglio Grande Naviglio Pavese Darsena Ticinese
  13. Along this route (from Cassinetta of Lugagnano to Castelletto of

    Cuggiono) there is a vast choice for nature, art and history Naviglio Grande “Ville di delizia” Cassinet ta Castellett o
  14. Leonardo da Vinci “Li Tre Corni” Naviglio of Paderno “The

    Virgin of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci The “Forra of Paderno”
  15. Inland routes along the River Po —— completed - -

    - - to be updated - - - - - planned River Po River Po RIVERS (navigable)
  16. River Po Navigable: 812 km (river + Delta) 13 Provinces

    474 municipalities Population: 16 millions 141 tributaries 12 ports and landing sites 15 locks (operative) 111 landing points (3 in Piemonte, 39 in Lombardy, 36 in Emilia- Romagna, 33 in Veneto) 45 boats (some of them could carry 300 passengers) 37 houseboats (pontoons and “bateaux mouches”)
  17. Canal Fissero-Tartaro-Canalbianco is a navigable inland route (km 135) for

    boats of 1500-1600 ton. It links Mantova to the Adriatic Sea
  18. International waterway Locarno (CH) - Milano (IT) - Venezia through

    Lake Maggiore, River Ticino, Naviglio Grande, Darsena of Milano, Naviglio Pavese, River Ticino, River Po (Piacenza, Cremona, Ferrara), Delta of Po, (Porto Viro, Chioggia), Venezia International waterway Locarno (CH) - Milano (IT) – Venezia. From Ascona (Switzerland) to Venezia (Adriatic Sea)
  19. “Consorzium Villoresi Est Ticino” is developing a plan related to

    boating from Lake Maggiore to Pavia along the River Ticino and the Canal “Villoresi” c River Ticino. Extension: Km 248 a) Itinerary of the marbles (Duomo), from the Diga of Miorina to the Diga of Porto della Torre b) Itinerary of Miorina, from Sesto Calende to Castelletto Ticino c) Sundays Cruises in Pavia along the River Ticino and River Po River Ticino
  20. River Adda. Extension Km 313 Guided visits: from Brivio, Imbersago,

    Robbiate to Trezzo sull’Adda - Cornate d’Adda Adda Nord Parco Adda Nord RIVER ADDA
  21. Inland routes Guided visits from Pizzighettone to Formigara - Lodi

    - Isola Bella - Corte Palasio RIVER ADDA Parco Adda Sud RIVER ADDA SUD
  22. Summer events: “Moonlight on the river” “Lights and colours at

    the sunset” “The pleasure of the senses” (tasting wines and rural products) Navigation in Mincio’s Valleys: from Rivalta sul Mincio to Grazie (Natural Reserve of Valleys of Mincio) and the Lake Superiore of Mantova River Mincio from Peschiera (Lake of Garda) Navigation from Mantova along the River Mincio to the River Po. Governolo (lock)/ Sacchetta/San Benedetto Po RIVER MINCIO LAKE SUPERIORE
  23. River Oglio. Navigable in the Middle Ages from the Lake

    of Iseo to the River Po Rafting on the River Oglio River Oglio RIVER OGLIO
  24. Public structures for yachting Structures for public transport LAKE MAGGIORE

  25. Lake Maggiore (Verbano) Extension kmq. 212 Lake Maggiore/Verbano is the

    inland waterway link with Central Europe and Lombardy Plain Coastline km 170 Passengers 2012: 3.018.348 Landing stages: 12 Fleet: 35 ships Landing structures LAKE MAGGIORE
  26. Special events on board: ceremonies, business meetings and dinners, congress

    sites Lake Maggiore is famous above all for the “Borromeo Islands: “Isola Madre, Isola dei Pescatori, Isola Bella” Tours (train and boat) with “Trenord” at a special discount on weekends and s u m m e r d a y s ( f r o m Locarno to Domodossola and Milan) LAKE MAGGIORE
  27. Landing structures LAKE OF COMO/ LECCO LECCO COM O Lake

    of Como/Lecco (Lario )
 Extension kmq. 146
 Passengers 2012: 2.636.299 
 Landing stages: 62 
 Fleet: 34
 Special events: ceremonies, business meetings, congresses
 Tours (train and boat) with “Trenord” at a special discount on weekends and summer days

  28. LAKE OF COMO/ LECCO has the most developed system of

    coastlines served by routes on water. The lake achieved an international appeal between the XVIII and XIX Centuries with the “Tourism of élite”.
  29. Lake of Garda (Benaco) Extension kmq. 146 Passengers 2012: 1.873.398

    Landing stages: 27 Fleet: 28 There’s a tour "Girolario with Trenord" (train and boat) at a special discount on weekends and summer days: Riva del Garda / Desenzano / Gardone Riviera Landing structures
  30. Lake of Garda has a mild climate which permits to

    plant mediterranean vegetation (orange, lemmon, olive trees and winegards) It is a very important touristic resort crowded by thousands of visitors mostly foreigners
  31. Lago of Iseo (Sebino) Fleet 14 ships Passengers 2009 1,5

    2009 The Lago of Iseo is the smallest of the great lombard lakes. It is situated between the hills of Franciacorta and the mountains of Val Camonica. In the centre of the lake there’s the greatest lake-island in Europe: Monte Isola There are many night cruises with music on board, tasting wine (Franciacorta) and typical dish of the province of Bergamo

    Extension kmq. 48,7 Passengers 2012: 306.723 Landing stages in Lombardy: 7 Fleet: 8 Landing structures LAKE OF LUGANO LAKE CERESIO
  33. The authority which is responsible for the Inland Lombard navigation

    is: Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità (Settore Navigazione - Regione Lombardia)
  34. LINKS Authorities in charge with the rivers, lakes and canals

    in Lombardy • Direzione Generale Infrastrutture e Mobilità. Struttura Navigazione e Intermodalità www.trasporti.regione.lombardia.it • Agenzia internazionale per il fiume Po, Aipo Lombardia www.agenziainterregionalepo.it • Government management: “Navigazione Laghi” www.navigazionelaghi.it • Unione Navigazione Interna Italiana www.unii.org • Autorità di Bacino del Lago Maggiore www.autoritadibacino.va.it • Autorità di Bacino del Lario e Laghi Minori www.autoritabacinolario.it • Autorità di Bacino del Ceresio www.autoritabacinoceresio.it • Autorità di Bacino del Lago di Garda www.consorziogardaidro.it • Autorità di Bacino del Lago d’Iseo www.navigazionelagoiseo.it • Consorzio Navigare l’Adda www.navigareladda.it • Consorzio di bonifica Est Ticino Villoresi www.etvilloresi.it • Società di Navigazione del Lago di Lugano
  35. “Waters, as well the veins of the human body, bring

    life to the earth. The only thing we can do is just observing how they move” (by Leonardo da Vinci) Many thanks for your attention