ng new my-app ng new my-app --dry-run ng g c my-component ng g s my-service Generate a new app in /my-app Don’t write the files, but report them. Generate a new component. Generate a new service. ng new my-app --ng4 --routing Generate app with routing class included. ng new my-app --style sass ng new my-app --prefix mp Style should use SASS Set the default selector prefix(i.e. mp). Generating directives ng g d my-directive Generate a new directive. Generating interfaces ng g i my-interface Generate a new interface. Generating pipes ng g p my-pipe Generate a new pipe. Build commands ng build Output dev build files. Generating modules ng g module my-module Generate my-module.module.ts. Serving commands ng serve Serve a dev build in memory. Generating classes ng g cl my-class-model Generate a new model class. Generating enums ng g e my-enum Generate a new enum. Generating guards ng g guard auth CanActive guard auth.guard.ts. Common commands --flat Don’t create a /my-component folder. ng serve -o Serve and lanch the browser. ng g d my-directive --flat false Generate a directive in your own folder. ng build --prod Output prod build files. ng g s my-service -m app.module Include the provider service into app.module class. ng g module my-module --routing Generate my-module.module.ts and my-module-routing.module.ts. --inline-template Put the template in the .ts file. --inline-style Put the style in the .ts file. --spec false Don’t create a spec file. Linting ng lint Lint the typescript code. By @yaircarreno with special thanks to @John_Papa and @DeborahKurata.