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django CMS @ DUTH - Exploiting Django for a good cause

django CMS @ DUTH - Exploiting Django for a good cause

Given at Django: Under the Hood 2015 05 November 2015

Video: https://opbeat.com/community/posts/django-cms-and-orm-by-iacopo-spalletti/

Iacopo Spalletti

November 05, 2015

More Decks by Iacopo Spalletti

Other Decks in Programming


  1. HELLO, I AM IACOPO And I keep spamming people about

    django CMS Founder and CTO @NephilaIt django CMS core developer django CMS installer author
  2. DJANGO CMS WHAT'S THAT? A Good Django citizen: handles unstructured

    content using "pages" integrates with other django apps provides features to other applications glues applications together
  3. A BIT OF BACKGROUND Started in 2008 by Divio Derived

    from django-cms-pages it still possible to port contents from cms-pages (see europython website)
  4. A BIT OF BACKGROUND 8 feature releases in 7 years

    2.0 ➔ 3.2 Extremely upgradable Django 1.1 / django CMS 2.1 ➔ Django 1.8 / django CMS 3.2
  5. SOME RAW NUMBERS 14400 LOC 3300 admin 2500 models 1000

    templatetag 100 view 20000 loc tests 57K downloads/month on PyPi
  6. TEMPLATETAGS django CMS relies on templatetags a lot Frontend Editor

    Plugin rendering Placeholder discovery ... Two brief examples
  7. TEMPLATETAGS Discovering placeholders <div class="content">{% placeholder "my-placeholder" %}</div> for node

    in nodelist: # check if this is a placeholder first if isinstance(node, Placeholder): placeholders.append(node.get_name()) elif isinstance(node, IncludeNode): ... placeholders += _scan_placeholders(...) # handle {% extends ... %} tags elif isinstance(node, ExtendsNode): placeholders += _extend_nodelist(node) # in block nodes we have to scan for super blocks elif isinstance(node, VariableNode) and current_block: ... placeholders += _scan_placeholders(...)
  8. TEMPLATETAGS Hijacking the template rendering {% cms_toolbar %} ... def

    render_tag(self, context, name, nodelist): ... toolbar.populate() ... # render everything below the tag # i.e.: *all* the template rendered_contents = nodelist.render(context) ... toolbar.post_template_populate() ... content = render_to_string( 'cms/toolbar/toolbar.html', context ) return '%s\n%s' % (content, rendered_contents)
  9. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ADMIN Frontend editor is a frontend

    wrapper around the Django admin No code changes to use it for own applications
  10. PLUGINS LIFECYLE Starts at PlaceholderAdmin.add_plugin: def add_plugin(self, request): ... plugin

    = CMSPlugin(language=language, plugin_type=plugin_type, position=position, placeholder=placeholder) if parent: plugin.position = CMSPlugin.objects.filter(parent=parent).count() plugin.parent_id = parent.pk plugin.save() self.post_add_plugin(request, placeholder, plugin) ... Called via AJAX
  11. PLUGINS LIFECYLE The standard change_view is called def edit_plugin(self, request,

    plugin_id): ... if not instance: # instance doesn't exist, call add view response = plugin_admin.add_view(request) else: # already saved before, call change view # we actually have the instance here, but since i won't override # change_view method, is better if it will be loaded again, so # just pass id to plugin_admin response = plugin_admin.change_view(request, str(plugin_id)) ... return response Now the plugin data are complete
  12. LIFECYLE RENDERING Plugin list is retrieved qs = get_cmsplugin_queryset(request) qs

    = qs.filter(placeholder__in=placeholders, language=lang) plugins = list(qs.order_by('placeholder', 'path')) ... plugins = downcast_plugins(plugins, non_fallback_phs) plugin_groups = dict((key, list(plugins)) for key, plugins in groupby(plugins, attrgetter('placeholder_id'))) for group in plugin_groups: plugin_groups[group] = build_plugin_tree( plugin_groups[group])
  13. LIFECYLE RENDERING Template and context are provided by the plugin

    class context = plugin.render(context, instance, placeholder_slot) ... if plugin.render_plugin: template = plugin._get_render_template(context, instance, placeholder)
  14. LIFECYLE RENDERING the plugin is rendered if isinstance(template, six.string_types): content

    = render_to_string(template, context) elif (isinstance(template, Template) or (hasattr(template, 'template') and hasattr(template, 'render') and isinstance(template.template, Template))): content = template.render(context)
  15. LIFECYLE RENDERING If it resembles views, it's not by chance

    It also uses PLUGIN_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS and PLUGIN_PROCESSORS (i.e. process_response in MIDDLEWARE ) Each step is heavily cached caching attributes on objects using Django cache
  16. MODELS PAGE/TITLE PUBLICATION draft and live copy of each page

    for each language (i.e.: 2 Page and 2xN Title instances exists for any page) each live/draft contains copy of placeholders which contain copy of plugins
  17. PAGE / TITLE PUBLICATION On language (title) publishing: old live

    title (and plugins) is discarded live title is created as copy of draft draft plugins are copied as live

    PAGE" if self.publisher_public_id: # Ensure we have up to date mptt properties public_page = Page.objects.get(pk=self.publisher_public_id) else: public_page = Page(created_by=self.created_by) ... self._copy_attributes(public_page) # we need to set relate this new public copy to its draft page (self public_page.publisher_public = self public_page.publisher_is_draft = False # Ensure that the page is in the right position and save it self._publisher_save_public(public_page) public_page = public_page.reload()

    THE PUBLIC PAGE old_titles = dict(target.title_set.filter(language=language).values_list( for title in self.title_set.filter(language=language): old_pk = title.pk # this creates a new instance or recycle the old live title.pk = old_titles.pop(title.language, None) title.page = target title.publisher_is_draft = target.publisher_is_draft title.publisher_public_id = old_pk if published: title.publisher_state = PUBLISHER_STATE_DEFAULT else: title.publisher_state = PUBLISHER_STATE_PENDING title.published = published title._publisher_keep_state = True title.save()

    PUBLISHED LANGUAGE for ph in self.get_placeholders(): plugins = ph.get_plugins_list(language) found = False for target_ph in target.placeholders.all(): if target_ph.slot == ph.slot: ph = target_ph found = True break if not found: ph.pk = None # make a new instance ph.save() new_phs.append(ph) if plugins: copy_plugins_to(plugins, ph, no_signals=True)
  21. PLUGIN POLYMORPHISM CMSPlugin is the only "extendable" CMS model Actually

    you have to class MyCMSPlugin(CMSPlugin): title = models.CharField(max_length=255) ... ORM operations on plugins would be very expensive (e.g.: building the list of plugins assigned to a placeholder) Abstract Base class vs. Multi-table inheritance
  22. PLUGIN POLYMORPHISM Polymorphism kicks in Only CMSPlugin model used in

    complex operations: build list of plugins copy plugins reorder plugins ...
  23. PLUGIN POLYMORPHISM DOWNCAST_PLUGINS Before rendering cast from generic to real

    plugins # make a map of plugin types, needed later for downcasting for plugin in queryset: plugin_types_map[plugin.plugin_type].append(plugin.pk) for plugin_type, pks in plugin_types_map.items(): ... # get all the plugins of type cls.model plugin_qs = cls.get_render_queryset().filter(pk__in=pks) # put them in a map to replace base CMSPlugins with downcasted for instance in plugin_qs: plugin_lookup[instance.pk] = instance ... # make the equivalent list of qs, but with downcasted instances return [plugin_lookup.get(plugin.pk, plugin) for plugin in queryset]
  24. PLUGIN POLYMORPHISM COPY_PLUGIN Copying a plugin it's a catch 22

    issue tree information created on save saving a plugin blocked by required fields in concrete model
  25. COPY_PLUGIN QUESTION How to clone the model-specific data of a

    model without knowing its structure *and* let mptt/treebeard create tree data?
  26. COPY_PLUGIN 1. create a generic instance 2. save it (tree

    data are set) # get the "real" plugin plugin_instance, cls = self.get_plugin_instance() # set up some basic attributes on the new_plugin new_plugin = CMSPlugin() new_plugin.placeholder = target_placeholder parent_cache[self.pk] = new_plugin if self.parent: parent = parent_cache[self.parent_id] parent = CMSPlugin.objects.get(pk=parent.pk) new_plugin.parent_id = parent.pk new_plugin.parent = parent new_plugin.language = target_language new_plugin.plugin_type = self.plugin_type # This triggers the tree setup for the "generic" plugin new_plugin.save()
  27. COPY_PLUGIN Swap the plugin model to the concrete type after

    that if plugin_instance: # get a new instance so references do not get mixed up plugin_instance = plugin_instance.__class__.objects.get( pk=plugin_instance.pk ) plugin_instance.placeholder = target_placeholder # assign the pk of the generic plugin plugin_instance.pk = new_plugin.pk plugin_instance.id = new_plugin.pk # this is the OneToOne field plugin_instance.cmsplugin_ptr = new_plugin plugin_instance.language = target_language # tree information saved before plugin_instance.parent = new_plugin.parent plugin_instance.depth = new_plugin.depth plugin_instance.path = new_plugin.path

    way to integrate Django apps in the CMS tree
  29. APPHOOKS 1. Add an apphook to the page 2. The

    Apphook urls is injected in the global urlconf 3. magic happens
  30. APPHOOKS heavylift in cms/appresolver.py#L215-L245 for page_id in hooked_applications.keys(): resolver =

    None for lang in hooked_applications[page_id].keys(): (app_ns, inst_ns), current_patterns, app = hooked_applications[pag if not resolver: resolver = AppRegexURLResolver(r'', 'app_resolver', app_name=a resolver.page_id = page_id if app.permissions: _set_permissions(current_patterns, app.exclude_permissions) resolver.url_patterns_dict[lang] = current_patterns app_patterns.append(resolver) APP_RESOLVERS.append(resolver) return app_patterns
  31. APPHOOKS 1. get the apphooks for lang in hooked_applications[page_id].keys(): (app_ns,

    inst_ns), current_patterns, app =\ hooked_applications[page_id][lang]
  32. APPHOOKS 2. creates a custom resolver w/ apphook urls 3.

    attach resolver to the page url (app_ns, inst_ns), current_patterns, app = hooked_applications[page_id][la if not resolver: resolver = AppRegexURLResolver( r'', 'app_resolver', app_name=app_ns, namespace=inst_ns ) resolver.page_id = page_id if app.permissions: _set_permissions(current_patterns, app.exclude_permissions) resolver.url_patterns_dict[lang] = current_patterns
  33. APPHOOKS 4. the apphooks resolvers are loaded into urlconf if

    apphook_pool.get_apphooks(): urlpatterns = get_app_patterns() else: urlpatterns = [] urlpatterns.extend([ url(regexp, details, name='pages-details-by-slug'), url(r'^$', details, {'slug': ''}, name='pages-root'), ]
  34. IMPROVEMENT IN 3.1 NAMESPACES CONFIGURATION (via aldryn-apphooks-config) Detects current namespace

    Loads a model related to the namespace Attach the model to the current view
  35. NAMESPACE CONFIGURATION def get_app_instance(request): ... with override(get_language_from_request(request, check_path=True namespace =

    resolve(request.path_info).namespace config = app.get_config(namespace) ... def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): self.namespace, self.config = get_app_instance(request)
  36. NAMESPACE CONFIGURATION Example usage class PostListView(AppConfigMixin, ListView): model = Post

    def get_template_names(self): template_path = self.config.template_prefix \ or 'djangocms_blog' return os.path.join(template_path, self.base_template_name) def get_paginate_by(self, queryset): return self.config.paginate_by or\ get_setting('PAGINATION')
  37. IMPROVEMENT IN 3.2 URLCONF RELOAD Into core Uses a middleware

    1 DB hit per request Clears the urlconf modules and reload apphook patterns
  38. URLCONF RELOAD if 'cms.urls' in sys.modules: reload(sys.modules['cms.urls']) if urlconf is

    None: urlconf = settings.ROOT_URLCONF if urlconf in sys.modules: reload(sys.modules[urlconf]) clear_app_resolvers() clear_url_caches() get_app_patterns() if new_revision is not None: set_local_revision(new_revision)
  39. BONUS INSTANCE AUTO SETUP (via djangocms-apphook-setup) Auto creation of a

    page and apphook during projects startup 1 hit per project start
  40. AUTO SETUP Sample Apphook with namespace configuration auto setup configuration

    class BlogApp(AutoCMSAppMixin, CMSConfigApp): name = _('Blog') urls = ['djangocms_blog.urls'] app_name = 'djangocms_blog' app_config = BlogConfig auto_setup = { ... 'page title': get_setting('AUTO_BLOG_TITLE'), 'namespace': get_setting('AUTO_NAMESPACE'), 'config_fields': {...}, 'config_translated_fields': {...}, } apphook_pool.register(BlogApp) BlogApp.setup()