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Swift Generic Protocol

Swift Generic Protocol

Yuta Kawabe

December 06, 2017

More Decks by Yuta Kawabe

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  1. Genericͱ͍͑͹ class΍struct, funcʹtype parameterΛ͚ͭΔ class SomeClass<T: Int> { var someProperty:

    [T] = [] func someFunction<S>(arg0: T, arg1: S) { print(arg0, arg1) } } let c = SomeClass<Int>() // func ͷ৔߹type parameterΛ໌ࣔ͠ͳ͍ c.someFunction(arg0: 0, arg1: "hello")
  2. protocol΋ಉ༷ʹ…ʁ ͖ͬͱ͜Μͳײ͡Ͱ͠ΐʁ protocol SomeProtocol<T: Int> { var someProperty: [T] =

    [] func someFunction<S>(arg0: T, arg1: S) } var p: SomeProtocol<Int>
  3. Self ద߹͢ΔΫϥεʹͳΔ classͰ΋࢖͑Δ(ܧঝ͢Δͱ͖ͱ͔) protocol HasSelfProtocol { func returnSelf() -> Self

    } class AdoptHasSelfClass: HasSelfProtocol { func returnSelf() -> Self { return self } } var hasSelfProtocol: HasSelfProtocol = AdoptHasSelfClass()
  4. associatedtype ೚ҙͷܕΛએݴͰ͖Δ protocol AssociatedTypeProtocol { associatedtype T var someProperty: T

    { set get } func someFunction() -> T } class AdoptAssociatedTypeClass: AssociatedTypeProtocol { typealias T = Int // ແͯ͘΋Α͍ var someProperty: Int = 0 func someFunction() -> Int { return someProperty } }
  5. Type Erasureͱ͍͏ղܾࡦ ϓϩτίϧΛ࣮ࡍͷܕʹద༻ struct AnyAssociatedType<A: AssociatedTypeProtocol>: AssociatedTypeProtocol { typealias T

    = A.T var someProperty: T private let _someFunction: () -> T func someFunction() -> T { return _someFunction() } init<Inner: AssociatedTypeProtocol>(_ inner: Inner) where T == Inner.T { self.someProperty = inner.someProperty self._someFunction = inner.someFunction } } var associatedTypeProtocol: AnyAssociatedType<AdoptAssociatedTypeClass> = AnyAssociatedType(AdoptAssociatedTypeClass())
  6. ݁ہͲ͏΍ͬͨͷʁ ͳΜ͔Ϋϥε࡞Γ·ͨ͠ protocol BaseViewWireframe: class { associatedtype SomeView: UIView weak

    var view: SomeView? { get set } static func assembleModule(vc: UIViewController) -> SomeView } class HogeWireframe: BaseViewWireframe { weak var view: HogeViewImpl? class func assembleModule(vc: UIViewController) -> HogeViewImpl { return HogeViewImpl() } }