The slides describe the next generation standard and emerging trends in the video technology industry including topics on encoding, XR/AI-driven production, and connected TVs, and so on.
3Q, Axello, Nanocosmos, BENOCS, CompiraLabs, Ceeblue, NPAW • ミッション ◦ The CDN Alliance is an independent nonprofit organization with the goal to connect, support, and represent the global CDN Industry and CDN Community.
ツに相当ハマっている • 海賊版を視聴するユーザーの動機は ◦ 価格 ◦ 品質 ◦ 手に入りやすさ ◦ 使いやすさ ※ Global Online Piracy Study by IViR (Institute for Information Law) at University of Amsterdam
Information File) ◦ mABR Multicast Gateway Configuration Instance Document - IP マルチキャストセッション情報 ◦ 映像をサテライト、音声を OTT なども可能 • SIF (Service Information File) ◦ DVB-I Service List Entry Points - 利用できる DVB-I Service Lists の一覧 ◦ DVB-I Service Lists - サービス自体の一覧