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kissyteam infrastructure

October 26, 2014

kissyteam infrastructure

develop front-end library using node tools


October 26, 2014

More Decks by yiminghe

Other Decks in Technology


  1. About me • F2E @ Taobao: 承玉 • Code @

    github: http://github.com/yiminghe • Blog @ http://yiminghe.me • Mail: yiminghe@gmail.com • 2010 年加入 淘宝 • KISSY 核心开发者 @ http://kissyui.com
  2. • A Powerful Javascript Framework From Alibaba 自主开发 跨终端 使用简单

    (KISS) 模块化 接口一致 组件齐全 高扩展性
  3. Programming tool A programming tool or software development tool is

    a computer program that software developers use to create, debug, maintain, or otherwise support other programs and applications. The term usually refers to relatively simple programs, that can be combined together to accomplish a task, much as one might use multiple hand tools to fix a physical object. The ability to use a variety of tools productively is one hallmark of a skilled software engineer. - wiki
  4. Common tools • Source code editor: vim vs emacs, intellij

    IDEA … • Compiler/interpreter: gcc g++ javac python … • Build tools: make ant rake … • version control, scaffold, debugger, profiler, code coverage, code analysis, unit testing, documentation generators
  5. Front end tools • 2003 none <html> <head> <style> p

    { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <p>taobao.com</p> <script src='base.js'></script> <script> alert('taobao'); </script> </body> </html>
  6. Front end tools • 2014 <html> <head> <script src='http://g.tbcdn.cn/??seed.js,app.js'></script> <link

    rel="stylesheet" href="http://g.tbcdn.cn/??global.css,app.css"> <script>KISSY.use("fp/index-e");</script> </head> <body> <p>taobao.com</p> </body> </html>
  7. Powered by nodejs • Version control: git (gitlab/github) • Scaffold:

    yeoman • Javascript: coffee, uglify, jscover(coverage), jshint, concat(module) • Template: precompile • Css: less, cssmin • Build: grunt/gulp, livereload • Package manage: bower, npm • Test: phantomjs, travis-ci • Dev server: koa/express
  8. infrastructure • Javascript: jscover(jar) closure-compiler(jar) • Css: less(nodejs), yui compressor(jar)

    • Docs: sphinx(python), jsduck(ruby) • Build: ant(xml, java) • Dev server: express(nodejs) • Test: phantomjs travis-ci
  9. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it

    lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
  10. • docs • scaffold • Dev server • Gulp •

    Lint / concat / less / template precompile • Test • Coverage • Phantomjs & travis-ci • Git precommit hooks
  11. • commonjs source format • Support nodejs natively • Build

    for browser • Build to native javascript • Build to module loaded by browser loader // 源码 var dep = require('./mod'); module.exports = function(){ return dep + 1; }; // build for browser define('main', ['./mod'], function(require, exports, module){ var dep = require('./mod'); module.exports = function(){ return dep + 1; }; });
  12. Dev server • middleware • Serve static files • modularize

    on the fly (modulex) • instrument on the fly (node-jscover)
  13. Dev server • Modularize on the fly • http://localhost:8888/lib/main.js //

    源码 var dep = require('./mod'); module.exports = function(){ return dep + 1; }; // Modularize on the fly define(function(require, exports, module){ var dep = require('./mod'); module.exports = function(){ return dep + 1; }; });
  14. Dev server • instrument on the fly(coverage) • http://localhost:8888/lib/main-coverage.js //

    源码 var dep = require('./mod'); module.exports = function(){ return dep + 1; }; // instrumented _$jscoverage['lib/main.js'].lineData[1]++; define(function(require, exports, module) { _$jscoverage['lib/main.js'].lineData[3]++; var dep = require('./mod'); _$jscoverage['lib/main.js'].lineData[4]++; module.exports = function() { _$jscoverage['lib/main.js'].lineData[5]++; return dep + 1; }; });
  15. build • gulp • The streaming build system gulp.task('main', ['dep'],

    function(){ gulp.src(src) .pipe(process1(config)) .pipe(process2(config)) .pipe(gulp.dest(build)); });
  16. build • Lint/style • A Static Code Analysis Tool for

    JavaScript • Jshint • jscs gulp.src(['./lib/**/*.js']) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter(stylish)) .pipe(jshint.reporter('fail')) .pipe(jscs());
  17. build • css • Processor • less The dynamic stylesheet

    language • Minify • gulp-minify-css gulp.task('less', function () { var less = require('gulp-less'); return gulp.src('lib/date-picker/assets/dpl.less') .pipe(less({ paths: [path.join(__dirname, 'bower_components')] })) .pipe(rename('dpl-debug.css')) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/date-picker/assets/')) .pipe(rename('dpl.css')) .pipe(minifyCSS({keepBreaks: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/date-picker/assets/')); });
  18. build • Javascript • gulp-modulex (concat) • kclean (demodularize) •

    Uglify (compress) • Template • precompile gulp.task('build-js', function() { return gulp.src('./lib/main.js') .pipe(modulex({ packages: {} })) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/')) .pipe(kclean()) .pipe(gulp.dest('build/')); });
  19. build • gulp-modulex // dep.js module.exports = 1; // main.js

    var depValue = require('./dep'); module.exports = depValue + 1; // main.js (concated) define('dep',[],function(require,exports,module){ module.exports = 1; }); define('main',['./dep'],function(require,exports,module){ var depValue = require('./dep'); module.exports = depValue + 1; });
  20. build • kclean // main.js (concated) define('dep',[],function(require,exports,module){ module.exports = 1;

    }); define('main',['./dep'],function(require,exports,module){ var depValue = require('./dep'); module.exports = depValue + 1; }); // main.js (cleaned) define('main',[],function(require,exports,module){ var dep = (function(){ return 1; })(); var depValue = dep; module.exports = depValue + 1; });
  21. build • Precompile template • gulp-xtemplate gulp.task('xtpl', function () {

    var gulpXTemplate = require('gulp-xtemplate'); var XTemplate = require('xtemplate'); return gulp.src('lib/**/*.xtpl') .pipe(gulpXTemplate({ wrap: false, runtime: 'xtemplate/runtime', suffix: ' .xtpl', XTemplate: XTemplate })) .pipe(gulp.dest('lib')); }); // tpl.xtpl {{count}} items // compiled from tpl.xtpl module.exports = function(data){ return data.count + ' items'; };
  22. Precommit hook • Git hooks • precommit-hook @ npm //

    package.json { "precommit": [ "lint" ], "scripts": { "lint": "gulp lint" } }
  23. Package manager • npm / bower • native support npm:

    npm install xtemplate • through github: Bower install xtemplate
  24. Package manager • Semantic version // bower.json of kissyteam/node {

    "dependencies": { "modulex": "*", "modulex-dom": "modulex-dom#1.x", "modulex-anim": "modulex-anim#1.x", "modulex-util": "modulex-util#1.x", "modulex-event-dom": "modulex-event-dom#1.x" } }
  25. Package manager • Published kissy • Fixed version of modules

    // bower.json of kissyteam/kissy { "dependencies": { ... "modulex-color":"1.0.2", "modulex-combobox":"1.0.1", "modulex-component":"1.0.3", "modulex-css":"1.0.1", "modulex-date-picker":"1.0.1", "modulex-dd":"1.0.1", "modulex-dom":"1.0.2", "modulex-editor":"1.0.1", ... } }