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A/B testing for optimising a page with 12 milli...

April 25, 2024

A/B testing for optimising a page with 12 million monthly visits

In this talk, as the homepage owner of Vodafone.co.uk, with monthly 12 million visits have the privilege to work on multiple, I will share the learning from A/B testing carried out and go in more deeper how to design the case, ideation till the outcome to share some interesting insights around personalisation, animation


April 25, 2024


  1. A/B testing for optimising a page with 12 million monthly

    visits Ying Wang Vodafone UK Speakerdeck.com/YingWang @yingwang_yw
  2. C2 General 25 April 2024 8 12M visits Helps reduce

    risk and seize the optimisation opportunities x 0.1% CTR =12K Hypothetical
  3. C2 General The stages of A/B testing Planning 01 02

    03 04 Objective 05 06 07 Insight Hypothesis KPIs Traffic split Audience Timing
  4. C2 General Hero Banner: static banner vs animated banner A/B

    testing 25 April 2024 14 Version B with Animated imagery Version A with static imagery A B
  5. C2 General Static banner vs animated banner test for Samsung

    new product launch Version B with Animated imagery Version A with static imagery A B
  6. C2 General OBJECTIVE Adding animation during Samsung's New Product Launch

    to highlight and bring to life the new Samsung handsets’ feature (examine if animation is more captivating to customers) Planning the animation A/B testing
  7. C2 General HYPOTHESIS Animation version banner will help draw our

    customers’ attention, boost engagement rates and enhance the overall user experience, resulting in more clicks and conversions Planning the animation A/B testing
  8. C2 General IMPLEMENTATION Split our traffic base 50/50 so half

    of the audience see static version and the other half see the animated version Planning the animation A/B testing
  9. C2 General Animation had a significant impact across Vodafone traffic

    base overall OUTCOME CTR 1.3% CVR(mobile) 5.2% HYPOTHESIS PROVEN
  10. C2 General CONCLUSION To draw attention to important content, add

    visual interest by creating a more polished and sleek animation of Samsung's top range model Animation helps enhance UX, making the site more engaging and dynamic
  11. C2 General Different users responded to animation differently, depending on

    campaign phases and user journeys Buy Now Audience CTR /CVR Pre-order Acquisition Customers Phase Outcome Retention Customers CTR /CVR
  12. C2 General 25 April 2024 24 Animated 11/12-18/12 (9 days)

    Static 28/11-10/12 (13 days) CTR 3.34% CTR 4.18% CTR 0.95% CTR 0.95% Demand Generation: Christmas animation Acquisition Audience Existing Audience
  13. C2 General 25 April 2024 26 Brand Awareness: animation implementation

    Mobile UI look & feel Laptop UI look & feel
  14. C2 General Building brand awareness with animation . Animated video

    is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness CONCLUSION
  15. C2 General 29 Vodafone UK Homepage Vodafone Turkey app Vodafone

    Turkey takes inspiration from UK website
  16. C2 General 25 April 2024 31 Use guidelines, but stay

    open-minded Page Speed Ranking, Keywords Core Web Vitals Stay Open Minded
  17. C2 General Savings Messaging: A/B test Version B with multiple

    saving shouts Version A with single saving shout
  18. C2 General OBJECTIVE Comparing how different ways of phrasing our

    message can drive better awareness and higher CTR Savings Messaging: test planning
  19. C2 General HYPOTHESIS Customers want to save more – more

    saving details will drive better clicks and conversions Savings Messaging: test planning
  20. C2 General IMPLEMENTATION Acquisition Audience split: 50% Version A vs

    50% Version B Savings Messaging: test planning
  21. C2 General Customers appreciate simpler messaging 25 April 2024 38

    OUTCOME CTR 31.4% CVR 3.2% Version A with single saving messaging
  22. C2 General . 25 April 2024 39 . Audience spent

    less time on monthly price messaging before clicking through Version A with single saving shout Version B with multiple saving shouts Spent 33.5s to click through on Version A Spent 31s to click through on Version B
  23. C2 General CONCLUSION Customers are sensitive to clear saving messaging;

    they seem to react less positively to multiple financial savings call-outs in a single piece of copy Clear, concise marketing works best
  24. C2 General Monthly Price vs Overall Savings: A/B test Version

    B with Monthly Saving Headline Version A with Overall Saving Headline Ver. C with Overall Saving Headline Monthly saving sub-copy Control A B C
  25. C2 General Monthly price drives better engagement 25 April 2024

    42 CTR 131.41% Version B with Monthly price headline OUTCOME
  26. C2 General CONCLUSION A clear increase in CTR through the

    hero banner; variant B backed up the hypothesis that monthly price messaging drives better engagement Customers appreciate clearer messaging
  27. C2 General Black Friday: countdown timer/double CTA test 25 April

    2024 A B Version A without countdown timer Version B with countdown timer
  28. C2 General OBJECTIVE Test countdown timer during BF period to

    help create a sense of urgency – gives users greater confidence in future seasonal offerings Black Friday: A/B test planning
  29. C2 General CONCLUSION For the two separate CTAs there was

    a marked difference in CTR – BF-specific CTA demonstrates countdown timer can help the site and encourage clicks, but when and how to use it is the key. Timing is key for countdown timer
  30. C2 General 25 April 2024 49 Summary Key Takeaways A/B

    Testing Basics Animation Best practice as guidance Less is more NO single strategy fits all Learn from each experience